- 120 pictures on double-sided cards
- 6 score notepads
- card cover
- 1 10-sided die
- 6 pencils
- hourglass
- rulebook.
Object of the Game
To accumulate the largest number of points by:
- Accurately drawing scenes as they are described by the Portrayer.
- Precisely describing scenes to Artists who attempt to draw them.

Each player rolls the 10-sided die. The player that rolls the highest number is the first Portrayer. All players other than the Portrayer are Artists for the first round.
Each player should have a writing utensil and a supply of blank canvases.
Game Play
The Portrayer selects a scene card and inserts it into the concealment folder such that the scene is visible. The Portrayer is not allowed to read the criteria on the card at this time. The Portrayer should be careful not to allow any of the Artists to see the scene on the card.

The Portrayer rolls the die to establish which of the ten criteria will be the golden criterion. The Artists should circle the number below the checkbox on their canvas corresponding to the golden criterion.
The Portrayer should announce the title of the scene.
Play begins when the timer is started. The Portrayer has 90 seconds to describe the scene to the Artists.
Describing & Drawing the Scene
The Portrayer's goal is to describe the scene on the card as quickly and as clearly as possible so that the Artists may accurately draw it. The Portrayer may use any vocabulary he or she wishes to describe the scene.

However, the Portrayer may not look at any of the artists' drawings while they are being drawn. The Portrayer may not use gestures.
The Artists's goal is to accurately draw the scene based on the Portrayer's description. At no time while the Portrayer is describing the scene may an Artist speak, or in any way communicate, with the Portrayer or another Artist. No asking questions!
When time runs out, all Artists must stop drawing and the Portrayer may no longer provide details about the scene.
Tips for Portrayers: Describe the scene as quickly as possible. Describe the relative locations, sizes, and numbers of objects and details in the scene.
Tips for artists: Beware of drawing too small. Draw stick figures when possible to save time. You don't have to be da Vinci to do well at Duplik!

Evaluating The Scene
All Artists should pass their canvas to a neighboring Artist. The Portrayer decides if passing should be to the right or left. At this point, the Artists are considered Evaluators. No Evaluator should be left with his or her own canvas. The canvases should be placed on the table in front of the Evaluators.
The Portrayer should read aloud the criterion number and associated criterion. Each criterion will describe a specific detail of the original scene. The Evaluators must judge if the criterion is satisfied by the drawing they are examining.
If so, the Evaluator should mark the "YES" checkbox. If the criterion is not met, the Evaluator should mark the "NO" checkbox.
After reading each criterion, the Portrayer should ask if any of the Artists received a point for that criterion. If so, the Portrayer should mark the "YES" checkbox at the bottom of his or her canvas sheet. If not, he or she should mark the "NO" checkbox.
Note: It may be helpful if Artists pay attention to the judging of the canvas they drew in addition to evaluating the canvas given to them.
This way, if an Evaluator denies the point for a criterion, the Artist can immediately object if he or she believes that their drawing satisfies the criterion.
At no time during Evaluation may anyone other than the Portrayer examine the original scene or the corresponding criteria. The Portrayer may not attempt to clarify a criterion if there is uncertainty among Evaluators.

Artists receive three points if their drawing satisfies the golden criterion. Every other criterion satisfied is worth one point.
The Portrayer receives one point for each criterion that at least one Artist satisfied. If more than one Artist satisfies a criterion, the Portrayer still receives only one point. Also, the Portrayer receives one point if the golden criterion is met, not three.
When all criteria have been read, and if there are no disputes, each Evaluator should enter the total number of points received in the appropriate blank on the canvas. The Portrayer should enter his or her total as well.
End of the Round
After all point totals have been recorded for the round, players may examine the original scene. It is fun to place all canvases where all players can see them. The resulting "art show" may generate quite a few laughs.
Each Artist should take back his or her canvas and hold on to it until the end of the game. The person to the left of the current Portrayer becomes the new Portrayer.
Settling Disputes
If an Evaluator is uncertain whether the canvas he or she is evaluating satisfies a particular criterion, or if an Artist feels he or she should be awarded a point but was not, the canvas should be presented to the other Evaluators so that the matter may be discussed. T
he Portrayer is NOT allowed to participate in the discussion; however, they are allowed to reread the current or any previous criterion as often as necessary. The Portrayer may not read criterion that has not yet been presented until the dispute is settled and all points have been awarded for the current criterion.
The Portrayer is NOT allowed to show the original scene to the Evaluators until all criteria have been judged. The final determination of whether to award or deny a point should be settled by a simple majority vote.
The Portrayer is the only player NOT allowed to vote. In the event of a tie, the criterion is considered met and the point is awarded. All disputes regarding scoring should be addressed in this manner and must be settled before the next round may begin.
Once a new round has begun, points awarded during previous rounds may not be altered.
End of the Game
The game is over when all players have acted as Portrayer exactly once. For a longer game, have each player act as Portrayer two or three times. This should be decided on before starting the game.
Players should add the totals on all of their canvases together. Players should not forget to add the points they earned as Portrayer. The player with the most points is the winner.
Important Reminders
All players should have equal opportunities to act as Portrayer during a game.
During the description of a scene, Artists are NOT allowed to speak or show their drawings to any other player.
During the evaluation of a scene, only the Portrayer is allowed to read the criteria and look at the original scene.
For each criterion, if one or more Artists receive a point, then the Portrayer receives exactly one point.
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