Once played, General Store cards are then discarded.

Equipment Cards (6 Cards)
These cards award from 1 to 8 points at the end of the game.

Dynamite (1 Copy)
Play this card when you exploit the Gold Mine.
You find twice as many Nuggets as you would normally.

The Girls (1 Copy)
Play this card when you steal from your adversaries at the Saloon.
You make the Saloon action twice in a row (either on the same player or two different players).

The Brute (2 Copies)
Play this card when you show your dice.
You may keep more than one die without having to pay anything!

Professional Cheater (2 Copies)
Play this card when you show your dice.
After you show the dice under the cup, you turn one of those dice to a result of your choice.

Corruption (1 Copy)
Play this card when you help out the Mayor (Town Hall).
After awarding the Property Claims normally acquired, he also awards the first card of the draw (without revealing it to the other players).

Unlimited Credit (1 Copy)
Play this card when you go to the General Store.
Make the General Store action twice during this round.

Nervous Joe (1 Copy)
Play this card immediately.
The player of your choice gives you $4.

Marshall (1 Copy)
Play this card when the Sheriff action is resolved.
The old Sheriff remains Sheriff for the next round.

Even Split (1 Copy)
Play this card whenever an opponent holds up the bank.
The player must give you half of the sum stolen (rounded down).

Wanted (1 Copy)
Play this card when a player plays a General Store card.
The effect of the played card is nullified.

Doc Badluck's Elixir (1 Copy)
Play this card when the Doc Badluck action is resolved.
Make the Doc badluck action even if you won something during this round.
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