Spires are an integral part of asserting dominance in Ankar. They are stationary structures, each controlled by a specific faction. Use them to take out approaching foes and extend your foothold on the world.

Your spires (denoted with a silver border) are unique to your faction. All factions have basic spires that are always available to be constructed.
Some factions also have advanced spires, which must be unlocked through specific fortress advancements before they may be constructed. See your faction's reference sheet for details.

1 Starting Upgrades, 2 Spire Name, 3 Source Cost, 4 Upgrade Capacity, 5 Talent(s), 6 Source Reward.
Constructing a Spire
Spires can be constructed during the Build Phase, or during the Onslaught Phase at the start of your turn (using one of your two limited build options). You may only construct spires on Source Wells within your influence.
You are considered to have influence over a hex group if it is adjacent to your fortress gate, it already contains a spire controlled by you, or it is adjacent to a hex group containing a spire controlled by you.
You also have influence over your fortress Source Wells, and no other faction may have influence over them. When constructing a spire on an earthscape that sits on top of an isle, it is the underlying isle that must be checked for influence.

1 Heir Spire, 2 Source Wells Within Influence, 3 Source Wells Outside of Influence.
When a spire is constructed, it will start with a number of upgrades, as shown on the left side of the chip. You may order these upgrades however you prefer under the spire chip when you construct the spire, but you may not rearrange them later.
In a 2-player game, each faction can have a maximum of 6 spires in play at a given time. In a 3-player game, the maximum number of spires per player is 5. In a 4-player game, the maximum is 4. You may not construct a spire for any reason if you are already at your maximum.
Spire Upgrades

Upgrade chips represent both the spire's stats, and its health. Note that spires and units utilize the same upgrade chips, but they function in different ways (see page 24 for details on upgrading units).
When determining a spire's current stats, always refer to the upgrade chips underneath it. The starting upgrades shown on the chip should only be referenced when constructing the spire, as it may lose or gain upgrades through gameplay, altering its stats.
Spires may have 3 types of upgrades: range, attack, and fortification. When upgrades are added to a spire, they are always added to the bottom of the spire. When upgrades are removed from a spire due to damage, they are always removed from the bottom of the spire.

Spire Range
Range determines the maximum number of hexes away that the spire may attack. Spires have a default range of 1. Therefore, the attack range of a spire is equal to the # of range chips currently beneath the spire chip +1.
A spire with no range upgrade chips can still use its default range to attack an adjacent unit (assuming it has at least one attack upgrade).

The grovetenders have just moved and heir spires now fire. The high rise spire has its starting upgrades of 1 attack and 1 range.
All spires have a default range of 1, denoted with green above.
Any minions here would be able to be attacked by this spire even if there were no range upgrades on the spire.
Since this high rise does have a range upgrade, its range is 2 and it is therefore able to attack any unit in the pink hexes as well.
This spire has one grovetender war briar within its range, so this is the unit it will attack.
Notice that the second war briar is not within range. This is because range is not counted over missing hexes (sky), so the spire must count around this space.
Spire Attack
Spires have a default attack of 0. Spires attack using spire attack dice. Each attack upgrade chip allows the spire to roll 1 attack die when attacking.
Therefore, when spires fire, the amount of spire attack dice they roll is equal to the amount of attack upgrade chips currently beneath the spire chip. If a spire has no attack upgrade chips, it is unable to attack.
Spire Fortification
Fortification upgrades help to further protect the spire, as the spire must be dealt at least 2 damage (instead of 1) from a single attack or talent in order to remove it. Fortification upgrades not on the bottom of the spire do not protect it.
Upgrading a Spire
The action of upgrading a spire can be done during the Build Phase, or during the Onslaught Phase at the start of your turn (using one of your two limited build options).
When upgrading, you can spend Source to add as many upgrades to a spire as you would like, not exceeding the spire's upgrade capacity. Note that it is possible for a spire to go beyond its upgrade capacity through the use of certain talents, relics, and fortress advancements, but you may not choose to go beyond its capacity unless instructed.
A spire may begin with more starting upgrades than its capacity; if so, you may not upgrade this spire until it has lost enough upgrades to fall below its capacity.
Each range and attack upgrade costs Source equal to the number of upgrades on the spire, including the one being added. For example, adding a second upgrade to a spire costs 2 Source, while adding a third upgrade to a spire costs 3 Source. Each fortification upgrade costs 2 Source regardless of how many upgrades the spire has.
New upgrades must be placed at the bottom of the spire. When an upgrade is removed, it is taken from the bottom.
Spires Fire
Spires attack, or fire, as part of the Onslaught Phase. After all of your units have completed their movement, each other player in turn order checks if you have any units within range of their spires. If so, their spires will fire.
For each spire that fires, the controlling player makes a dice pool consisting of one spire attack die for each attack upgrade their spire has. If their spire has multiple possible targets, a single target must be declared before rolling.
Remember, spires may only fire upon units belonging to the active player. The result of the spire attack dice roll determines the amount of damage the spire deals.
Each die has four sides with a hit (dealing 1 damage), one crit
(dealing 2 damage), and one miss
(dealing no damage). Units do not retaliate against spires. Spires cannot attack landmarks, units belonging to non- active players, spires, or fortress gates.
Damaging a Spire
A unit within range of an opposing spire may select the spire as its attack target. Dealing 1 or more damage to a spire removes 1 attack or range upgrade from the bottom of the spire - you may not remove more than 1 upgrade, no matter how much damage you deal.
If the spire has a fortification upgrade as its bottom chip, it must be dealt at least 2 damage from a single attack or talent in order to remove the fortification upgrade. Spires, unlike units, do not retaliate.
Fortress Spires
Each faction's fortress has two Source Wells on which that faction can construct spires. These spires function just as any other spire. They are considered adjacent to the hexes on the attached isle.
Fortress spires may count through the fortress gate hex when determining range, and other units may count through the fortress gate hex when determining if these spires are in their range as well.
Fortress spires are included in any game effects that reference spires in play (however, fortress Source Wells are not included in game effects that reference Source Wells).
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