
- 12 Boxes
- 36 Player markers:
- 1 Bookkeeping board
- 1 Day marker
- 1 Start Player marker
- 30 Factory Part cards
- 4 Factory boards
- 30 Conveyor tiles
- 18 '£50' coins
- 40 Coal tokens:
- 54 Corner Shop Order cards
- 5 Department Store Order cards
- 26 Factory Manager cards
- 4 Store Room & Coal Bunker cards
- 4 Player Reference cards
- Instructions
Bookkeeping Board

Place the Bookkeeping board in the middle of the table.
1 Place the Day marker on the 'Monday' space of the week track.
2 Put the £50 coins in the marked space.
3 Sort the Factory Parts into two decks (A and B) and shuffle each deck separately. Place the B deck face down on the marked space, and stack the A deck face down on top of the B deck.
4 Sort the Corner Shop Order cards into three decks (Small, Medium, and Large as shown on the back of the card) and shuffle each deck separately. Place the decks face down on the marked spaces.
5 Lay the Department Store orders below the Bookkeeping board, in the corresponding positions along the bottom edge. If this is your first game, turn each to its A side. In later games, select any combination of A and B sides, or choose them at random.
6 Sort the Employee cards into five decks (The Palace Boutique, Fresh Fancies, Salter's Emporium, House of Luxury, and Dunstan & Gilbert's) and shuffle each deck separately. Place the decks face down above the Bookkeeping board. Each deck corresponds to one of the Department Stores below the board.
Factory Boards
Each player takes 1 Factory board, 7 Conveyor tiles, 1 Store Room & Coal Bunker card, 1 Reference card, and 9 Player markers of their chosen color.
Place your Factory board in front of you, with the pre-printed Factory Parts in the top left. Lay 4 Conveyor tiles into the channel of your Factory, and put the other 3 Conveyor tiles beside your Factory, on the left.
Place your Store Room & Coal Bunker card and Ref- erence card, beside your Factory on the right, ensur- ing it is not on the "Factory manager only" side.
Each player draws one Corner Shop Order card from each of the three decks (one Small, one Medium, and one Large order). Lay your three Corner Shop Order cards face up above your Factory.
Place your Player markers as follows:
- Place one beside each of your Corner Shop Order card.
- One beside each Department Store Order card.
- Place one on the Bookkeeping board, on the '0' space of the money track.
Make a common supply beside the play area containing all the chocolate and coal, and one spare Conveyor tile. Put any unused Factory boards, Conveyor tiles, and Player markers back in the box.
Each small Coal token is worth 1 coal, and each larger token is worth 3 coal. The supply of chocolates and coal is not intended to be limited . In the rare case that you run out, substitute with any suitable replacement.
Start Player
Give the Start Player marker to the player who most recently ate chocolate.

About Your Factory
Chocolate Conveyor Tiles
The Conveyor tiles carry Chocolate pieces through your Factory, and the Factory Parts allow you to work on those products.
The raw input for your factory are Beans (black). These can be first roasted to make Cocoa (brown squares), then formed into chocolate Bars moulded into Chunks or Fingers (brown bars), and then made into Wrapped chocolates with either added Caramel (yellow) or Nuts (red), before finally becoming premium Boxed chocolates (blue).

All of these pieces, including Beans and Cocoa, are called 'Chocolate pieces' or just 'chocolates'. Bars, Wrapped, and Boxed chocolates are called 'refined chocolates'.
Factory Parts
Each Factory Part will allow you to process the Chocolate pieces on the Conveyor tile immediately above or below it. You will need to use coal every time you operate a Factory Part.
The furnace icon on the Factory Part tells you how much coal it takes to operate it once.

Each day you will choose one Employee to hire to help with that day's production. Each Employee gives you a special gift, benefit, or action, and tells you which of the five Department Store Order cards you have the opportunity to fulfill at the end of the day.
You will discard the Employee at the end of the day, and choose a new one on the following day.

Fulfilling Orders
At the end of each day you can use the chocolate pieces in your store room to fulfill your own personal Corner Shop order cards, and one of the competitive Department Store Order cards.
If this is your first game, refer to the 'fulfill orders' and 'End of the game' sections to make sure you understand how fulfilling Corner Shop and Department Store Order cards will earn money.

Object of the Game
Over the course of six days, compete to build the best and most efficient factory, hire the best employees, and earn the most money by satisfying the many different orders at local corner shops and big department stores.
The player who earns the most money wins
Game Play
The game is played over six days. Each day is played over five phases, carried out in the following order:
- Prepare
- Expand & Recruit
- Run Factory
- fulfill Orders
- Cleanup

1. Prepare
Receive Coal
Give each player the amount of coal shown on the current day space on the Bookkeeping board: 5 coal on Monday, 6 coal on Tuesday, and so on. Keep the coal you receive in your coal bunker (the upper half of your Store Room & Coal Bunker card), along with any coal you did not use during previous days.
Create Display
Draw 5 Factory Parts from the top of the deck and lay them face up in the middle of the play area. Make a number of 'packets' equal to the number of players as follows:
- 2 players: Make 2 packets: one of 3 Parts, and one of 2 Parts.
- 3 players: Make 3 packets: two of 2 Parts, and one of 1 Part.
- 4 players: Make 4 packets: one of 2 Parts, and three of 1 Part each.
Draw the Factory Parts one by one, and lay them into packets in order. (For example, in a 2-player game, lay the first three Parts together to make the first packet, and then lay the next two Parts together to make the second packet). Make sure the Parts are split into packets randomly.
Now draw 5 Employees: take 1 Employee from each of the 5 Employee decks. Shuffle these Employees and then lay them face up in the middle of the play area, grouping them into a number of packets equal to the number of players, just as you did for the Factory Parts. Make sure that all the Parts and Employees can be easily seen by everyone. We recommend that the player who lays out the Employees reads out the text on each card, and announces with which of the Department Stores each Employee is associated.
![]() An example display for 3 players. |
2. Expand and Recruit
The player with the Start Player Marker goes first. Players then take turns in a clockwise order. On your turn, choose either one packet of Factory Parts, or one packet of Employees.
If you choose a packet of more than one Part or Employee, immediately choose one to keep, and discard the others, removing them from the game.
The last player to choose, going clockwise from the start player, chooses both a packet of Factory Parts and a packet of Employees.
Then, going anti-clockwise back towards the start player, each player chooses a second packet of the other type so that everyone gains exactly one new Factory Part and one new Employee.
Factory Part
Choose a position in your Factory for your new Factory Part.
You may cover up an existing Part, including all three of the original Parts printed on your Factory board. You cannot move Parts around in your Factory, and if you cover a Part, you receive no compensation.
Place your new Employee face up beside your Factory. Each Employee grants you a Gift, Benefit, or Action that you can use during the current day.
Gift: Immediately take the gift specified from the supply.
Benefit: You gain a bonus that you can use one or more times during the day.
Action: Unless otherwise stated, you gain a special action that you can take once during the day. To indicate that your action has been completed, rotate the card sideways.
Important! Each Employee also determines which of the Department Store orders you will have the opportunity to fulfill at the end of the current day.
3. Run Factory
In turn order, everyone runs their own Factory. Each day, you will run three Shifts, using the Conveyor tiles beside your Factory one by one, and spending your coal to operate the Parts in your Factory in any combination and order you choose.
Note: If everyone agrees, players can choose to run their Factories simultaneously.
Running a Shift
When you run a Shift in your Factory, do the following things in order:
Place a conveyor tile at the entrance on the left-hand side of your Factory, and load it with 1 Bean, taken from the supply. This represents the raw material entering your Factory from which you will make your chocolates. It does not cost coal to load the conveyor.
Push the tile into the channel, moving the other four tiles sideways. Make only one push during each shift. This push moves all the Conveyor tiles and the chocolates on them one position to the right, and pushes the tile at the right-hand end out of your Factory exit.
If there are any chocolates on the tile then place them on your Store Room card.
You may now operate any combination of parts in your factory, in any order, provided you have enough coal to do so. You may also choose not to operate any Parts.
You may only operate each single Factory Part exactly once during a Shift. You cannot spend more coal to operate it repeatedly.
The amount of coal required to operate a Part is shown beside the furnace icon. When you operate a Part, take that amount of coal from your own coal bunker and place it onto the Part itself. This keeps track of which Parts you have operated during each Shift.
Each Factory Part can only process chocolates on the conveyor tile immediately above or below it.
The function of each Factory Parts is explained below.
Important: During each Shift, you cannot operate any Parts until you have pushed a new conveyor tile into your Factory. You must take the Load, Push, and Operate steps in order.
To complete the Shift, remove all the coal you placed on Factory Parts during the Operate step and return it to the supply.
Important: If you still have one or more Conveyor tiles remaining beside the entrance to your Factory, you must immediately begin another Shift by returning to step 1 above.
Basic Factory Parts
The majority of Parts can only operate on a single piece of chocolate during a single Shift.

For the cost of 1 coal, you can convert 1 Bean on the conveyor tile below the Roaster into 1 Cocoa. Place 1 coal onto the Part, return a Bean on the Conveyor tile to the supply, and place 1 Cocoa taken from the supply on the Conveyor tile to replace the Bean.
For 1 coal, you can perform the 'upgrade' action once on a single piece of chocolate on the conveyor tile below the Upgrader.
Return 1 chocolate of your choice on the Conveyor tile to the supply, and replace it with an upgraded chocolate taken from the supply as follows:
Bean can be upgraded into 1 Cocoa.
1 Cocoa can be upgraded into 1 Bar (either Chunks or Fingers).
1 Bar (either Chunks or Fingers) can be upgraded into 1 Wrapped chocolate (either Caramel or Nuts).
1 Wrapped chocolate (either Caramel or Nuts) can be upgraded into 1 Boxed chocolate.
This chain of possible upgrades is summarised on the Bookkeeping board.
The Chute is a unique part of your Factory. When you operate it, you may remove one or more of the chocolates on the Conveyor tile below the Chute and put them into your store room (the lower half of your Store Room & Coal Bunker card).
Unlike all other Factory Parts, operating the Chute is free and does not require coal, and you may operate it more than once during any Shift.
Other Factory Parts
Every Factory Part shows a combination of icons that represents the Part's function, and shows you which chocolates the Part allows you to process.
Each icon on a Factory Part relates to a single Chocolate piece, not all pieces of that type on the conveyor.


Most Factory Parts are converters, and operate like the basic Roaster.
Each converter operates on a piece of chocolate on the conveyor, and allows you to convert that piece into one or more other pieces. Each conversion, may only happen once per shift.

Some converters allow you to choose which chocolates you receive as the result of the conversion.
First example: For 2 coal, you can convert 1 Fingers into 2 Wrapped chocolates of your choice (either Caramel or Nuts), which may be the same or different.
Second example: For 4 coal, you can convert 1 Bean into any 2 chocolates of your choice, which may be the same or different.

Some converters allow you to choose which chocolates you convert.
First example: For 2 coal, you can convert 1 Bar of your choice (either Chunks or Fingers) into 2 Boxed chocolates.
Second example: For 3 coal, you can convert any 1 refined chocolate of your choice (Bar, Wrapped or Boxed), into any 2 chocolates of your choice, which may be the same or different.

Some converters give you two options, each of which operates on a different chocolate. Each time you operate one of these Parts, you can only choose one of these options.
Example: For 1 coal, you can either convert 1 Fingers into 1 Nuts, or convert 1 Chunks into 2 Nuts. You cannot do both conversions in a single Shift.

Some Parts require you to operate on 2 chocolates at once. To use these functions, both chocolates must be present on the conveyor tile at the same time.
First example: For 1 coal, you can either convert 1 Bean into 1 Cocoa, or convert 2 Beans into 1 Chunks and 1 Fingers. You cannot do both conversions in a single Shift.
Second example: For 4 coal, you can convert any 2 refined chocolates of your choice (Bar, Wrapped or Boxed, in any combination), into 1 Chunks, 1 Fingers, 1 Caramel, 1 Nuts, and 1 Boxed chocolate.

Two Factory Parts (one in the A deck, one in the B deck) are more powerful versions of the basic Upgrader, and allow you to take the upgrade action more than once during a single Shift.
Each time you take an upgrade action, you can choose to upgrade any 1 chocolate on the conveyor tile above or below the Part.
First example: You could use 2 actions to upgrade one chocolate twice, and then use a remaining action to upgrade a different chocolate.

Two Factory Parts (one in the A deck, one in the B deck) are Repeaters, that either duplicate or triplicate a single Chocolate piece on the conveyor.
If you duplicate a piece, choose any 1 Chocolate piece on the conveyor immediately above or below the Part and add take an exact copy of that piece from the supply and place it on the same conveyor tile.
If you triplicate a piece, take two copies of the piece from the supply and place them on the same Conveyor tile.
Moving Chocolates to your store room
Each time you push a Conveyor tile into your Factory, you will also push another tile out at the other end. Immediately remove all chocolates on this Conveyor tile and place them into your store room (the lower half of your Store Room & Coal Bunker card). Leave the Conveyor tile beside the exit to your Factory.
In addition, at any time during an 'Operate' step, you may choose to move one or more of the chocolates on the Conveyor tile below your Chute into your store room.
1 Moving chocolates into your store room, either when they are pushed out on the conveyor or you use the Chute, is a free action and does not cost coal.
Once a chocolate is in your store room, you cannot return it to your Factory.
If you cover up the Chute with another Factory Part, you can no longer choose to remove chocolates from this position on the conveyor and must wait for them to be pushed out.
Keeping Chocolates in your Factory
At the end of each of the first five days (Monday- Friday), any chocolates on your conveyor remain in place in your Factory. You can only move chocolates into your store room when they are pushed out on the conveyor or if you use the Chute.
However, after running your factory on the sixth day (Saturday), move all of the Chocolate pieces anywhere in your Factory into your store room, before you fulfill orders for the final time.
Trading Chocolates For Coal
While running your Factory, you may always trade one or more of the chocolates already in your store room for an equal amount of coal. You can trade any type of chocolate in any combination, including Beans and Cocoa.
If you trade chocolates, return them to the supply and take 1 coal for each chocolate returned. You can do this at any time, and may use the coal you receive immediately or keep it for later.
Using an Employee
At any time, you may choose to use the action or benefit of your Employee if it applies during the Run Factory phase.
4. Fulfill Orders
In turn order, use the chocolate in your store room to fulfill any combination of your current Corner Shop Order cards and the one Department Store Order card associated with your current Employe.
If everyone agrees, players can choose to fulfill their orders simultaneously.
Remember: Before you fulfill orders on Saturday , move all of the chocolates in your Factory into your store room.
Corner Shop Orders
Each Corner Shop Order is made up of 1, 2, or 3 stages, each worth an increasing amount of money, and requiring a specific number of Refined Chocolates (Bars, Wrapped, or Boxed).
You may fulfill several stages of a single order all at once but you must fulfill them in sequence, starting with the least-valuable stage first.
To fulfill a stage, take from your store room all of the chocolates shown in the stage, and return them to the supply. When you do this:
Record the money earned by moving your Player marker on the money track on the Bookkeeping board. Each time you move your marker onto or past the '0' space, take a £50 coin.
Slide your Player marker on the Corner Shop Order card upwards, onto the stage you just fulfilled.
Completed Corner Shop Orders
If you complete the final stage of a Corner Shop Order, remove your Player marker and place the completed order face down above your Factory board. You will choose a new order to replace it during the Cleanup phase.
Note: At the end of the game, the player or players who have the most completed face-down Corner Shop orders will earn £12. The number of orders you have completed is not secret.

In one round, Christina produced one nut, one caramel and three fingers chocolate pieces.
She uses the nut and caramel chocolate pieces to complete her Small Corner Shop Order Store and the three fingers to complete the second and final stage of the medium Corner Shop Order Store. That round, Christina gains £14 from Corner Shop Order Stores.
Department Store Orders
The Employee you recruited at the start of the day shows which of the five Department Store Orders you now have the opportunity to fulfill using the chocolates in your store room.
Each Department Store Order defines the types of chocolates you must supply, and how many spaces you can move your Player marker along the track on the Department Store Order card. If you move your marker onto a space with another player's marker, place your marker on top.
Each track has 9 spaces. This is the maximum number of spaces that you can move your marker on each Department Store track. Any additional movement is lost.
At the top of each Department Store Order card is the amount of money players will earn at the end of the game depending on the order and position of their Player markers on the card.
The Palace Boutique
A Side
Supply refined chocolates of your choice, all of the same type (Chunks, Fingers, Caramel, Nuts, or Boxed), and move 1 space along the track for each chocolate supplied.
B Side
Supply refined chocolates of your choice, each of a different type (Chunks, Fingers, Caramel, Nuts, or Boxed), and move 1 space along the track for each chocolate supplied.
Fresh Fancies
A Side
Supply Chunks chocolates, and move 1 space along the track for each chocolate supplied.
B Side
Supply Fingers chocolates, and move 1 space along the track for each chocolate supplied.
Salter's Emporium
A Side
Supply Caramel chocolates, and move 1 space along the track for each chocolate supplied.
B Side
Supply Nuts chocolates, and move 1 space along the track for each chocolate supplied.
House Of Luxury
A Side
Supply Boxed chocolates, and move 1 space along the track for each chocolate supplied.
B Side
Supply Bar chocolates in any combination, and move 1 space along the track for every two chocolates supplied.
Dun Gilbert's
A Side
Supply Wrapped or Boxed chocolates in any combination, and move 1 space along the track for every two chocolates supplied.
B Side
Supply exactly two refined chocolates only. If both of the chocolates you supply are Bars, move 2 spaces along the track. If both chocolates are Wrapped, move 3 spaces along the track. If both are Boxed, move 4 spaces. You cannot supply more than 2 refined chocolates per turn or supply them in any other combination than those listed above.
5. Cleanup
The game lasts 6 days, Monday-Saturday. At the end of the first five days, get ready for the next day as follows. At the end of Saturday, skip this phase and proceed to 'End of the Game'.
Store Chocolates and Coal
At the end of each day you may keep up to 2 chocolates in your store room for the next day.
You must trade any excess chocolates that you cannot keep, including Beans and Cocoa, for 1 coal each. You may keep any amount of coal in your coal bunker for use during the next day.
Reset Conveyor Tiles
Put the Conveyor tiles that you pushed out of your Factory back beside the entrance.
If your Employee gave you an additional Conveyor tile, return it to the supply.
Discard Employee
Discard the Employee you recruited at the start of the day.
Replace Completed Corner Shop Orders
For each Corner Shop Order you completed, choose a new one to replace it as follows. Draw one Corner Shop Order from the each of the three decks (Small, Medium, and Large) and place one of these three orders above your Factory.
You do not have to choose an order of the same type (e.g a medium for another medium ). Put the orders you didn't choose face down on the bottom of their respective decks.
Move day and start player markers
Move the Day marker one space along the week track. Pass the Start Player marker clockwise. Now return to 'Phase 1. Prepare' to continue the game and play another day.
End of the Game
At the end of the sixth day, players may earn money for the Department Store Orders they fulfilled and for any remaining chocolates and coal.
There is no penalty for stages of your current CornerShop Orders that you did not fulfill.
Remember: Before you fulfill orders on Saturday , move all of the chocolates in your Factory into your store room.
Corner Shop Orders
Count up the number of Corner Shop Orders of any size that you completed.
Ignore any incomplete orders still face up above your Factory.
The player who completed the most orders earns £12. (Count the number of completed cards, not the number of completed stages). If two or more players are tied with the most orders, all tied players earn £12 each.
Department Store Orders
Look at each Department Store in turn. Rank the players first, second, and third, based on the position of their markers on the track.
If players are tied, break the tie in favor of the tied player who fulfilled orders earlier, and whose player marker is therefore underneath other Player markers on the same space.
The player in first place earns £16.
The player in second place earns £8, but only if their marker is at least half (rounded up) as far along the track as the player in first place.
The player in third place earns £4, but only if their marker is at least half (rounded up) as far along the track as the player in second place.
If second place receives no points due to not being half as far along as first place, neither second nor third place receives any points regardless of how far along third place is.
Department Store Order Bonuses
In addition, for each player count the number of different Department Stores at which they fulfilled at least one order.
- If you fulfilled orders at 3 different Stores, earn £6.
- If you fulfilled orders at 4 different Stores, earn £12.
- If you fulfilled orders at all 5 Stores, earn £24
Remaining Chocolates and Coal
Every chocolate and coal you have remaining at the end of the game earns you £1.
Winning the game
The player who has earned the most money wins. In the case of a tie, the tied player who played later in the turn order during the final day is the winner.
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