In Crystal Palace, each player represents a nation at the first World Fair of 1851 in London. To make sure that your country truly attracts everyone's attention, you are going to showcase spectacular inventions and recruit the brightest, most influential minds of your times: all to promote your homeland.
Whether in the sacred halls of Westminster or in the dark corners of the docks, you are pulling the strings everywhere, to prepare for the great event in the best possible way.
And it could all be so easy - if your government had provided you with unlimited means. As it is, you are constantly torn between modest investments and excessive loans.
But if you make the right choices for the Great Exhibition, your nation will get covered in glory at Crystal Palace.

- 12 double-sided Location boards
- 1 Administration board
- 5 double-sided Player mats
- 30 Patent / Prototype cards
- 30 Character cards
- 1 Flyer tiles
- 4 double-sided Publisher tiles
- 1 Pocket Watch token
- 45 Research tiles
- 30 Loans
- 62 Pound notes
- 1 Round tracker
- 3 Tickets
- 5 Treasure Chests
- 25 Wooden Gears
- 25 Wooden Energy tokens
- 30 Dice
- 30 Assistants
- 25 Player tokens
- 10 Buzz tokens
- 5 Victory Point tile 50/100
Object of the Game
At the end of the game the player with the most victory points wins. You can primarily gain Gold Medal victory points in the game by:
- Building Patents and recruiting Characters. Most cards give you more victory points, the earlier you build/recruit them.
- Progressing on the Buzz track. The further you progress on it the more points you can gain during every round.
At the end of the game, you will gain Silver Medal victory points by:
- Obtaining level 1, 2, or 3 of your objective.
- Covering your Research spaces, so as to not get negative points. Taking fewer loans and avoid- ing negative points. However, loans might help you gain more points in other ways.
- Being ahead on the Buzz track.
- Being ahead at the Black Market.

Each player chooses a player color and receives in that color the components shown above. Put two of the dice to the side for now. At the begin- ning of the game you start with 4 dice.
Each player chooses a random player mat and places it with a random side face up in front of them. Place a player token on the newspaper displaying the number 0 on your player mat, and place an Assistant on the lowest space of your objective track
Each player receives:
- 1 Treasure Chest
- 40 Pounds
- 1 Gear
- 1 Energy token
Take the Location boards. Look in the top corners of each board and find boards numbered 1 through 8. There are multiple versions of the boards 2, 3, and 4, and two versions for the remaining Locations. Choose which side of the Location board to put in play dependent on player count.
Place the Locations 1 through 8 in ascending order in a circle on the table. Choose the side of the Black Market Location tile that corresponds to the number of players and place it in the middle of the Location tiles. Of course, you could also choose a different setup, depending on the available space.
Shuffle the blue Patent cards and place the stack face up next to the Patent Office (Location 1). Place a face-up Patent card on each card space at the Patent Office.
Place a Gear on each Gear space on the Black Market. (2 or 3, depending on the number of players). Place the 3 Tickets on the Ticket space on the Port (Location 7). Place the Pocket Watch, the remaining Gears, the Energy tokens, and the money nearby. Shuffle the loans face down and place them nearby.
Place the Turn tracker on the Spring 1849 space on the London Times (Location 6).
Separate the Research tiles based on their backside, green and violet. Shuffle the green Research tiles facedown and place them next to the British Museum (Location 2). Place a green Research tile face up on each tile space on the British Museum.
Sort the violet Research tiles according to the colored boxes on their reverse side. Place the tiles with a blue box face down next to the Patent Office (Location 1) and the tiles with an orange box face down next to the Reform Club (Location 5).
Sort the Shares according to their backsides and shuffle the respective stacks. Place them next to the Bank of England (Location 3). Place a Spring 1849 Share on each space on the Bank of England. Return the remaining Spring 1849 Shares to the box.
Each player places one of their player tokens on the green space showing a star * on Westminster (Location 4).
Shuffle the orange Character cards and place the stack face up next to the Reform Club (Location 5). Place a Character card face up on each card space on the Reform Club.
Choose a random Publisher tile and place it with a random side-up on its space on the London Times (Location 6). Return the remaining Publisher tiles to the box.
Game Play
The game consists of 5 rounds (Spring and Autumn of 1849, Spring and Autumn of 1850, and Spring of 1851). The end of the game marks the start of the World Exhibition 1851.
Each round consists of 7 phases:
- Decide on the value of your dice and pay
- Place your dice
- Take actions
- Pay salary and character abilities
- Convert Patents into Prototypes
- Gain income, current events, and the Buzz track
- Prepare for the next round
Note: There is an overview at the bottom of your player mat reminding you of this sequence. The phases are shaded in different colors. Matching colored banners indicate what happens in which phase of the game or when an action is possible.
The central element of the game are your dice. Each die stands for a possible action you can perform. In phase 2, you place your dice on the Location boards where you want to perform an action.
It is possible though that more dice are placed on a Location board than actions are available. High dice values will help you put your plans into action. In phase 3, you then perform the respective actions with your dice.
Phase 1: Decide on the value of your dice
Simultaneously, secretly decide on the value of your dice, 1-6. Use your Treasure Chest to cover your dice as you make your decision. After all players have decided, reveal your dice and individually add the value of your dice together.
Afterwards, you perform the following actions:
Each player pays the total value of their dice to the bank. If you are short on cash, you need to take one or multiple loans. How to take a loan is explained in the loans section on page 22.
Note: The minimum value of a die is 1. It can never be less than that and always needs to be paid.
Choose your dice values carefully: high values are powerful, but if you choose too high, possibly over several rounds, you will quickly realize how scarce money is in this game; maybe you will even fall into a loan trap.
The influence of the dice values is described in phases 2 and 3.
The player with the highest total value is the first player this round. If several players tie for the highest total value, the player with the highest single value is the first player.
If this value is the same again, compare the second highest value, and so on. In the rare case that all dice values are the same, the player who went earlier in the last round begins. Should this scenario occur in the first round, choose the first player at random.
The player with the lowest total value receives 1 newspaper on their newspaper track. Should this apply to several players, all involved players will receive 1 newspaper. Should all players have the same total value, all players, except for the first player receive 1 newspaper.
Example: Red and Blue both share a total value of 14 and their highest single value is also the same (6).
Blue has the second-highest single value (5) and thus is the first player in this round.

Newspapers are a flexible currency in Crystal Palace. Each time you receive or pay a newspaper you need to adjust your player token on your newspaper track accordingly. You can never own more than 7 or fewer than 0 newspapers.

for 4 newspapers, you gain an additional die that you can use immediately in phase 1 (if you have not already revealed your dice values).
If you have already revealed your dice values in phase 1, or if you gain the new die in phases 2 to 6, you can only use it starting with the next round.for 3 newspapers, you gain 1 income on the income track.
for 2 newspapers, you gain 1 Gear.
for 1 newspaper, you gain 1 pound.
Phase 2: Place Your Dice
Starting with the first player and then proceeding clockwise, place 1 die at a time on any free dice placement space on any Location board. The value of the placed die must show at minimum the value displayed on the respective dice placement space.
Above some dice placement spaces an Assistant or a money symbol is shown. If you place your die on a placement space with an Assistant symbol, you may perform an Assistant action immediately after placing your die.
If you place your die on a placement space with a money symbol, you need to pay the displayed amount as a fee. There can only be 1 die per dice placement space. When all players have placed their first die, repeat this process until all dice are placed. You are allowed to place multiple dice on the same Location board.
Note: It is possible that you will have a different number of dice in later rounds. If it is your turn to place a die and you do not have any dice remaining, you will be skipped until the end of the phase.
You may also refrain from placing a die on your turn. For example, if there is an additional cost to placing a die, you may pass and avoid the extra cost. If you pass, your turn is over and can no longer place any dice in this round. You do not get your money back for unused dice.
Example: Red places their 5 die on the dice placement space that shows a value of 3. Because of the Assistant symbol above the space, Red can im- mediately perform an Assistant action.
If Blue would like to place their 1 die on the Location, they would need to place it on the right space. Because of the money symbol above the space, they would need to pay 2 pounds immediately as a fee.
Assistant Actions
When you get an Assistant action bonus, you can take one of the following two actions. The actions need to be performed immediately and cannot be saved.
Progress on your objective track
You can advance your Assistant on your player mat by one level, as long as you meet the required conditions for the next level.
In this example Red would need to own at least two character cards.
You do not need to pay anything to do this. You will receive the indicated victory points at the end of the game.
Black Market Action
You can either place a new Assistant on the lowest free space on the Black Market by immediately paying the cost indicated on the left of that space, in this case 1 pound
A, or you move one already placed Assistant onto the next free space by immediately paying the indicated cost for that space, in this case 3 poundsB.
Phase 3: Take Actions
Starting with Location 1 and proceeding in ascending order, players perform the actions on the Locations where their dice are. Each Location gives different action possibilities, but the amount of actions is limited by the brown action spaces in the row below the dice placement spaces.
Normally there are fewer available actions than there are dice placement spaces. Follow this sequence, beginning with the Patent Office:
The player with the highest die value moves their die to the leftmost free action space and performs the Location action once.
Then, the player with the second-highest die value takes an action, and so on. The same player can take multiple actions in a row that way. When two dice have the same value, the die furthest to the left begins.
If there is a bonus depicted on the action space, you receive it immediately and before you perform the action.
If there is a negative amount of money depicted on the action space you have to pay it immediately and before you take your action.
At the Waterloo Station (Location 7) and Port of Lon- don (Location 8) the different action possibilities can only be taken once each.
You can choose to pass on taking an action. The action space stays unoccupied, which means that you will also not receive the possible bonus of the action space. You don't receive anything for this die. Should another player have the opportunity to move their die onto this space they can still take the action.
If you cannot take an action with your die because all action spaces are already occupied, you receive 1 pound as a compensation.
Example: Blue and Yellow share the highest dice value. Because the blue die is lying further left Blue takes the first action. Blue moves their die onto the left action space, receives 1 pound for it and takes the action.
Because of their action they advance their player token in Westminster by one space and immediately receive 2 pounds as a one-time bonus. After that it is Yellow's turn to take an action and they move their die onto the next action space.
For that Yellow needs to pay 2 pounds. Now Yellow can take the action. They advance their player token by one space and immediately receive 1 energy as a bonus.
Red can no longer take an action since both action spaces are now occupied. Red receives 1 pound as compensation.
Location Overview

Tip: the placement of your cards in the examples is just a suggestion to give you a better overview. You can also place your cards on different spots in your player area.
The Locations and their Actions:
Patent Office
At the Patent Office, you can get Patents so that you may build Prototypes in phase 5 to gain victory points and other possible bonuses. Descriptions of all icons on the Patent cards can be found in the Appendix.
Action: Choose one of the face-up Patent cards. Place it with its blue side face up to the left of your player mat. Do not pay the cost now, but later when you build the Prototype. There is no limit to the number of Patent cards you can own.
Bonus: The first two players to perform this action receive a newspaper each.
The empty card spaces will only be refilled during phase 7. The top card of the deck cannot be chosen.
Example: Blue moves their die onto the first action space and receives a newspaper. Blue decides to take the second card (audiobook) and places it face up next to their player mat.
With that, Blue has secured this Patent and can convert it into a Prototype during phase 5 of this or any of the subsequent rounds.
Since Blue is the only player at this location, they can immediately perform another action with their second die.
British Museum
At the British Museum, you receive the newest research results. They can give you either a permanent bonus during phase 6 or an immediate one-time bonus. Descriptions of all icons on the Research tiles can be found in the Appendix.
Action: Choose one of the available Research tiles. Place it on a free research space on your player mat. If all research spaces are already occupied, you will need to place the new Research tile on the space of another Research tile and discard the old one.
You can never replace a loan (no matter if open or paid back) with a Research tile, no matter how you get the Research tile.
Costs: The second player to place a die (2 or 3 player games) and the third player to place a die (5 player games) at this Location pays 2 pounds.
Example: Blue moves their die to the first action space and decides to take the left Research tile. Blue places it on a free research space on their player mat. From now on, Blue can raise their income by 1 every round during phase 6.
Afterwards, Yellow can choose a Research tile and receives the depicted bonuses immediately (2 newspapers and 4 Buzz or 1 Gear and 2 pounds).
Setup of a Patent Card
Bank of England
At the Bank of England, you can buy Shares. These will always have a positive effect on your income (contrary to real life) and your victory points.
Action: Choose one of the available Shares. Raise your income and your victory points according to the numbers displayed on the Share and place it into your supply.
Costs: The second player to place a die (3 player games) or the third player to place a die (5 player games) at this Location pays 2 pounds.
Example: Yellow moves their die on the first action space, chooses the left Share and places it into their supply. Afterwards, Yellow moves their own player tokens up for 1 victory point and 5 income. Then, Blue receives the second Share.
In Westminster, you can gain influence. This will grant you a one-time bonus and will impact the salary demands of your characters.
Action: Advance your player token on Westminster by one step. Immediately and only once, gain the bonus indicated on that space. If your player token has already reached the V space on the track, the token stays in the space and you receive one of the bonuses that are shown in the white box below.
Bonus: The first player to place a die receives 1 pound.
Costs: The second player to place a die (2 to 4 player games) or the third player to place a die (5 player games) at this Location pays 2 pounds.
Gain 2 pounds.
Immediately use one of your permanent bonuses with a green banner. This could be a Research tile on your player mat or a bonus space at the Black Market where you have an Assistant placed. (You will gain the bonus again during phase 6).
Gain 1 Energy.
Gain 2 Buzz, advance your player token on the Buzz track (see page 22) accordingly.
Example: Red moves their die onto the first action space and receives 1 pound. Because Red is already on space V, their player token hits the green dotted line and stays put on space V. Because of that, Red can choose one of the two bonuses shown below.
Reform Club
In this elitist Club, you can always find interesting characters who can help you prepare for the World Exhibition. Descriptions of all icons on the Character cards can be found in the Appendix.
Action: Choose one of the available Character cards. In contrast to the Patents, you need to immediately pay the recruitment costs for a person, indicated on the red banner in the top-left.
After paying, you may take any instant bonuses depicted in the bottom-left of the card (gray banner with a lightning bolt).
Note: You can exchange 4 pounds into 1 Energy and 5 pounds or 2 newspapers into 1 Gear at any time during your turn. Additionally, you can take a loan at any time.
Some characters display an additional effect in the bottom-right that will be triggered in a later phase.
Receive the victory points (blue banner in the upper-right corner) depending on the current year shown by the turn tracker. Check if one or two of your Prototypes has a link with the character and, if so, gain an additional 4 victory points per Prototype.
Flip the card face down and place it to the right of your player mat. When placing additional Character cards, place them so that they overlap the right half of the previous card. You can own an unlimited number of Character cards.
Bonus: The first two players who place a die advance 1 step on the Buzz track.
The empty card spaces will only be refilled during phase 7. The top card of the deck cannot be chosen during this action.
Example: Blue moves their die onto the first action space and advances 1 step on the Buzz track. Blue chooses the right card (Bronte) and immediately pays the costs of 2 Gears and 1 energy.
Afterwards, Blue can take an Assistant action, as the indicated instant bonus, and they choose to place an Assistant into the Black Market for free. Additionally, Blue receives the victory points for this card.
Because the current round is Spring 1850, Blue receives 10 victory points. Since Blue has already built the audiobook as a Prototype, they get 4 additional victory points.
Afterwards, Blue flips the card onto its backside and places it next to their player mat so that it halfway overlaps the last Character card.
Setup of a Character Card
London Times
Use the Times publishing house to create Buzz for your part at the World Exhibition. However, only certain news are sought after. Descriptions of all icons on the publisher tiles can be found in the Appendix.
Action: Check how well you fulfill the conditions of the current round displayed on the publisher tile and advance on the Buzz track by the respective number of spaces.
Bonus: The first person to place a die receives 1 newspaper.
Costs: The second person to place a die (2 and 3 player games) or the third person to place a die (4 and 5 player games) at this Location pays 2 pounds.
Example: Yellow moves their die onto the first action space and receives a newspaper.
Because Yellow owns 2 Character cards and 1 Prototype card, they fulfill the conditions of the current round (1-3 Character cards and/or Prototype cards) on the third level and advance 4 steps on the Buzz track.
Port of London
The port gives you a variety of possibilities. You can recruit new workers or send them onto a trip around the world. Supply yourself with material or shoo your Assistants around.
As at the other Locations, move your die to the leftmost unused action space and, if applicable, gain a bonus or pay a fee.
Action: Move your die again onto one of the free Location action possibilities that you want to use. Every Location action possibility can only be used once per round. The initial action space from which you moved your die, still counts as used.
Costs: The second player to place a die (2 and 3 player games) or the third player to place a die (4 and 5 player games) at this Location pays 2 pounds.
Example: Blue moves their die onto the first action space and from there further onto the Ticket space.
From there, the die moves onto the middle dice space since the first one is already occupied. The current round is Autumn 1850. Because of that, Blue receives 4 victory points for the year and additionally 6 victory points for the value of their die.
Afterward, Blue places a Ticket on top of their die to indicate that the die stays put for the rest of the game.
The following Location actions are available:
With the Assistant space, you can perform exactly 2 Assistant actions. If you place an Assistant on the Black Market with the first of these two actions, then it is for free.
If you place an Assistant on the Black Market with your second action, then you have to pay the normal cost.
Receive two Gears from the supply.
Receive a new die in your player color from the supply (if there are any remaining). You can use it like your other dice beginning with Phase 1 of the next round.
This action is only available in a game with 4 or 5 players. Receive a new die in your player color from the supply (if there are any remaining) at a cost of 2 pounds.
You can use it like your other dice beginning with phase 1 of the next round.
Exchange 1 die for victory points. Move your die from the Ticket space onto the leftmost free dice space below it. Receive the amount of victory points that is indicated underneath the current year plus the value of the die.
The die stays on that space until the end of the game and can no longer be used. For clarification, take a Ticket from the Ticket space and place it on top of the die. Should all dice spaces be occupied after 3 or 4 rounds then you can no longer use the Ticket space.
Waterloo Station
The station ensures a steady stream of supplies and can quickly spread ads for your cause.
As at the other Locations, move your die to the leftmost unused action space and, if applicable, gain a bonus or pay a fee.
Action: Move your die again onto one of the free Location action possibilities that you want to use. Every Location action possibility can only be used once per round. The initial action space from which you moved your die, still counts as used.
The following Location actions are available:
Gain 2 energy from the supply.
Gain 1 energy and use one of your permanent Phase 6 bonuses one time. This could be a Research tile on your player mat or a bonus space on the Black Market where you have an Assistant placed.
Gain 1 energy and advance 2 steps on the Buzz track.
This action is only available in a game with 4 or 5 players. You can either use one of your permanent bonuses one time, or you advance two steps on the Buzz track.
Example: Blue moves their die onto the first action space and from there onto the left action. Blue receives 2 energy.
Phase 4: Pay Salary and use Character Abilities
Paying the salary for your Character cards depends on your progress in Westminster. The amount is displayed at the bottom of each Character card you own.
Compare the color on the Character card with the position of your player marker in Westminster and pay the corresponding salary into the supply. You must pay for all of your characters. If you do not have enough money you are forced to take a loan.
After you pay salaries, you can use those character abilities, which are displayed beside the orange phase 4 banner. Generally, all players can perform these abilities simultaneously, but in case of doubt continue in player order.
Example: Since their position in Westminster is space II
A, Blue needs to pay a salary of 6 pounds for their characters (3 for Holmes and 3 for Bronte).Blue pays with their last 5 pounds
Band exchanges 1 newspaper into 1 poundCto avoid taking a loan. After that Blue can use the phase 4 abilities of their Character cards.For Holmes' ability (receive 1 victory point per 2 newspapers), Blue receives 2 victory points because Blue owns 4 newspapers.
Phase 5: Convert Patents into Prototypes
Beginning with the start player and continuing in player order, each player can convert their Patents into Prototypes. To build a Prototype, you need to pay the costs displayed in the upper-left corner on the red banner.
Note: At any time during your turn you can exchange 4 pounds into 1 energy or 5 pounds or 2 newspapers into 1 Gear. You can also take a loan for this at any time.
Each player can only build 2 Prototypes per round. Announce that you are building 2 Prototypes before the next player takes their turn.
Note: The player order has a special meaning in this phase because the card effects are triggered immediately after the Prototype-building and can affect other players as well.
During your turn in this phase, you can use your character abilities that are displayed next to a blue phase 5 banner.
Afterwards, you receive the victory points indicated on the blue banner in the upper right corner. This amount of victory points is different depending on the year the Round Tracker shows.
Check if one or two of your characters has a link with the built Prototype and if so receive an additional 4 victory points per linked character.
Next, the effect at the bottom of the card is triggered. Play it completely on a player of your choice (who could also be yourself). This player has to apply all effects - both positive and negative - onto themselves. If you cannot pay a negative amount of pounds completely you might have to take a loan. (How you take a loan is explained in the section on loans on page 22).
Then, turn the card over on its backside and place it in the bottom right next to your player mat. (You always keep the Prototype card yourself, even if you applied the effects on another player).
Place additional Prototype cards so that they overlap the right half of the previous card. There is no limit on how many Prototype cards you can own.
Once each player has taken their turn to build up to 2 Prototypes the next phase starts.
Phase 6: Income, Permanent Effects and the Buzz Track
The main actions in this phase are administrative effects. Play these effects together, step by step; in case of doubt follow the player order here as well.
Receive income: You receive a number of pounds out of the supply according to the position of your player token on the income track. Should your token be placed on the space with the -1 victory point shown on the right, you lose 1 victory point.
Special expenses: Move your player token on the income track 3 steps down. For every step that you cannot go down (because the token has already reached the lowermost space) you have to pay 1 pound to the bank. For this you might need to take a loan.
Permanent effects with a green banner: Now use all of your permanent effects that have a green phase 6 banner. You can find these effects on Research tiles on your player mat and to the right of your Assistants on the Black Market, and possibly on the Pocket Watch.
Buzz track: Take the bonuses that you receive through your Buzz tokens that are placed on posters.
Phase 7: Preparation for the Next Round
At the end of each round, follow these steps. However, at the end of round 5 (Spring 1851), the game ends after phase 6.
Black Market
Refill the Gears on the Black Market, if necessary. Move every Assistant in the Black Market one space down. If an Assistant was already on the last space take it back to your supply.
Locations 1-8
Take all your dice back, except the dice with a Ticket on the Port of London.
Patent Office (1)
Remove the leftover Patent cards from the Patent Office. Place them under the Patent card deck and refill the Patent office with new Patent cards.
British Museum (2)
Remove the leftover Research tiles on the British Museum from the game. Refill the British Museum with new Research tiles from the supply.
Bank Of England (3)
Remove the leftover Share tiles on the Bank of England from the game. Refill the Bank of England with random Shares of the next round (see Round Tracker on the Location London Times). Put any spare Shares back into the box as they are no longer needed.
Reform Club (5)
Remove the remaining Character cards from the Reform Club. Place them under the Character cards deck and refill the Reform Club with new cards from the deck.
London Times (6)
Move the Round Tracker one step to the right onto the space of the next round.
Example [black market]: All Assistants in the Black Market are moved one step down. An Assistant that was placed on the last step will be moved back into the players' supply.
Taking a loan

You can take a loan at any time. When you take a loan, draw a random loan tile and place it face up on a free research space on your player mat. When all research spaces are occupied, you have to replace a Research tile with the loan and discard the Research tile. Then, take 10 pounds from the supply.

Special case: If all research spaces are already occupied with other loan tiles you place the new loan tile next to your player mat. It counts in addition to the other loans. In this case you can also no longer receive Research tiles.
Paying back a loan
You can pay back a loan at any point during your turn or at the end of the game. Pay 10 pounds into the supply and turn a loan tile of your choice onto its backside.
It is recommended to only pay your loans back at the end of the game. That way you could avoid having another need for money after paying back your loan and be forced to take another loan.

Loans at the end of the game
Loans will cause you to lose victory points at the end of the game. You always lose 5 victory points for paid back loans and for open loans 8 to 10 victory points.
The Administration Board
The Administration board has the following areas:
The Buzztrack
The Buzz track is on the left-hand side of the board. Here, you move your player token forward for every Buzz you gain. If you move your player token on or over a Flyer space A, then you receive the shown bonus immediately and one-time only.
If you move your player token on or over a poster space B, you have to decide immediately if you want to place one of your two Buzz tokens there or not. You cannot decide afterwards to place a Buzz token, and you also cannot move an already placed Buzz token around.
Example: Red gains 3 Buzz and moves from space 3 onto space 6. Red can place a Buzz token when they arrive at the poster (space 4) and gain the bonus during phase 6. For arriving at space 5 Red immediately and one-time only receives 1 Gear.
You receive the bonuses on the poster spaces in every round during phase 6 if you have a Buzz token placed there. The bonuses on poster spaces 7, 14, 21, 28 and 36 are victory points.
On poster 4 you have to decide every round if you want to gain 2 pounds or 2 steps on the Buzz track. (If you take the two steps on the Buzz track during phase 6 and move your player token onto another poster space you can place your other Buzz token immediately if it is unused. You gain the bonus of this poster space immediately).
The first player who arrives at space 40, the end of the Buzz track C, places their player token onto space I, the next player onto space II, the player after that onto space III. (You will get the victory points on your entry Ticket at the end of the game.
You won't have to necessarily reach the end of the Buzz track to gain the victory points. Important is the relative position on the Buzz track). All additional Buzz is forfeited.
Example: Yellow receives 2 Buzz and thus arrives at the end of the Buzz track and takes the first place. Yellow gets 6 victory points at the end of the game. For their current position Blue would receive 4 victory points at the end of the game.
The Income Track
The income track is on the right-hand side of the Administration board. It indicates how much income you get during phase 6.
If your token is on one of the red bottom spaces (Income 0) during phase 6 then you don't get any money during this round and lose 1 victory point. (You lose the victory point only in phase 6 and not the moment you step onto a red space).
Should you gain income during the game and your token is already on the top-most space (12) of the income track then you receive 1 pound from the bank for every step that you would surpass 12.
Should you lose income during the game and your player token is already at the bottom end of the income track then for every step that you would go further down, you have to pay 1 pound to the bank. If you are unable to pay you need to take a loan.
The Scoring Track
Around the edge of the Administration board runs the scoring track. You start the game with 5 victory points, since you could lose victory points through the building of Prototypes.
If you reach 50 victory points, place your victory point tile with the 50-side up onto one of the correspond- ing places in the top-left corner of the Administration board.
Should you reach 100 victory points turn your the victory point tile onto its other side. Should you fall under 50 victory points again you will take back your victory point tile and place it in your supply. Should you fall under 100 victory points again you turn the tile back onto its 50 victory points side.
End of the Game
The game ends after phase 6 of round 5 (Spring 1851) with the world exhibition.
Now you must pay back your loans and exchange your leftover energy, Gears, and newspaper into 1 pound each. Exchange every 10 pounds you have left into a 10-pound note and place it onto a free research space on your player mat (if there is one).
Then, gain or lose victory points for these areas:
Receive victory points depending on your position on the Buzz track. The player in front on the Buzz track receives 6 victory points. The second player gets 4 victory points, and the third player gets 2 victory points.
The other players do not get any victory points. Note: players do not need to reach the 40th space on the Buzz track to get points. Your progress on the Buzz track is what counts, and you receive points based on your position among the other players.
In case of a tie, evenly divide the victory points of the respective tiers among the players involved (rounding down if necessary).
Black Market
The players whose Assistants are placed the highest in the Black Market get victory points. The highest-placed Assistant scores 3 victory points, the second-highest scores 2 victory points, and the third-highest scores 1 victory point.
Player Mat
Gain the victory points for the level of your objective track that you reached (only the current level matters. You do not get points for the lower levels).
For every loan, lose the depicted amount of victory points.
For every empty research space (without a Research tile, loan, or 10-pound note) on your player mat, you lose 2 victory points.
The player who has the most victory points after the scoring will become the star of the world exhibition and wins the game.
In case of a draw, all involved players win.
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