The basic rules remain unchanged, but are augmented with the following rules:
Both players are building warehouses of two colors.
Each player selects her main player color and a second "neutral" color. They still have one ship each in their main color only.
On each payday only the player holding the first rank for majority will be paid money. When checking for majority, neutral houses are counted as well, but no money is paid for them.
For largest number of warehouses in a city, money for first rank of majority is paid only if the largest number of warehouses is of the main color of the player.
Each phase both players take six warehouses and one fortress of their main color and two warehouses of their neutral color.
The remaining warehouses and fortresses are put aside as a common pool.
Example: Player A takes red and green warehouses, player B takes yellow and blue ones.

The younger player is starting player. She takes the "El Capitan" token and places it in front of herself.
Build a Warehouse
As long as a player still has warehouses in front of herself on the table, the number of warehouses of her main color always must be larger than the number of warehouses of her neutral color.
Warehouses (6 + 2) of player A at the beginning of the game:

Player A may build a red or a green warehouse.
Warehouses (3 + 2) of player A at a later state of the game:

Player A must build a green warehouse as his next one. If you build a red one then you will have 2 red and 2 green and you can't have an equal amount.
It is not allowed to have the same number of red (main color) and green (neutral color) warehouses (this would be the case if player would build a red warehouse).

Now player A may build a red or a green warehouse.

In this situation player A must build his last green warehouse.
A player may not have more than three warehouses of her main color in a row (this applies to building and re-opening) and may not have more than four warehouses of her main and neutral color in a row (again this applies to building and re-opening).
She may only build a further warehouse in this city after the other player has built one of her warehouses there.
A phase ends when one player has built all her warehouses and fortresses of her main color and all her warehouses of her neutral color which before were standing in front of her on the table.
If this was the starting player, the other player still takes one turn. Then they proceed to payday.
Only the warehouses of the two main colors are counted when checking for proliferation.
Proliferation Bonus
Also when checking for proliferation bonus cards only the warehouses of the two main colors are counted.
Only the color of the most warehouses is taken into account.
If this is the main (first) color of one of the players, that player is paid the amount of money as shown on the next free (adjacent) space.

Example 1: Red is the main color of player A and yellow the main color of player B.
Player A has built a warehouse with his neutral color green and player B has built a warehouse with his main color yellow. The green warehouse was built before the yellow one, so green has first rank for majority.
On a payday nobody receives any money, because green is only the neutral color of Player A.

Example 2: Red is the main color of player A and green his neutral color.
As shown in this example player A has built both warehouses in this city. If it is payday now she still receives no money, because the first rank green is her neutral color only
After a Payday
Starting Player of the next Phase
The player with less money after the money check decides if she herself will be the starting player of the next game phase or the other player.
New Warehouses and Fortresses
Each player takes six new warehouses and one new fortress of her main color from the common pool and two new warehouses of her neutral color, adding them to any still standing in front of her on the table.
End of the Game
The game ends after the third game phase, when one player has built all her warehouses and fortresses. If this was the starting player, the other player still takes one turn.
The player owning the most money is the winner of the game.
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