All rules of the expert level apply, with the following exceptions:
Place the 6 Pantry tiles in front of you.

Game Play
From now on, you may choose to place a Pantry tile instead of drawing a Dream tile, and place it in your castle. The rules for placing Pantry tiles are the same as those for placing Defender tiles.
All other rules that apply to tiles (destroying, moving, etc). also apply to Pantry tiles. However, Pantry tiles may not be part of a defensive formation.
Victory Condition for the Pantry
After resolving the effects of an Ordeal card, you must have the required number of Pantry cards in your castle, or you lose immediately.
After the first Ordeal: you must have exactly 2 Pantry tiles in your Castle.
After the second Ordeal: you must have exactly 4 Pantry tiles in your Castle.
After the third Ordeal: you must have exactly 6 Pantry tiles in your Castle.
In the two player game, Pantry tiles in both castles count toward the requirement. However, each player must have the same number of Pantry tiles as the other when encountering an Ordeal.
If a Pantry tile is destroyed, it is placed in the discard pile. You may recover a Pantry tile by drawing and discarding a Chameleon tile of the same shape.
You may choose to place a Pantry tile even when there are tiles revealed by a discarded Seer.
Variant: For a more difficult game, apply the following rule: you may not place a Pantry tile orthogonally adjacent to another Pantry tile.
It is permitted for 2 or more Pantry tiles to become adjacent as a result of tile destruction.
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