- 84 cards
- Instructions
Object of the Game
Ignite as many matches as you can by using special action cards, strategy, your memory, and a little bit of luck.
The player with the most cards at the end of the game is the winner.
Shuffle the MATCH DECK and the IGNITE DECK separately.
Place nine MATCH cards face down to create the MATCHBOX. You may not look at these cards yet.
Distribute three IGNITE cards to each player. You may look at your IGNITE cards.
Place the remaining MATCH and IGNITE cards face down to create the MATCH PILE and the IGNITE PILE

Game Play
Turn over any two cards in the MATCHBOX. If the cards are the same number, you've made a traditional match!

BUT, if the cards are not the same number, you can still ignite a match by using one or more of your IGNITE cards.
For example, if you turn over a "5 " and a "7", you can use an "Add 2 " IGNITE card to ignite a match of sevens (since 5+2=7).

Or, if you turn over a "3" and a "4", you can use a "Subtract 1" IGNITE card and a "Divide by 2" IGNITE card to ignite a match of twos (since 3-1= 2 and 4^2=2).

After you ignite a match or make a traditional match, place all of the cards used to make the match - including the IGNITE card(s) - off to the side (into your own, separate match pile); then, replenish the MATCHBOX (using cards from the MATCH PILE) so that it again has nine cards.
Your turn continues until you are unable to make or ignite a match. At this point, you finish your turn by drawing from the IGNITE PILE so that you again have three IGNITE cards.
Note: You may only draw additional IGNITE cards at the end of your turn.
Any unused and unmatched cards are not counted towards any player's total.
You may ignite a match that is greater than 10 or less than or equal to zero (even though the MATCH cards are only numbered 1-10).
Card color is not significant for purposes of play; however, for a quicker game, you may remove one or more of the colors from both the MATCH DECK and the IGNITE DECK.
If you are playing with more than three players, consider distributing only two IGNITE cards (instead of three) to each player.
Play continues in a clockwise direction, as the next player attempts to make or ignite a match.

Match Cards
60 Cards

These cards are used for traditional and ignited matches

When you turn over a DYNAMITE card, it explodes! You get to keep the DYNAMITE card and every card that it is touching.

Ignite Cards
3 Cards

When you play a TIMER card, you have 10 seconds to turn over cards in the MATCHBOX and attempt to make or ignite as many matches as you can within that timeframe.
And, unlike every other instance when you make a match, after your 10 seconds are up for the TIMER card, your turn ends ( which means that all of the other players will get to see the cards that you turned over but did not match).
Note 1: The TIMER card must be played at the start of your turn, or after you have successfully made a match (i.e ., it may not be played after you have failed to make a match).
Note 2: TIMER cards may be combined on one turn (e.g., if you play two TIMER cards, you have 20 seconds to make or ignite matches).
3 Cards

This card may be used to either ignite a match between any two numbered cards or to add five seconds to a TIMER card.
16 Cards

These cards are used to ignite matches using math. For example, if you turn over a "3 " and a "2", you can use a "Subtract 1" IGNITE card to ignite a match of twos (since 3- 1=2). For additional examples, refer to the "TAKING YOUR TURN" section.

End of the Game
The game ends when all of the MATCH cards have been used.
The player with the most cards is the winner.
Note: If you get to a point where no player can make or ignite a match with the cards in the MATCHBOX, you may add additional row(s) to the MATCHBOX using cards from the MATCH PILE.
However, if there are no longer cards in the MATCH PILE, all players must place their IGNITE cards face up on the table.
All players may then use any of the IGNITE cards to attempt to ignite a match.
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