You may discard as many cards as you wish during your Movement and/or Contribution Phases for their special power(s). However, once played, these cards can no longer be used towards a contribution.
Note that the Khind and the Mimix cards are exceptions to this rule, as their special powers directly relate to player contributions.
During The Movement Phase
Vulca (Black)
Masters of the flame, the Vulca revere Lika the Fire Dragon, protecting the city with their sorcery.

Value 1: Discard to move the Red Dragon to any space (the Dragon may be inside or outside the City).

Value 2: Discard to move the Red Dragon up to 3 spaces (only if the Dragon is already in the City). Dragons move orthagonally, just like Player Miniatures.
Terrah (Red)
Masters of the earth, the Terrah revere Doran the Earth Dragon, harvesting the city's surrounding fields.

Value 1: Discard to move the Green Dragon to any space (the Dragon may be inside or outside the City).

Value 2: Discard to move the Green Dragon up to 3 spaces (only if the Dragon is already in the City). Dragons move orthagonally, just like Player Miniatures.
Aqua (Blue)
Masters of the seas, the Aqua revere Sesha the Water Dragon, guarding the city's sacred waters.

Value 1: Discard to move the Blue Dragon to any space (the Dragon may be inside or outside the City).

Value 2: Discard to move the Blue Dragon up to 3 spaces (only if the Dragon is already in the City). Dragons move orthagonally, just like Player Miniatures.
Flit (Grey)
Masters of the skies, the Flit soar above the city, keeping a watchful gaze over the city's residents.

Value 1: Discard to move your Player Miniature to any space.

Value 2: Discard to move your Player Miniature up to 2 additional spaces.
During the Contribution Phase
Khind (Green)
Pranksters, the childlike Khind roam the city in bands, causing merry chaos as they go.

Any Khind: All Khind cards are wild cards of value 1 and can be used as or added to any color to make 1 contribution.
Mimix (brown)
Naturalists, the Mimix have found a perfect elemental balance, caring for the city's residents.

Value 1 or 2: The combination of any 2 Mimix cards (Value 1 or 2) may count as a wild card of value 3. This can be used alone in a contribution or added to any color.
Hoax (White)
Philosophers, the Hoax constantly develop innovative ideas, guiding the comm unity with their teachings.

Value 1: Discard to change the color of up to 4 cards into another color when making a contribution. All cards converted must be of the same color and will all change to the same color.

Value 2: Discard to change the color of 1 card when making a contribution.
Pillar (Yellow)
Adv enturers, the Pillar often travel into the unknown, returning with exotic artifacts to trade.

Value 1: After contributing to the Obelisk, discard this card to make 1 additional contribution. This additional Offering costs 1 Crystal more than the number printed on the Offering space.

Value 2: After contributing to the Obelisk, discard this card to make 1 additional contribution. This additional Offering costs 2 Crystals more than the number printed on the Offering space.
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