Welcome to Taiwanese bubble tea shop! We are professional tea tenders. In order to make tasty bubble tea for customers, we have to make sure these naughty Moji Moji stay right inside the bottle !

- 6 Dice
- 45 Moji Moji Cards
- 1 Shaker
- 46 Customer Cards
- 10 Tea Base Cards
Game Rules 1

- Suggested age: 8 years old and up
- Number of players: 1 ~ 5
- Playing time: 20 Min
Object of the Game
Bubble Tea is a table game which improves your quickness and reaction time. In Bubble Tea, players have to roll 6 dice by the real shaker and using 9 plastic cards to match pictures which shown on dice.
The player who finds the correct combination first gets a Customer Card. Whoever gets 3 Customer Cards in the end wins the game and becomes the master of BUBBLE TEA!
Customer Cards
(1 blank Customer Card, you can draw a customer by yourself)
The front side of each customer card shows a customer and the point players can get. The backside of the card, which shows a cup of tea or coffee with Moji Moji, is customer's orders.

Each player has 2 Tea Base Cards and one set of Moji Moji Cards (No.l~No.9). Put Moji Moji Cards close to Tea Base Cards.
Shuffle all Customers Cards.
Put all the dice into the shaker. The player who has recently drunk bubble tea holds the shaker.

Game Play
1. Shake your Order
The player who holds the shaker rolls the dice by the shaker.
The Moji Moji shown on dice = customers' order.
After opening the lid and turning the bottle upside down, all players say "123 GO!" and the game starts.

2. Mix the Drink
All players simultaneously try to find the legal combination by using Moji Moji Cards.
The order players have done should be put on Tea Base Cards. Whoever finishes the order wins a Customer Card.
Moji Moji Cards are allowed to spin and cover on Tea Base Cards. However, Moji Moji can't be out of Tea Base Cards.

3. Finish the Drink
Whoever finishes the drink first covers dice with the lid. All players stop the action and wait for checking the order.

4. Check your Order
Open the lid and check all players' combinations.

The player who finds the correct combination wins a Customer Card.

The player who finds the wrong combination loses a Customer Card and removes it from the game (If the player doesn't have any Customer Card, the player loses nothing).
Others can keep working until someone finishes the order.
All players move to next round when two players getting it wrong, then remove the Customer Card from the game.
New Round
The Player who got a Customer Card last round holds the shakerand the dice.
End of the Game
The player who gets 3 Customer Cards wins the game.
Game Rules 2

- Suggested age: 8 years old and up
- Number of players: 1 ~ 5
- Playing time: 20 Min
Object of the Game
In this mode, all players score without dice. The number on Customer Cards (1-5) is equal to the difficulty.
Each player chooses a Customer Card from hands randomly and finds the combination from the Moji Moji side as soon as possible.
Each players has 2 Tea Base Cards and one set of Moji Moji Cards ( No.l~No.9 ). Put Moji Moji Cards close to Tea Base Cards.
Put the shaker in the middle of the table with dice.
Deal 5 Customer Cards to each player randomly.
Game Play
1. Order a drink
To start a round, all players simultaneously choose any 1 Customer Card from their hands that they would like to keep and place it face-down in front of them.

Everyone reveals their chosen cards (flips to the Moji Moji side).
When all players are ready, say "123 GO!" and game start.
2. Mix Your Own Bubble Tea
All players simultaneously choose a Customer Cards and try to match the Customer Card by using Moji Moji Cards (Same as Rule 1).
3. Finish the drink : Grab the Shaker
The player who has finished the order first grabs the shaker. All players stop the action.
4. Check your order
There are two situations when players finish their combinations :
Flip to the customer side and score the number shown on the Customer Card you choose.
The player who finds the wrong combination removes the Customer Card from the game. Others can keep working until someone finishes the order. All player move to new round.
New Round

All players put Moji Moji Cards around Tea Base Cards.
Pass your remaining hand face-down to the player on your left. Everyone picks up their new hands and the next turn begins.
End of the Game
Game set when players finish 5 rounds.
The player with the most points wins the game. If tied, these tied players rejoice the victory.
Game Rules 3 - get Something to Drink

- Suggested age: 8 years old and up
- Number of players: 1 ~ 8
- Playing time: 20 Min
Object of the Game
Get the most cards.
Put 45 Customer Cards face-up on the table.( without blank customer card).

Game Play
Choose one player read out the tourism term on the Customer Card. There are 3 languages (Chinese, English, and Japanese) of tourism terms that players can choose one of it to read out.
For children, it's available to change tourism terms to description (e.g., there's a customer wearing a hat and holding a cat).
Others have to find the exact Customer Card on the table and slap it as soon as possible while the player is reading out the card he chooses.

Slap the Right Card: Get the card as one point.
Slap the Wrong Card: Get the card and flip it as minus point.
End of the Game
Game set when there are no cards on the table.
The player who gets the most cards wins the game. If tied, these tied players rejoice the victory.
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