When you take a decor card from the game board, you place its corresponding token on one of your rooms.
You must place the token on a room that does not already have a decor token and matches the room type indicated on the decor card, and then discard the card. When a decor token is placed on a room card, that room is finished and cannot be expanded further.
A room (meaning the entire room, which could be a single room card or possibly multiple cards side-by-side) can have at most one decor token. A decor token cannot be placed on an empty room (a facedown room card).
The treehouse and birdhouse are special decor items. When either of these decor cards is taken, the player takes the corresponding token and places it near his home board. It is possible to own both the treehouse and the birdhouse.
Helpers are used at the end of the game during scoring. (The exception to this is the Interior Designer , who also assists you during the game). This section explains each helper card's effect in more detail.

Roofer: At the end of the game, you may select one roof card which was discarded during the game and add it to your stack of roof cards.
Note: You must use the Roofer before you look at your own facedown roof cards.

Supplier: At the end of the game, you may select one room card which was discarded during the game and exchange it with any room card on your home board (including an empty room).
The incoming room card must obey all rules for placing room cards. If you remove a room card with a decor token on it, the token is also removed and you do not score points for it.

Architect: At the end of the game, you score 1 additional point for home functionality.
(A home with a bathroom on each of the top two floors scores 4 points instead of 3; a home with a bathroom, kitchen, and bedroom scores 4 points instead of 3).
You also score 1 point for each empty room on your home board-the Architect can easily convert them into something useful.

Handyman: At the end of the game, you may switch places of any two room cards on your home board.
Both cards must obey all rules for placing room cards (basement cards must be placed on one of the two basement spaces, you cannot expand a room that has already reached its maximum size, etc)..
If an empty room is switched, it remains facedown and is still worth 0 points. If you switch a card that contains a decor token, the token moves with the card.
You can use the Handyman's ability to expand a room that already contains a decor token, as long as you don't exceed the maximum size of that room.
If this switch causes a room to contain more than one decor token, you must discard all but one of the tokens (Remember, a room can contain only one decor token).

Interior Designer: During the game, when you place a decor token, it does not finish the room, but your rooms are still limited to having only one decor token.
Any of your rooms that were considered finished because of decor tokens before you had the Interior Designer can now be expanded (unless they have also reached their maximum size). This card's ability applies as soon as you take it.
At the end of the game, each of your decor tokens is worth 1 additional point.
Tool cards are placed faceup near your home board (except Scaffolding, which is placed on an empty space on your home board). Tool cards are used during your turn unless specified otherwise.
After you use a tool card, discard it. If you take a tool card in the final round, you will not be able to use it, and it has no effect.

Drill - At the start of your turn, immediately before you choose which column of cards to take, you can discard the Drill to switch places of any room card on the game board with a room card on your home board.
The incoming room card must obey all rules for placing room cards. You cannot switch an empty room from your home board to the game board.

Jackhammer - At the start of a round, before the first player chooses which column of cards to take, you can discard the Jackhammer to immediately take one room card of your choice from the game board and place it on an empty space of your home board.
Discard the resource card above your chosen room card; if you choose the leftmost room card, you do not become first player. After taking and placing your one room card, play resumes with the first player taking his turn and continuing clockwise around the table. You must skip your normal turn this round.

Concrete Mixer - During your turn, before you choose a column of cards to take, you can discard the Concrete Mixer to switch places of two room cards on the game board.
In the image above, William is the second player in the round, and he has four columns to choose from.
He wants the living room card and the red roof card with a window which are not in the same column, so he discards his Concrete Mixer to switch places between the living room and pantry.
Now that the two cards he wants are in the same column, he chooses that pair of cards and adds them to his home board.

Scaffolding - When you take the Scaffolding, place it on an empty space of your home board that does not have an empty space below it. You can place a room card directly above the Scaffolding.
Before the end of the game, you must replace the Scaffolding with a room card, which could be an empty room. You may place the Scaffolding before or after your room card.
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