Boxers or Briefs? is a hilarious party game that gets everyone laughing and revealing things about themselves. Need a warm-up? Everyone clap your hands, stamp your feet and yell "Boxers or Briefs" three times (just kidding).

- 200 Cards
- 40 TRUE Scoring Tokens
- 40 FUNNY Scoring Tokens
- Storage Tray
- Die
- Label Sheet
- Instructions
Object of the Game
Be the first player to collect 6 scoring tokens.

Find the 20 "blank" cards in the card decks and place them out of play for now. More about these cards later. Place the remaining cards in the tray, and place the tray in the center of the playing area so all players can reach.
Place all the TRUE scoring tokens in one of the storage tray's center pockets and all the FUNNY scoring tokens in the other. Deal 7 cards facedown to each player to start.

Game Play
To determine who takes the first turn, decide who is the most talkative player. That player rolls first. Play then passes to the left.
Here's all the info you need to get you playing. For a more detailed explanation of gameplay, see "Detailed Rufes" below.
On your turn, you're the reader. Roll the die and announce the category rolled.
Each player (except the reader) selects a card from his or her hand and gives it to the reader. (For a 4-player game, each player selects 2 cards).
The reader shuffles all the cards given and reads them aloud.
Note: Read only the phrases for the category rolled.
The reader selects the card that is the most true (about the reader) and gives a TRUE scoring token to the person who admits to submitting it.
The reader then selects the card that is the most funny (about the reader) and gives a FUNNY scoring token to the person who admits to submitting it.
The reader discards all cards played in that round.
All players (except the reader) draw cards to replace the ones handed to the reader.
The first player to collect any combination of 6 TRUE or FUNNY scoring tokens wins.

Detailed Rules
Roll the die and announce the category rolled.
During the game, each person takes turns being the one all the other players are talking about. This person is "the reader". The most talkative player (you decide who) will be the first reader. Then the role of the reader passes to the left.
The reader rolls the die and announces the category rolled.
There are six categories: I am, I like, I want, I don't, I have, I... (This one is the catchall category. It contains phases that simply start with I)
Each player (except the reader) selects a card from his or her hand and gives it to the reader.
Now everyone (except the reader) selects a card to play and places it in front of the reader. Select a card that relates to the reader and is true, or select a card that you think the reader will find funny.
For example, my brother Jeff is the reader and the category is
I have. I know he is a moral guy so I could select my card that states, / have morals.
Four-player exception: In a 4-player game, players select two cards instead of one. They can be true, funny or any combination. It is possible for one player to have one of their cards selected as the most true and their other card selected as the most funny.
The reader shuffles all the cards given and reads them aloud.
Make sure you can't tell who gave which cards. Read only the answers for the category rolled.
The reader selects the card that is the most true (about themselves) and gives aTRUE scoring token to the person who admits to submitting it.
Sometimes, none of the submissions are true. If this happens, the reader must pick one anyway.
Note: The reader may not select the same card he or she selected as the most funny.
The reader then selects the card that is the most funny (about themselves) and gives a FUNNY scoring token to the person who admits to submitting it.
Sometimes, none of the submissions are funny. If this happens, the reader must pick one anyway.
Note: The reader may not select the same card he or she selected as the most true.
The reader discards all cards played in that round.
Create a discard pile next to the tray and place any used cards there.
All players (except the reader) draw cards to replace the ones handed to the reader.
At the end of each turn, each player should always have 7 cards in hand. Cards can be drawn from any of the four card decks.
End of the Game
The first player to collect a combination of 6 scoring tokens (FUNNY or TRUE) wins.
If there is a tie: Congratulations! You have two winners instead of just one.
The 20 "blank" Cards
Fill these out with your own answers and mix them in with the rest of the cards, or see "Creative Underwear" under Game Variations.
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