
- 21 Red Checkers
- 21 Yellow Checkers
- 4 Pillar Pieces
- 2 Trays
- 1 Red Checker Launcher
- 1 Yellow Checker Launcher
- Rulebook
Use this setup for all 3 games. Assemble the game as shown.

One player takes the red checkers and launcher; the other player takes the yellow checkers and launcher. ignore markings on the checkers until Game 3.

Place the game on a flat surface between players. Players must launch from anywhere on their own side of the game.
Launchin' Checkers
Before starting a game, take a few practice launches (always keep the launchers on the playing surface).

To launch to closer spaces, do not push all the way down on the launcher.
Game 1: Basic Frantic Launch
Object of the Game
Be the first player to get 4-in-a-row in either tray.
Game Play
- One player yells, "Ready, set, launch!"
- Both players launch their color checkers at the same time into either tray - as fast as possible.
- The first player to get 4-in-a-row shouts, "CONNECT 4". Both players must then stop.
The 4-in-a-row can go from back to front, side to side or diagonally.
The top checker in a space is the one that counts!

End of the Game
The first player to get 4-in-a-row in either tray wins. If neither player gets 4-in-a-row, rematch!
Game 2: Championship Frantic Launch
Object of the Game
Be the first player to score at least 5 points.
Game Play
Play this game in rounds. Each round is like playing one game of Basic Frantic Launch (Game 1).
Points are awarded for each 4-in-a-row.
Where is the 4-in-a-row? | Point Value |
Top Tray | 2 |
Bottom Tray | 1 |
After each round, the scoring player slides up the scoring marker on his or her launcher based on the points scored.
(Begin each game with the scoring marker on 0).
Ending and start a round
The round ends when... one player gets 4-in-a-row; OR both players run out of checkers.
Players collect all of their checkers from the trays (or anywhere else they've landed).
End of the Game
The first player to score 5 points wins!
Game 3: Advanced Power Launch
Play with any or all Power Checkers. They each have special powers explained below.
Object of the Game
Be the first player to score at least 3 points.
Game Play
Play this game in rounds. Players alternate turns, launching one checker at a time. The youngest player launches first.
Ending a Round & Scoring
The round ends when: one player gets a 4-in-a-row; OR both players run out of checkers to launch.
In Power Launch, majority rules; the player with the most checkers in a space has control of that space. If both players have an equal number of checkers in a space, neither player controls the space.

The scoring player slides the scoring marker on his or her launcher up, as follows:
Where is the 4-in-a-row? | Point Value |
Top Tray | 2 |
Bottom Tray | 1 |
(Begin each game with the scoring marker on 0).
Start a new Round
Clear the trays; players collect all of their color checkers and start another round. The player who did not launch first in the last round, starts the next round.
Types of Checkers
Normal Checkers: Nothing special happens. Play continues as usual.
Power Checkers: If the Power Checker doesn't land in a space, the player's turn is over. If it does, a power is activated:

Go Again: Launch another checker right away (even a Power Checker).

Mega Blast: Remove all checkers from every space touching the space where it lands.

Remove a Row: Remove all checkers from the other spaces in the row it lands in - either pick the row that goes front to back, or the row that goes side to side.

Space Erase: Pick any one space touching the space where it lands, and remove all the checker from the chosen space!

Place any removed checkers off to the side; they cannot be launched again during this round.
End of the Game
The first player to score 3 points wins!
Rule Clarifications
If a checker misses the trays completely, it can be launched again on a future turn (or right away in Game 1 or 2).
If a player has no checkers left to launch, the other player still launches the rest of his or her checkers.
If an opponent's checker is in the air when a player says, "CONNECT 4" and it lands on top of the 4-in-a-row, keep playing - no one has won yet! (This could happen in Game 1 or 2).
If a checker lands on the tray, but not in a space, leave it there.
If a Power Checker (used in Game 3)...
- is in a space: it counts towards 4-in-a-row.
- misses the tray: launch it again on a later turn.
- lands on the tray, but not in a space: the power is canceled (if it falls in a space later the power does not activate).
- lands in a space: the power must be used on this turn.
Team Play
Teammates sit next to each other.
Basic & championship frantic launch team play - for 2 teams
Launch a checker, then pass the launcher to the next teammate (who launches a checker immediately). It's fast and it's frantic - so flip and pass quickly.
Advanced power launch team play - for 2 teams
Launch a checker, then pass the launcher to the next teammate (who launches a checker on the team's next turn). Any teammate can decide if/when to use Power Checkers.
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