This version of Blokus is the perfect strategy game for two! The simple rules take less than a minute to learn, yet the game has the depth to challenge both beginners and experts alike.

42 game pieces (two 21-piece sets of purple and orange).Note: Each set contains 21 pieces, each a different shape.
Each set includes:
- 1 one-square piece 5 four-square pieces
- 1 two-square piece 12 five-square pieces
- 2 three-square pieces
Game board with 196 squares.
Note: The game board has two starting points.

Object of the Game
Each player has to fit as many of his/her 21 pieces on the board as possible.
Duration Game typically lasts 10 to 20 minutes.
Game Play
Each player chooses a color and places that set of 21 pieces in front of his side of the board.
Decide who will start first. Player 1 places one of her pieces on one of the two starting points.
Player 2 places one of his pieces on the second starting point. Play continues as each player lays down one piece during a turn. (See Figure 4)
- Each new piece must touch at least one other piece of the same color, but only at the corners.
- No flat edges of same colored pieces can touch.
- There are no restrictions on how different colored pieces can touch one another.
- Once a game piece has been placed on the board it cannot be moved during subsequent turns.
Whenever a player is unable to place one of his remaining pieces on the board, that player must pass his turn.
The game ends when both players are blocked from laying down any more of their pieces.
This also includes a player who may have placed all of his pieces on the board. Scores are tallied, and the player with the highest score is the winner.

Players count the number of unit squares in their remaining pieces (1 unit square = -1 point). Players earn +15 points if all 21 of their pieces have been placed on the board plus an additional 5 bonus points if the last piece placed on the board was the smallest piece (one square).
The figure shows an example of a completed game. The orange player is the winner:
The orange player placed all her pieces and played her smallest piece last. Score: +20 points.
The purple player could not place 2 three-square pieces and 1 four-square piece. Score: -10 points
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