- 1 game board
- 64 Game blocks in 4 colors
- 25 point blocks in 5 shapes
- 8 big penalty tokens(-2)
- 8 small penalty tokens(-1)
- 1 bag
- Rule booklet
Object of the Game
Surround with blocks to win, but do not leave them!
Players try to surround point blocks with their own color blocks in order to get the victory points. Players get penalties when they have penalty tokens or leave their own blocks at the end of the game.
The game continues until every player cannot place their blocks on board anymore. At game end, the player with the most victory points is the winner.

Place the game board in the middle of the table. Each player takes his/her own color blocks. Each player takes 14 blocks for 2 players (15 blocks for 3, 16 blocks for 4)
Then place point blocks as the pictures show. (You must place them exactly according to the description).

Game Play
The players choose a starting player. This game is of advantage to the starting player. So starting player gets penalty tokens according to rule before the game begins. Even the second player gets a penalty token when players are three or four.
(A penalty token with 2 red cubes is -2 points, a token with 1 red cube is -1 point).
Penalty tokens for each player numbers

The starting player begins: players take turns in clockwise order around the board. A player, on his turn, places his first block anywhere on board.
(However, the placing area is limited by the boundary according to number of players).
From his second block, the blocks must be connected to the side of the previous block.

The player who surrounds a point block with the most number of blocks than others can get the point block. Around a point block, there are 12 spaces which can be placed by blocks.
When a player' s blocks occupy those spaces more than other players, he will get the point block at the end of the game.

Blue player occupies 7 spaces with his blocks and Yellow player occupies 5 spaces around a point block.
As a result, the Blue player gets the point block.
At game end, 1 point block scores 3 victory points and 2 same shaped point blocks score 7 victory points. If a player acquires 3 same shaped point blocks during a game, the game is immediately over with his victory, (for 2 players)
Sometimes, a player cannot connect his blocks because his already-placed blocks are blocked by others' blocks. In this case, the player can use penalty tokens. By using them, he can place his new block on spaces that are separated from his previous blocks.

Example 1: Yellow player cannot place his new block as his previous blocks are blocked by Blue player.
The yellow player can place his block by skipping 1 space like picture1.
In this case, he must take a -2 point penalty token to do this.
Example 2: If he skips 2 spaces like the picture 2, he must take two '-2 point' penalty tokens.
Like these, anyone skipping charges a '-2 point' penalty token. These minus tokens are deducted from total victory points at game end.
However, the sum of penalty tokens must not be under -10 point including the penalty tokens which a player receive at the beginning of the game.
Also, if there is no more penalty tokens left during the game, any player in need cannot take them.
Scoring for 3-4 Players
At game end, 1 point block scores 3 points, 2 same shaped point blocks score
7 points and 3 same shaped point blocks score 12 points. If a player acquires 4 same shaped point blocks during a game, the game is immediately over with his victory.
End of the Game
A player can say 'PASS' when he cannot place his block anymore. Then the next player continues the game. When all the players cannot place blocks on board, the game is over. Everyone counts their victory points.
At game end, 1 point block scores 3 victory points and 2 same shaped point blocks score 7 victory points. Minus tokens that players have are deducted from total victory points.
If a player leaves any blocks at the game end, it is also deducted(-1 point per one square of each block).
The player who has the most victory points is the winner.
You can use the penalty tokens in order to preoccupy better spaces for your next move.
It is better to place the blocks with more squares prior to the blocks with less squares.
If any player acquires 3 same shaped point blocks, the game immediately ends. Therefore, always be cautious of others' move!
Special Rules
Special Rule for 2 Players
When you play with special rule for 2 players, you use all area on board like 4 player game.
Each player starts with two colors instead of one. The starting player takes -3 point penalty tokens.
Even though you use two colors, acquiring a point block is decided only by one color, not two colors.
Couple Game (for 4 Players, 2 Team)
Two players can make one team (for 4 player game). The starting team takes -2 point penalty tokens. Each player chooses one color. Players take turns in clockwise order around the board.
Like special rule for 2 players, acquiring a point block is decided only by one color, not two colors. At game end, you sum up with your partner' s points all together.
Official Rule for 2 Players
When you play Official Game for 2 players, you use all area on board like 4 player game.
You use only one color but double the amount 32 blocks in total.
The starting player takes -3 point penalty tokens. Other rules are same.
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