When you take a cat card, place it face up in front of you.
Feeding Needs
At the end of the game, all of your cats need to be fed, represented by the food symbol(s) on the bottom of the card.
If the cat is fully fed, you gain VP equal to the number on the left side of the card.
If the cat is not fed, you lose 2 VP regardless of the number on the left side of the card.
Example: If Bronte is fed 2 tuna the player gains 3 VP. There are no partial points for feeding the cat part of its needs.
If Bronte is not fully fed, the player will lose 2 VP.
Cat Colors
Cats also have one or more colors (black, orange, or white). Some cats may reward VP for having other cats of certain colors.

If players have difficulty distinguishing the colors, the top left corner of the cat card shows a reference of its color: B = black, O = orange, W = white.

Food cards are needed to feed your cats at the end of the game. There are three types of food: chicken, tuna, and milk. When you take a food card, you must immediately discard it and collect a food cube of that color which you keep until the end of the game.
There are also x2 chicken, x2 tuna, and x2 milk cards. When you take one of these cards, you collect 2 food cubes of that color.
If you take a wild food card, you must discard it and take a wild (purple) cube. Wilds can be used as any type of food (chicken, tuna, and milk).
Note: The player with the most leftover food after feeding their cats must lose 2 VP, so be careful to only take enough food to feed your cats!
When you take a costume card, keep it in your hand until the end of the game.
At the end of the game, the player that has the most costumes gains 6 VP. If two or more players tie for the most, they divide the VP among them evenly.
If you do not have at least one costume at the end of the game, you lose 2 VP.

When you take a catnip card, keep it in your hand until the end of the game.
At the end of the game, if you only have 1 catnip you lose 2 VP. If you have 2 or 3 catnip, you gain 1 VP for each of your fully fed cats. If you have 4 or more catnip, you gain 2 VP for each of your fully fed cats.

When you take a toy card, keep it in your hand until the end of the game. You gain VP based on the number of different toys you have. You may score for multiple sets.

Example: Kat ends the game with 1 feather wand, 2 cat towers, and 3 mouse toys. She has one set of 3 unique toys and scores 5 VP. The set of a cat tower and mouse toy scores 3 VP. The single mouse toy scores 1 VP.
Lost Cat

When you take lost cat cards, keep them in your hand until you choose to play them during one of your turns.
Finding Stray Cats
You may discard 2 lost cat cards from your hand to "find" one of the face up stray cats cards and add it to your cat area in front of you. Stray cats are like regular cat cards and must be fully fed at the end of the game or you lose 2 VP.
When a stray cat is taken, do not replace it by drawing another stray cat card. Only three face up stray cats are available during a game.
Gain VP
You may also discard 2 lost cat cards from your hand to take a victory point token, which is worth 2 VP at the end of the game. Lost cat cards remaining in your hand at the end of the game have no value.
Spray Bottles

When you take a spray bottle card, keep it in your hand until you choose to play it during one of your turns. Playing a spray bottle allows you to move the cat token.
This allows you to block the next player from taking cards from that row or column, or to help yourself by revealing a blocked row or column for you to take cards from.
Spray bottle cards remaining in your hand at the end of the game have no value.
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