As a visitor to Cat Cafe, you want to make the most of your visit and that means petting the most cats! You'll need to decorate your corner of the cat cafe, by placing the most toys, scattering some food, and making some comfortable resting spots to attract the most cats!

- 1 Pad (50 sheets)
- 4 Pencils
- 5 Dice
- Instructions
Object of the Game
Each round the dice will be rolled and players will take turns to choose from the available dice, combining their chosen die with the one remaining central die to mark enticing items on their sheet.
These items all score points in different ways and the player with the most points at the end of the game wins!
Give each player a sheet and a pencil. Put the remaining pencils and the pad back in the box
Place a number of dice in the center of the table equal to the number of players +1. Put the remaining dice back in the box
The player who most recently pet a cat becomes the first player in the first round

Game Play
Each round of Cat Cafe is played in three parts
- Dice Draft
- Marking items/Passing
- Check for Completed Columns
I. Dice Draft
The first player rolls all the dice in the center of the table
From the first player in clockwise order each player picks one die to keep for that round
After every player has picked a die, there will be one die left in the center of the table.

II. Marking Items
Players may now mark items on their sheets in accordance with the following rules, or they may 'pass' to gain footprints which can be used in later rounds to alter dice values.
Players must use two dice values to determine what item they will mark and where they mark it. One value is the number on the die they chose to keep this round and the other is the value of the die remaining in the center of the table.
One value determines the item they will mark on their sheet. The possible items are:
- Cat House
- Ball of Yarn
- Butterfly Toy
- Food Bowl
- Cushion
- Mouse Toy

The other value determines the row in which the item will be marked (shown in the bottom left corner of each hex). The item can be marked in any column where there is space to do so.

A player may mark the corresponding item in the corresponding hex.
You can draw a picture of the item or write the bold letter which corresponds to the item or they may pass, marking on three of the unmarked footprints of their sheet.
Example: Hannah kept a die showing the value 6, and the remaining central die shows a value of 4 so she has three options:
She can mark the 6th item 'Mouse Toy' in any one of the 4th-floor-Hexes.
or she can mark the 4th item 'Food Bowl' in one of the 6th-floor-hexes.
or she can pass, marking an @ o.jpg on three of the unmarked footprints of her sheet.
Note: Only one item may be marked per hex.
Adjusting Dice Values
If a player has unused (circled, but not crossed out) footprints, they may adjust the value of their dice.

Players can increase or decrease the value of a die by 1, by marking on the one of the
marked footprints on their turn. The value cannot be increased above 6 or below 1.
Note: Multiple footprints can be used in the same round and even on the same dice.
Example: Kuly kept a die of value 2 and the central die shows a value of 4. Using 3 footprints, Kuly changes her 2 value die to a value of I (-1), and her 4 value die to a value of 6 (+2)

Unused footprints are not worth any points at the end of the game.
III. Check for Completed Columns
Once all players' markings are finished, check if any player has completed a column of the cat tower this round.
Completion of the column: all the hexes of the column are filled with items.
If this is the first time this column has been completed by any player this game then the player(s) who completed it this round should mark
on the larger number at the top of the column.
To score these higher points the player(s) must have at least one Cat House in the column. All other players then mark
an on that larger number to indicate that the higher score is no longer available.
If the column was completed in a previous round it can still be completed by the other player(s). However this column now scores fewer points and the player(s) who complete it should mark the small number with
If someone has completed three columns, the game ends at the end of this round. If not, the player to the left of the first player in this round becomes the first player and the game proceeds to the next round, starting with Dice Draft.
Effects of Items
Cat House
After marking a house on the sheet, choose a Cat that has not yet been scored. Immediately score 2 points for each of the items on your sheet that are shown with the Cat. Write down the number of points below that cat.
Ball Of Yarn
At the end of the game, players will count the number of Balls of Yarn in each column. Players with the most in each column get 8 points.
If a player doesn't have the most but still has at least one Ball of Yarn they score 3 points for that column. If Players tie for the most Balls of Yarn in a column each tied player gets 8 points.
Butterfly Toy
Immediately mark an . on two unmarked footprints. At the end of the game, players score 3 points for each butterfly.
Food Bowl
At the end of the game, players score I point for each different adjacent item.
At the end of the game, each Cushion will score points equal to the floor number it is drawn in. For example, a Cushion on Floor 5 will score 5 points
Mouse Toy
At the end of the game, players receive 2/6/I2/20 points depending on the number of adjacently 2/wiz/zo connected Mouse Toys in a 'chain'.
Each chain of Mouse Toys can score a maximum of 20 points. Each Mouse Toy can only be scored for one chain, however, multiple chains may be drawn.
End of the Game
If a player has completed three columns this round, the game ends and scores are calculated.
Each player calculates the score for each item (see ' Effects of Items' for details of how each item is scored. Write the corresponding score in the space where each item is drawn.
Add up all items, cats, and column scores ( marked numbers on the columns).
The player with the highest score wins.
If players are tied for the highest score, they share the victory
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