The Might Is Right Variant

This variant proposes less randomly determined duels, replacing dice for duel tiles. To play this variant, you have to use the following modifications.
During game set up:

For a two-player game, each receives 6 duel tiles, numbered 0 to 5, and $15.
For a three- to five-player game, take 6 duel tiles (from 0 to 5) per player, and mix them. Each player receives 6 duel tiles at random and keeps them secretly.
Each player announces the total of points on his duel tiles. The sum of the totals must be 45 (if 3 players), 60 (if 4 players) or 75 (if 5 players). As starting cash, each player receives $30 minus the total of his duel tile points.
How to perform duels: Instead of rolling dice, each player challenged to a duel chooses and plays a duel tile which adds that number of points to the fire power of the player.
Duel tiles are discarded after use to make a new stockpile. When a player has no duel tiles left, he takes three new ones at random from the stockpile.
The Carson River Variant
To play this variant, please use the reverse board showing a river. Please also use the following modifications:
During game set up :
- All river parcels must be kept free (no mountain and no city center);
- 6 mountains are placed instead of 9.

It is neither allowed to buy a river parcel nor to build a building or a house on a river parcel. A river parcel is considered as a free parcel when calculating ranch incomes (thus, +$1 per river parcel).
If a mine is in contact with the river, the mine income is increased by $3, whatever the number of river parcels in contact.
Two roads are necessary to cross the river. A double road crossing the river is called a bridge.
At the end of the game, any private parcel (with mountain, building or house) in contact with a bridge brings 3 victory points instead of 2.
The Kit Carson Variant

This variant, non recommended for inexperienced players and tenderfeet, shortens the game duration by allowing simultaneous setting of the cowboys.
The section on page 3 point 2 is modified as follows:
As soon as the first player of the turn has set his first cowboy on the board, all players simultaneously may set their cowboys on the actions they wish. Any player may also decide to shift any cowboy of his and place it on another action, repeatedly.
When a player decides to stop placing or shifting his cowboys, he places his marker on the first free position of the lower turn order track.
From this moment on, he is not allowed to place or shift cowboys any more during this turn.
Fair Play Rules:
- Only one hand may be used to set the cowboys down on the board;
- Make calm and precise movements, do not knock pawns and tiles over, or shake the gameboard;
- Do not stay undecided with your cowboy while hanging your hand over the board, bothering other players.
End of the game is completed as follows: Each player gets 1 victory point per player after him on the turn order track.
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