Dominion: IntrigueDominion: Intrigue is an expansion set for the original Dominion by Rio Grande Games. In Dominion, you assume the role of a monarch who desperately wants to expand his empire. Unfortunately, you are not the only monarch with expansion on his mind and soon you are vying for fiefs, freeholds and forums as you attempt to unit them under your banner. Dominion: Intrigue adds rules for playing with up to 8 players at two tables or for playing a single game with up to 6 players. This game adds 25 new Kingdom cards and a complete set of Treasure and Victory cards. The game can be played alone by players experienced with Dominion or with the basic game of Dominion. | ![]() |
Dominion: SeasideDominion: Seaside is an expansion to both Dominion and Dominion: Intrigue. As such, it does not contain material for a complete game. Specifically, it does not include the basic Treasure, Victory, Curse, or Trash cards. Thus, you will need either the base game or Intrigue to play with this expansion, and you will need to have experience playing Dominion with either of the first two games. It is designed to work with either or both of these sets, and any future expansions that may be published. All you ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by. And someone who knows how to steer ships using stars. You finally got some of those rivers you'd wanted, and they led to the sea. These are dangerous, pirate-infested waters, and you cautiously send rat-infested ships across them, to establish lucrative trade at far-off merchant-infested ports. | ![]() |
Dominion: AlchemyDominion: Alchemy is an expansion, and can't be played by itself, to play with it, you need Dominion, or a standalone expansion to Dominion (Dominion: Intrigue). There are strange things going on in your basement laboratories. They keep calling up for more barrels of quicksilver, or bits of your hair. Well it's all in the name of progress. They're looking for a way to turn lead into gold, or at least into something better than lead. That lead had just been too good of a bargain to pass up, you didn't think, where will I put all this lead, what am I going to do with this lead anyway. Well that will all be sorted out. They're also looking for a universal solvent. If they manage that one, you will take whatever they use to hold it in and build a castle out of it. A castle that can't be dissolved. Now that's progress. This is the 3rd addition to Dominion. It adds new Kingdom cards to Dominion and as it is an expansion, you will need Dominion, or Dominion: Intrigue to play the game. | ![]() |
Dominion: ProsperityDominion: Prosperity is an expansion about ah, money. There's nothing like the sound of coins clinking in your hands. You vastly prefer it to the sound of coins clinking in someone else's hands, or the sound of coins just sitting there in a pile that no-one can quite reach without getting up. Getting up, that's all behind you now. Life has been good to you. Just ten years ago, you were tilling your own fields in a simple straw hat. Today, your kingdom stretches from sea to sea, and your straw hat is the largest the world has ever known. You also have the world's smallest dog, and a life-size statue of yourself made out of baklava. Sure, money can't buy happiness, but it can buy envy, anger, and also this kind of blank feeling. You still have problems troublesome neighbors that must be conquered. But this time, you'll conquer them in style. | ![]() |
Dominion: CornucopiaDominion: Cornucopia is an expansion and it seemed like the summer would never end, but that fortune teller was right. It's over. Autumn, the time of the harvest. Agriculture has advanced significantly in recent years, ever since the discovery of the maxim, "leaves of three, let it be". Autumn, a time of celebration. The peasants have spent a hard week scything hay in the fields, but tonight the festivities begin, starting with a sumptuous banquet of roast hay. Then, the annual nose-stealing competition. Then you have two jesters, one who always lies, one who always tells the truth, both hilariously. This celebration will truly have something for everyone. This is the 5th addition to the game of Dominion. It adds 13 new Kingdom cards to Dominion, plus 5 unique cards. The central theme is variety; there are cards that reward you for having a variety of cards in your deck, in your hand, and in play, as well cards that help you get that variety. | ![]() |
Dominion: HinterlandsDominion: Hinterlands is an expansion where the world is big and your kingdom small. Small when compared to the world, that is, it's moderate-sized when compared to other kingdoms. But in a big world like this one - big when compared to smaller worlds anyway, if such things exist, it's moderate-sized when compared to worlds of roughly the same size, and a little small when compared to worlds just a little larger - well, to make a long story short - short when compared to longer stories anyway - it is time to stretch your borders. You've heard of far-off places - exotic countries, where they have pancakes but not waffles, where the people wear the wrong number of shirts, and don't even have a word for the look two people give each other when they each hope that the other will do something that they both want done but which neither of them wants to do. It is to these lands that you now turn your gaze. | ![]() |
Dominion: Dark AgesDominion: Dark Ages is the 7th addition to the game of Dominion. Times have been hard in the dark age. To save on money, you have moved out of your old castle, and into a luxurious ravine. You didn't like that castle anyway, it was always getting looted, and never at a reasonable hour. And if it wasn't barbarians it was the plague, or sometimes both would come at once, and there wouldn't be enough chairs. The ravine is great, you get lots of sun, and you can just drop garbage wherever you want. In your free time you have taken up begging. Begging is brilliant conceptually, but tricky in practice, since no one has any money. | ![]() |
Dominion: GuildsDominion: Guilds is the eighth addition to the game of Dominion. Jobs, everyone's worried about jobs. Whatever happened to tilling the fields in obscurity? The economy is just a trick, like stealing someone's nose, but lately people seem to have seen through it, like when you realize someone hasn't really stolen your nose. So now everyone's joining a guild, learning a craft, and working on a masterpiece - a painting so beautiful it blinds you, or a cheese grater so amazing that you never eat cheese again. The only people left tilling the fields are the ones doing it ironically. The guilds cover everything - ironic tilling, butchering, baking, candlestick making, shoemaking, cheesemaking, cheese destruction. Your advisor is convinced that somehow, control of the stonecutters is key to world domination. Very well. You will have stone handled so expertly that the world trembles before you. | ![]() |
Dominion: AdventuresDominion: Adventures, the 9th expansion to Dominion. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. You're not sure which, but at least you've narrowed it down. You are rich with life experiences, but have had trouble trading them for goods and services. It's time to seek your fortune, or anyone's really - whoever's is closest. To the west there's a land of milk and honey, full of giant bees and monstrous cows; to the east, a land of eggs and licorice; to the north, treacherous swamps; to the south, loyal jungles. But all of them have been thoroughly pillaged. You've heard legends, though, of a fifth direction as yet unspoiled, with its treasures conveniently gathered into troves. You have your sword and your trail mix, handed down from your father, and his father before him. | ![]() |
Dominion: EmpiresDominion: Empires is the 10th addition to the game of Dominion. The world is big and your kingdom gigantic. It's no longer a kingdom really; it's an empire. Which makes you the emperor. This entitles you to a better chair, plus you can name a salad after yourself. It's not easy being emperor. The day starts early, when you light the sacred flame; then it's hours of committee meetings, trying to establish exactly why the sacred flame keeps going out. Sometimes your armies take over a continent and you just have no idea where to put it. And there's the risk of assassination; you have a food taster, who tastes anything before you eat it, and a dagger tester, who gets stabbed by anything before it stabs you. You've taken to staying at home whenever it's the Ides of anything. Still overall it's a great job. You wouldn't trade it for the world - especially given how much of the world you already have. | ![]() |
Dominion: NocturneDominion: Nocturne, the 11th expansion to Dominion, has 500 cards, with 33 new Kingdom cards. There are night cards, which are played after the buy phase; heirlooms that replace starting coppers; fate and doom cards that give out boons and hexes; and a variety of extra cards that other cards can provide. | ![]() |
Dominion: RenaissanceDominion: Renaissance is the 12th expansion to Dominion. It has 300 cards, with 25 new Kingdom cards. Art has been revolutionized by the invention of "perspective", and also of "funding". Science and medicine have advanced; there's no more superstition, now they know the perfect number of leeches to apply for each ailment. You have a clock accurate to within an hour, and a calendar accurate to within a week. Your physician heals himself, and your barber cuts his own hair. This is truly a golden age. This There are tokens that let you save coins and actions for later, Projects that grant abilities, and Artifacts to fight over. | ![]() |
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