
- 6 Character Mats
- 6 Character Decks
- 6 Sets of Hero Action Tokens
- 50 Coins
- 1 Game Board
- 6 Sets of 12 Dragon Wound Cubes
- 30 Hero Wound Tokens
- 1 Treasure Deck
- 7 Special Action Dice
- 1 Movement Die
- Dragon Rampage Deck
- 6 Player Movement Tokens
- 1 First Player Token
- 1 Re-Roll Token
Object of the Game
Dragon Rampage is a game for 3 to 5 players. The goal is to score the most points by fighting against and/or running from the Dragon that you just woke.
But beware, your fellow adventurers may hinder (or aid) you in your strategy and the final scoring of treasure cards, gold coins, and bonus points will vary depending on which of 3 ways the games end, so watch your step!

Shuffle and place the Dragon Rampage Deck beside the board.
Each player places their Movement Token on the start space of the board.
Place the 7 Action Dice on the center of the board. Place the blue Movement Die near the board.
Each player takes one set of Hero Character Cards, a Player Mat, and Player Action Tokens. Each player looks through their Hero Character Cards and chooses one. Then each player shuffles their remaining Hero Character Cards and draws two more, bringing their hand to three cards.
Place the Hero Wound Tokens in a pile near the game board
Give each player a 5 gold coin and place the remaining gold in a pile near the board as the supply. There are two types of coins. A "1" value coin and a "5" value coin. The value on the coin is what is most
important. If a card or action says to take two gold, the player should take two "1" value coins. If a card tells a player to drop five coins, the player should return five "1" value coins or a single "5" value coin to the bank.
Give one player the First Player Token. Give the Re-Roll Token to the player sitting to the right of the first player as they are the last player to roll and, as a result, gain 1 additional re-roll.
Game Length
Players choose prior to starting the game whether the Dungeon is a Large Dungeon or Small Dungeon. A Larger Dungeon takes 30-45 minutes longer to play than the Small Dungeon.
Small Dungeon: If playing the Small Dungeon, any Heroes running will Escape the Dungeon when they reach the first (smaller) green skull, which is the Small Dungeon exit.
Additionally, depending on the number of players, the wounds needed to slay the Dragon are reduced by 2 (3 players need 13 wounds to Slay the Dragon, 4 players need 18, and 5 Players need 23).
Large Dungeon: The Large Dungeon is played with Heroes fleeing to the larger exit (3 spaces later) on the board, and the full number of wounds is required to slay the Dragon.

Game Play
The game is played in rounds and each round has 3 phases-the Heroes Action Phase in which players roll the Action Dice and place tokens on the Dungeon Action Boxes.
The Dungeon Phase in which the Dragon rampages and the Action Boxes are resolved; and the Rest Phase in which the Action Tokens are returned to players and the First Player Token and the Re-Roll token are passed to the next players.
1. Heroes Action Phase
Starting with the first player, the active player takes the 7 Action Dice (all but the movement die) and rolls them. They may re-roll any number of dice up to two times with the following restrictions:
Dragon icons may not be re-rolled unless the player plays one of their Character or Treasure Cards that enables them to do so.
Dice are never locked (except Dragon icons). The player may re-roll some or all of their dice until they choose to stop. Rolling a second or third time is optional, the player may stop at any time prior to their 3rd roll if they desire. Players may gain more dice re-rolls using their Character Cards or treasure they have acquired.
Wild (Hero) icons must be paired with other dice to be used (they cannot be used alone).
The Action Dice: There are 7 Action Dice (three types, noted by their different frames - square, octagon or hourglass) in the game. The icon frequency and make up on these dice are different and noted in the descriptions below:

Attack: The Attack (or "Sword") icon is used to gain the "Attack the Dragon" action. Additionally, when attacking the Dragon, Attack icons are "hits". The Attack icon appears on all 7 dice.
Crafty: The Crafty icon is used to gain the "Crafty" action that enables players to steal gold or draw new Character Cards.
The Crafty icon appears only on the 3 dice with a square frame - referred to on the player cards as the yellow dice because they are the only dice that have the Crafty icon.
Defense: The Defense icon is used to gain the "Defense" action that blocks Dragon attacks to the Hero, both from the Dragon Rampage card and the Dragon Attack action box.
Defense can also prevent "crafty" Heroes from stealing your hard-earned gold and treasure. This icon is also a "hit" when attacking the Dragon. The Defense icon appears on all 7 dice.
Dragon: The Dragon icon represents the lg|l|||g attention the Hero is drawing to himself and the results go in the "Dragon Rampage" Action Box.
Note: Dice with this icon cannot be re-rolled unless the Hero plays a special card that enables him to do so. Dragon icons are bad for Heroes. The Dragon icon appears on all 7 dice.
Movement (Boots of Speed): The Boots of Speed icon is used to gain the "Run you fools!" action which allows players to roll the Movement Die. The Boots of Speed icon appears on all 7 dice.
Treasure Chest: The Treasure Chest icon is used to gain the "Grab Treasure" action which allows players to draw a Treasure Card. The Treasure Chest icon appears on all 7 dice.
Wild (Hero): The Hero icon is wild. It must be coupled with another die to be used.
The Hero icon appears only on the 3 dice with an octagonal frame-referred to on the player cards as the red dice because they are the only dice that have the Hero icon.
Placing Hero Action Tokens
When a player is finished rolling the action dice, (either because he has rolled 3 times or because he decided to stop rolling), he places his action tokens (matched to the number of icons rolled) in the appropriate Action Box.
Each player has 9 Action Tokens (three 1 tokens, three 2 tokens, a 3 token, a 4 token, and a 5 token). The player may only place 1 token on each relevant Action Box (if a player has not rolled any icons for a particular action, no Action Token can be placed in that Action Box).
If the player does not have the right numbered Action Token to place in the box, then the player will have to place a lower-numbered token instead (note that the Dragon Rampage Action Box must be filled first and the properly numbered token placed in this box).
The board shows the number of boxes that are active for each action. After the players have finished rolling the action dice, the players' Hero Action Tokens are arranged in the appropriate action boxes from left to right and from the largest to the smallest number.
Note that in some cases action tokens will not have a box where they can be placed, and therefore will generate no benefit for the hero.

A Note About Ties
In case of a tie in any Action Box during the resolution process or as the result of a card being played, the first player wins all ties (even if it involves a negative event) and then moving to the first player's left around the game board when other players are tied.
If a Dragon Rampage (Phase 1) Card attack occurs on a space along the Movement Path with more than one player, ALL PLAYERS in that space are attacked.

Example: The player rolled 3 Attack, 3 Boots of Speed, and 1 Dragon on her 3 rolls. She places a 1 Action Token for her Hero in the Dragon Rampage Action Box.
Next, she must make a decision since she only has one 3 Action Token and two results of 3. She decides to place her 3 Token on the Boots of Speed Action Box and downgrades her Attack to place a 2 Action Token on the Attack Action Box.
Playing Treasure and Hero Character Cards
Players may play Treasure and Hero Character Cards any time that they are appropriate.
The only rule for playing these cards is that they cannot be played to boost another card (example: Playing a card to increase dice rolled in attacking the Dragon, and then playing another one to add successes or additional wounds to that attack).
2. Dungeon Phase
After all of the players have rolled the action dice and placed their Action Tokens the Dungeon Phase begins and players resolve the Dragon Rampage and Action Boxes in the order shown below:

Defense Action Box provides protection to the player with the highest value Action Token on it. The player will not suffer any wounds from the Dragon Rampage Card or the Dragon Rampage Action Box, and the player cannot be the target of theft by crafty Heroes.
The player with the second-highest value Action Token in the Defense Action Box heals 2 wounds, and the player with the third most heals 1 wound.
Dragon Rampage (Phase One)
Flip over a Dragon Rampage card.
If the card has no value listed, apply the effects immediately (some Dragon Rampage cards have no effect).
If the card has two sections, use the total value of the Hero Action Tokens in the Dragon Rampage Box to determine which section will be used and resolve the card according to the instructions on the card.

Note: Subtract 2 from the values on the Dragon Rampage cards from each of the 2 sections for each player below 5 in the game.
Example: There are 4 players in the game and the Dragon Rampage Card states 8 or less / 9 or more. This becomes 6 or less / 7 or more. If in a 3 player game, this same card becomes 4 or less / 5 or more.
Dragon Rampage (Phase Two)

The player with the highest value Action Token on this Action Box suffers 2 wounds and draws 1 of his Hero Character cards. The player with the second-highest Action Token suffers 1 wound.
As noted in Defense, the player with the highest Defense rating blocks this attack and suffers no wounds. Additionally, many Heroes have cards that enable them to dodge or block this attack.

The player with the highest Action Token on Craftiness may steal gold from another player equal to the thieving player's points on the Craftiness Action Box or the player can draw 1 of their Hero Character cards.
The player with the highest Defense rating is immune to this theft. The player with the second-highest Action Token on Craftiness may take gold from supply equal to the player's points on this Action Box, or the player may draw 1 of their Hero Character Cards.
Grab Treasure

The player with the highest Action Token in the Grab Treasure Action Box draws 2 Treasure Cards and keeps 1 or takes 3 gold from the supply.
The player with the second-highest Action Token on this Action Box draws 1 Treasure Card or takes 3 gold from the supply. The player with the third-most points on this Action Box takes 1 gold from the supply.
Attack the Dragon:

The player with the highest Action Token on the Attack the Dragon Action Box gets to make an attack on the Dragon with 2 re-rolls. The player with the second-highest Action Token on this Action Box also gets to attack the Dragon, with 1 re-roll.
Attacking the Dragon Dice Roll
When players attack the Dragon, they roll all 7 of the Action Dice (with any re-rolls as noted above). Additionally, they may have Hero Character or Treasure Cards that grant re-rolls or additional hits or even wounds.
The Attack, Shield, and Hero icons are all "hits" on the Dragon. It takes 4-5 hits to inflict 1 wound to the Dragon, 6 or more hits inflict 2 wounds. When a player inflicts a wound on the Dragon the player places one of her colored cubes on the Dragon Wounds Circle. Regardless of how the game ends, wounds on the Dragon turn into victory points.
When attacking the Dragon, you may not re-roll hits on the Dragon and you may not re-roll Dragon icons. If a player rolls 3 or more Dragon icons on their attack, they suffer 1 wound unless they have the most points on the Defense Action Box.
The Dragon's Hit Points
The number of wounds the Dragon can take before being slain is determined by the number of players.
The Dragon can take wounds equal to 5 times the number of players. In a 3 player game, the Dragon can take 15 wounds; in a 4 player game, the Dragon can take 20 wounds, and so on.
Run you Fools!

The player with the highest Action Token in the "Run You Fools!" Action Box rolls the blue Movement Die and adds 1 to the die roll. This is the number of spaces the player may move his Hero token.
The player does not have to move the entire amount and may choose to stop on any space up to the number rolled. (See Movement Actions). The player with the second-highest Action Token on this Action Box rolls the blue Movement Die and may move up to the number rolled.

The player with the third-highest Action Token on this Action Box moves 1 space. Players may want to move less than the number rolled because a space along their path may provide an action they want to stop and take.
Most spaces on the path offer an action that the player may take when they move to the space.
Benefits Gained Along the Path Through the Dungeon
Attack the Dragon: Players stopping on a space with this icon may make an attack on the Dragon.
There is no re-roll granted with attacks gained on the movement path. Attacking the Dragon is not required-this is an optional action.
Hero Card: Players stopping on a space with this icon draw 1 of their Hero Character Cards.
Heal: Players stopping on a space with this icon heal 2 wounds.
Gold: Players stopping on a space with this icon take 2 gold from the supply.
Treasure: Players stopping on a space with this icon draw 1 Treasure Card.
Dungeon Fate: While it should not happen often, there is the possibility
that a player will gain no benefit from any of the Action Boxes. In the event this happens, the player may choose one of the benefits from the Dungeon Fate Table:
Gold: Take 2 gold
Heal: Heal 1 wound
Hero Card: Draw 1 Hero Character Card
Move: Move 1 space along the path, but do not perform the action icon on the space the player moved to.
3. Rest Phase
After all the actions have been taken, the players take back all of their Action Tokens from the board and the current first player passes the First Player Token to their left. The last player passes the Re-Roll Token to their left (to the player that was the first player the previous turn).
The new first player now takes the 7 action dice and starts a new turn.
End of the Game
The game ends immediately when one of the following occurs: 1) A player's Hero is slain by the Dragon, 2) a player's Hero escapes the dungeon, or 3) the Dragon is slain.
Note that scoring can change dramatically depending on how the game ends. For example, if the Dragon is slain, the Heroes that are closest to the exit receive a penalty to their score. So plan accordingly!
I. Hero is Slain by Dragon
Each time a player's Hero is wounded, place a red wound crystal on the hero picture on the Player Mat.
If the wounds ever meet or exceed the number on the Health Icon on the top left of the Player Mat, the Hero is slain and the game ends using the scoring for "Hero is Slain by Dragon".
Scoring for Hero Is Slain By Dragon
- Slain Hero: Penalty of -10 Points
- Heroes with 5 or More Wounds: Penalty of -5 Points
- Wound Tokens on Dragon: 1 Point Each
- Most Wound Tokens on Dragon: Bonus of 5 Points
- Second Most Wound Tokens on Dragon: Bonus of 3 Points
- Treasure Cards: Total Non-used Treasure Points
- Most Gold: Bonus of 7 Points
- Next Most Gold: Bonus of 4 Points
II. Heroes Escape Dungeon
If a player moves their Hero token to the Exit space on the Movement path, the Hero has escaped the Dungeon and the game ends using the scoring for the "Heroes Escape Dungeon".
Scoring for Heroes Escape Dungeon
- Escaped from Dungeon: Score 10 Points
- Second Closest to Exit: Score 3 points
- Wound Tokens on Dragon: 1 Point Each
- Treasure Cards: Total Non-used Treasure Points
- Most Gold: Bonus of 7 Points
- Next Most Gold: Bonus of 4 Points
III. the Dragon Is Slain
If the Dragon suffers wounds equal to 5 x Number of Players, the game ends and players score the game based on "The Dragon is Slain" scoring.
Scoring for Dragon Is Slain
- Wound Tokens on Dragon: 1 Point Each
- Most Wound Tokens on Dragon: Bonus of 10 Points
- Second Most Wound Tokens on Dragon: Bonus of 5 Points
- Treasure Cards: Total Non-used Treasure Points
- Most Gold: Bonus of 7 Points
- Next Most Gold: Bonus of 4 Points
- Closest to Exit: Penalty of -5 Points
- Next Closest to Exit: Penalty of -3 Points
Treasure Cards
Treasure cards are gained throughout the game by having the highest value Action Token on the Grab Treasure Action Box.
Treasure cards provide victory points, but each card also has a use during the game that the player can activate-note that by doing so, the player forfeits the victory points on the card.
Some cards are discarded for an immediate activity, while others provide an ongoing benefit throughout the game.

Treasure Card Clarifications
Enchanted Shield: The "black" die has the hourglass border.
Magic Scroll: Use to take a Hero Character Card from any player's discards.
Ring of Stature vs. Magic Ring: Ring of Stature is more powerful because you get an additional re-roll when you roll action dice, Attack the Dragon or Move. For the Magic Ring, you only get an additional re-roll with the action dice.
Pendant of Fate: Discard the pendant to reshuffle your Hero Character Card deck (including discards) and draw 1.
Golden Horn: The second attack uses the same number of attack rolls as the first attack (before any card bonuses).
Dragon Rampage Card Clarifications
Some cards refer to odd or even-numbered spaces along the movement path. For counting, the first (and therefore "odd") space along the path is the "Gold" icon (not the start space).
Hero Character Cards
The players start with 3 Hero Character cards (1 chosen and 2 drawn from the shuffled deck) and can obtain more through actions and movement.
There is no limit to the number of Hero Character cards a player can hold, but should their deck become depleted, they can draw no more cards. Players can play any number of cards on their turn.
Each card has 2 sections, a lesser benefit on the top half of the card that is free to use and a greater benefit on the bottom half of the card that requires the player to spend gold.

Hero Character Card Clarifications
Barbarian: Brute Force - The "cunning" action should be the "crafty" action.
Barbarian: Not so Fast - "Card" means "Her0 Character Card" in both cases.
Rogue: Hide in the Shadows - The "yellow" dice are the dice with the square borders.
Rogue: Devious Trick - Steal a Hero Character Card from a player's hand and discard it from play.
Paladin: Armor of Light - The "black" die has the hourglass border.
Elf: Dodge - The "black" die has the hourglass border.
Dwarf: My Treasure - The "black" die has the hourglass border.
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