The following examples illustrate all of the task tiles, beginning with the 7 starting task tiles (light green backs with a crane) and followed by the 53 remaining task tiles (dark green backs with a parrot).
In general, all tasks indicate a minimum requirement - not an exact number. ^ms, you can always have more of what is required, but not less.
Note: You never need to give anything up when completing task tiles. You only need to show that you have them.
A task tile is considered "complete" when you ...

... have a man and a woman tile on your player board.

...have a woman tile on your player board and a priest in the temple.

Similar: "A man tile on your board and a priest in the temple" or "Three priests in the temple".

... have a woman tile and a jewelry tile on your player board.

Similar: "A man tile on your board and turn order tile #1".

... have a hut in any three regions.

Similar: "Huts in any nine regions" or "At least one hut on all five islands".

... can show three identically-colored God cards. Similar: "Two God cards of a specific color" (total of 5, 1 per color) or "Four different God cards".

Important: God cards required by task tiles cannot be replaced by God tiles or by using two identical God cards!
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