Game sheets have normal white fields and special fields. The effect of the special fields occurs
- during the game, when placing a die on it
- at the end of a turn (while putting
- or at the end of the game
Effect During The Game

The special field "key" is used to open a lock later in the game. A player is only allowed to put a die on a lock-field when they have already covered the respective key-field with an in a previous turn.
On Level 2 game sheets, there are keys in different colors. A player can only open a lock with a key of the same color.

A player is only allowed to put a die on a lock-field when they have previously crossed out a key-field of the same color. One cannot put a die on the lock-field, without an X on its matching key-field.
Important: Having a die on the correct key-field will not allow a die to be placed on a lock-field. The key-field must already be crossed out.
Effect at the end of a turn (while putting X's)

The special field "bomb" will cause the following effect at the end of a turn (while putting 's): The player who has put a die on the bomb puts a regular
on it. All the other players must strike out the same bomb-field on their game sheets with random lines (make the field explode).

As the game continues, players cannot cross out the bomb-field or put a die on it anymore. If more than one player puts a die on the same bomb-field by the end of a turn, they are all allowed to make an , while the other players have to strike it out. Exploded fields count as minus points at the end y of the game, as displayed on the game sheet.

The "rocket" starts at the end of a turn (while putting 's). This means that a player who crosses out a rocket-field must immediately put 1 more X on a planet-field of their choice.
Attention: Only with a rocket are players able to get to otherwise unreachable areas on their game sheet in Level 4. From the next turn on, players can start to spread out from the crossed out planet-field, as it counts as a crossed out field.

At the end of a turn (while putting 's), players who have a die on a field with a "flag" can draw a circle around their reached points. If no other player has reached a flag-field, then a player draws a circle around the first number while the others have to cross it out on their game sheets.
The second player to reach a flag-field draws a circle around the second number (or the highest available number at that time) and so on and so forth.
If more than one player puts a die on a flag-field by the end of the turn, all these players get the respective points. The other players cross out as many numbers as players have reached flag-fields.
Thus, if two players reach the first flag-field at the same time, then both outline the 10 while the other players cross out the 10 and the 6. On the game sheet for Level 4 there are two different colored flag-fields that are each valued separately.
Effect at the End of the Game

There are different colored "gemstone" special fields . At the end of the game, each crossed out gemstone-field generates as many points as displayed on the game sheet.

On the edge of some rows and columns are arrows with a number. At the end of the game, each completely crossed out row or column with an arrow provides the displayed points.

There are several "puzzle" special fields on a game sheet. Whoever has crossed out all puzzle-fields of the same color earns the corresponding points denoted on the sheet. In Level 2, there are puzzle pieces in two different colors that only grant points if combined with the correct colors.

In Level 4, there is a 4-square-field that is framed by a black line. If all 4 fields are crossed out, a player gets 10 points.

The special field "brown pile" yields minus points at the end of the game if crossed out. It is possible that there is a die on the field during a turn that can be removed by a penalty.
In this case, the brown pile-field is not crossed out and does not yield minus points at the end of the game. It only must be crossed out when it is covered by a die at the end of a turn.
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