Race against other players as you try to build the most efficient set of factories in the shortest amount of time. You must carefully manage your blueprints, train your workers, and manufacture as many goods as possible in order to achieve industrial dominance!

- 28 dice
- 50 energy tokens
- 30 metal tokens
- 45 goods tokens
- 40 goods tokens
- 4 tool label tokens
- 78 blueprint cards
- 18 contractor cards
- 1 first player token
- 5 player boards
- 5 player aid cards
- Rulebook
Terminology: Dice represent the workers in your factories. Throughout these rules, the terms "worker" and "workers" are synonymous with "die" and "dice".
The player who held a tool most recently receives the first player token. Shuffle the blueprint and contractor decks separately.
To start the game, each player chooses a color (not white) and begins with:
- 4 dice matching their player color
- A player board ("Research" / "Mine" / "Generate")
- A player aid card ("Legend" on one side and "Each Round" on the other side)
- 1 metal resource and 2 energy resources
- 4 random blueprint cards
The area of the table in front of each player is their compound where they will build factories throughout the game. Players may look at their hand but should keep it hidden from others.
Deal 4 blueprints and 4 contractors face up onto the table (see diagram). Place a tool label token above each face-up contractor card. The order of the tools does not matter but must remain the same for the rest of the game.
These 8 revealed cards form the marketplace. Place the metal, energy, goods tokens and white dice (used when extra dice are needed beyond your 4 colored dice) in the center of the table within reach of all players to form the supply.
Unlimited Supply: There is no limit to the number of resources and dice available to players. If the supply runs out, use some other means to keep track.
Recommended Game Setup

Object of the Game

The goal is to earn as many points as possible. Points can be earned in two ways: prestige and goods. Each building in your compound is worth the prestige value printed on its top right corner.
Additionally, production factories can manufacture goods (crate symbol) that you can accumulate throughout the game. Your total score is the number of goods you have + your total prestige.
Game Play
Each round consists of two phases. During the market phase, players take turns drafting a card from the marketplace.
After all players have drafted, the work phase begins. During the work phase, all players simultaneously roll their dice, place their dice as workers, and build factories.
Market Phase
In the market phase players take turns in order, starting with the player with the first player token and then continuing clockwise. On your turn you must choose one of two options:
Gain a blueprint card. Choose 1 of the 4 blueprints in the marketplace and put it in your hand for free. Refill the marketplace with the top card from the blueprint deck.
Tip: When choosing a blueprint card, look for cards you are interested in building or cards that have the same tool symbol (
) as a card in your hand that you want to build. (See "Building Cards" in the "Work Phase" section for more information).
Hire a contractor. Choose 1 of the 4 contractors in the marketplace to hire. In order to hire a contractor you must discard a blueprint from your hand with the same tool symbol as the token above the contractor.
Execute the instructions written on the contractor card then immediately discard it. Refill the marketplace with the top card from the contractor deck.
Some contractors will have an additional cost beyond discarding a blueprint. When applicable, this additional cost is shown on the top left corner of the card.
Optional action: Before choosing a blueprint or contractor, the active player may pay 1 metal OR 1 energy resource to discard either all the blueprints or all the contractors (but not both) in the marketplace and reveal 4 new cards from the corresponding deck.
Each player can do this once per turn. This can be useful if you don't like any of the choices or want to eliminate cards that may be important to other players.
Once all players have taken a turn, the work phase begins.
Work Phase
During the work phase, all players take their turns simultaneously. However, if there are any players learning the rules for the first time, we recommend taking turns one at a time for the first round or two.
The work phase begins with everyone picking up their dice and rolling them. Players then (in any order) build cards, place workers, and activate buildings.
Building Cards

To build a card in your hand, you must pay the build cost as indicated on the top left corner: Discard another blueprint card with the same tool symbol () from your hand and also pay the indicated resource cost (metal
and/or energy
Important: There is no limit to how many times you may build in one turn as long as you can pay all the build costs.
However, you cannot build a second copy of a card with the same name unless the card text says otherwise.
Basic Actions
Each player has a player board with three basic actions available: Research, Mine, and Generate. To use one of these basic actions, place a worker in an available slot on your board and immediately execute that action, as described below.
For each worker you place on Research , draw one card from the top of the blueprint deck. Any value worker may be used, and the value of the worker does not matter.
Drawing Cards: Whenever you draw a card during the work phase for any reason, you must draw from the top of the deck. You are not allowed to draw a card from the marketplace.
If any deck runs out of cards. Shuffle the discard pile to refill the deck.
For each worker you place on Mine, you take 1 metal resource from the supply. The value of the worker must be 4, 5, or 6.
For each worker you place on Generate, you take resources equal to the value of the worker (i.e. the number on the die face). The value of the worker must be 1, 2, or 3.
Note: Mine and Generate produce resources in different quantities! Mine will only produce 1 metal resource per worker while Generate may produce multiple energy resources per worker depending on the value used.

Matching Bonus
With the basic actions, if the worker you are placing matches another placed worker on the same basic action, you gain an extra card or resource for that action.
If all three of your placed workers match, the bonus is two extra. The dice do not have to be placed all at the same time in order to get the matching bonus.
Activating Cards
Once you've built a card into your compound, you may activate it - even on the same turn, you built it. The recipe for activating a card is printed on the lower portion of the card using symbols.
If you pay everything on the left side of the arrow then you gain everything on the right side in return. You can refer to the Legend player aid card to see what each symbol means.
Activation Limit: Each card can only be activated once per turn. If the card has no worker slots, sometimes it can be unclear whether the card has already been activated.
You can choose to indicate a card has been activated by pushing the card up slightly from the other cards in your compound.
Worker Placement: You cannot use the same worker for multiple actions. Each worker can only be used once per turn. At the end of the work phase, leave your workers placed on the cards so other players can see you are finished and also how you played your turn.
Activation Order: Cards can be activated in any order as long as you can meet the activation requirements. The output is gained immediately, which can help you activate other cards or build more cards.
Accumulating Goods: Goods that you earn should be placed on the card that manufactured them. This allows players to see which factories are being utilized.
Ending The Work Phase
Once all players have placed all their workers and completed all their actions, they must discard down to 12 total resources (metal and energy resources combined) and 10 cards in hand.
The work phase is now complete. Pass the first player token to the next player clockwise and a new round starts again with the market phase.
End of the Game
Once any player has manufactured 12 or more goods or has built 10 or more buildings in their compound, the game end is triggered.
Players finish the current round and then one more round is played (market phase + work phase). A reminder of the end condition is printed on the player aid card:

Important Note: Ending the game with 12 or more goods refers only to the goods tokens that have been manufactured. This does not include the prestige value of buildings.

Once the game ends, players add together the number of goods they manufactured plus the amount of prestige on the buildings within their compound as their final score. The player with the highest score is the winner!
In the event of a tie, the tiebreaker is determined first by the player with the most metal resources, then by energy resources, and finally blueprints in hand.
If there is still a tie, the tied players rejoice in their shared victory.
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