Transmute![]() | Action | 1P | If it is an... Action card, gain a Duchy; Treasure card, gain a Transmute; Victory card, gain a Gold |
Vineyard![]() | Victory | 1P | Worth 1 Victory for every 3 Action cards in your deck (rounded down) |
Herbalist![]() | Action | $2 | +1 Buy 1 Coin |
Apothecary![]() | Action | $2 + 1P | +1 Card 1 Action |
Scrying Pool![]() | Action - Attack | $2 + 1P | +1 Action Each player (including you) reveals the top card of his deck and either discards it or puts it back, your choice. Then reveal cards from the top of your deck until revealing one that isn't an Action. |
University![]() | Action | $2 + 1P | +2 Actions You may gain an Action card costing up to 5 Coins. |
Alchemist![]() | Action | $3 + 1P | +2 Cards 1 Action |
Familiar![]() | Action - Attack | $3 + 1P | +1 Card 1 Action |
Philosopher's Stone![]() | Treasure | $3 + 1P | When you play this, count your deck and discard pile. Worth 1 Coin per 5 cards total between them (rounded down) |
Potion![]() | Treasure | $4 | Worth 1 Potion |
Golem![]() | Action | $4 + 1P | Reveal cards from your deck until you reveal 2 Action cards other than Golem Cards. Discard the other cards, then play the Action cards in either order |
Apprentice![]() | Action | $5 | +1 Action Trash a card from your hand. |
Possession![]() | Action | $6 + 1P | The player to your left takes an extra turn after this one, in which you can see all cards he can and make all decisions for him. Any cards he would gain on that turn, you gain instead; any cards of his that are trashed are set aside and returned to his discard pile at end of turn |
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