Below, the 60 cards are grouped by card type and explained.
Note: The player trays are die cut in such a way that some space remains between the spheres of the bottom level - however, all spheres directly adjacent to each other "touch" each other.

1. There must be exactly this many spheres

These task cards indicate exactly how many spheres in the quantity and color shown on the card must be placed on the tray. Where you place the spheres and whether or not the spheres touch each other is irrelevant.
In this example, exactly one green sphere and two orange spheres must be placed.
If you placed more or fewer spheres than shown on the task card, you have not completed the task indicated on the card.

Special case: If two task cards of the same sphere color are displayed - for example, the green "1" + the green "2" - the numbers on both cards are added.
In this example, all three green spheres must be placed.
2. The spheres must touch each other

If spheres of both colors indicated on the card are placed on the tray, each of these spheres must touch at least one sphere of the other color (side by side or on top of each other).
It is allowed to either not place spheres of the two colors on the tray at all or place only spheres of one of the two colors.
In this example, white spheres must touch each other, and blue and black spheres must touch each other
If you placed spheres of both colors on the tray, and any sphere of one of the colors is not touching any sphere of the other color, you have not completed the task indicated on the task card.
3. The spheres must not touch each other

These cards prohibit spheres of the colors depicted from touching each other on the tray. They must not be positioned side by side or on top of each other.
In this example, white and green spheres must not touch each other, and blue spheres must not touch each other Note: The white and green spheres on level two do not touch each other!
Even if only one sphere touches another sphere in violation of this constraint, the task indicated on the task card is not completed.
4. A sphere must not be above any other spheres

The solid-colored sphere shown on the card must not be placed on top of other spheres, although it may be located underneath other spheres. Therefore, the sphere is only positioned correctly if it is located on the bottom level.
/In this example, orange spheres must not be located on top of other spheres; they may only be located on level one.
If you placed any sphere below the solid-colored sphere shown, you have not completed the task indicated on the task card.
5. A sphere must not be below any other spheres

The solid-colored sphere shown on the card must not be placed underneath other spheres such that the other spheres are physically resting on top it. The sphere shown may be located on any level as long as there is nothing physically resting on top of it.
In this example, white spheres must not be located below other spheres.
If you placed any sphere on top of the solid-colored sphere shown, you have not completed the task indicated on the task card.
6. There must be more spheres of one color than spheres of another

You must place more spheres of the color shown on the left side of the card than of the color shown on the right side. Where you place the spheres and whether or not the spheres touch each other is irrelevant.
You must place at least one sphere of the color shown on the left side. In this example, more orange spheres than black spheres must be placed.
If you placed a number of the spheres shown on the left less than or equal to the number of spheres shown on the right, you have not completed the task indicated on the task card.
7. The combined total number of spheres in both colors must be exactly four

You must place a combined total of exactly four spheres of the two colors shown - be it three of one color and one of the other or two and two. Where you place the spheres and whether or not the spheres touch each other is irrelevant.
In this example, exactly four spheres of the colors orange and white must be placed.
If you placed a total of either more or fewer than four spheres of the two colors shown, you have not completed the task indicated on the task card.
If Task Cards Contradict Each Other
If the indications on the displayed task cards contradict each other (for example, "Black and blue must touch each other" and "Black and blue must not touch each other"), each player must decide individually which of the two cards to follow - and since they won't complete the task indicated on the other card, they must accept the corresponding loss of points.
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