This section defines certain game terms contained in this rulebook, the haunt booklets, and the various cards and tiles.
A game term is in bold the first time it appears. adjacent: Tiles are adjacent if they share a side. Diagonal is never adjacent.
adventurer: Each player controls a character called an adventurer. Adventurers include the traitor and the heroes after the haunt begins.
adventurer card: There are six adventurer cards in the game, each with two different adventurers (one on each side of the card). An adventurer card shows the adventurer's name, portrait, traits, and other information.
adventurer figure: Each adventurer card has a matching plastic figure, whose primary color corresponds to the color of the adventurer's portrait, to represent that character in the game.
adventurer power: Each adventurer has a unique power that they can use throughout the game.
ally: An ally is a character that is on the same side as you during a haunt. Monsters and the traitor are allies, and all heroes and NPCs are allies.
attack: Adventurers (and monsters) can't attack until the haunt starts. Once during your turn after the haunt starts, you can make an attack roll against an opponent.
attack roll: You and your opponent both roll a number of dice equal to the trait used in the attack (normally Might) . The attacker can use items that grant a benefit "when attacking".
Whoever gets the higher result inflicts damage (physical if Speed or Might is used, or mental if Knowledge or Sanity is used) against the loser equal to the difference (on a tie, no one gets hurt).
distance attack: Some weapons or special items in a haunt allow you to attack an opponent on another tile within your line of sight. You take no damage if your attack roll is less than the opponent's.
card: There are three different types of cards: event, item, and omen. Adventurers draw cards as they discover new tiles. Whenever you draw a card, read its text out loud and follow any instructions.
event card: An event card has a spiral symbol
. After following its instructions, discard the card unless it says otherwise or has an ongoing effect.
item card: An item card has a bull's head symbol
. Place it face up in front of you; you now control the item.
omen card: An omen card has a raven symbol
. Place it face up in front of you; you now control the omen. You might have to do something immediately. At the end of your turn, if the haunt has not yet started, you must make a haunt roll. Most omens are like items.
character: Adventurers, monsters, NPCs, and haunt-specific opponents (such as the Minotaur) are all characters.
companion: The Figurine of Wondrous Power, Homonculus, and Meenlock omen cards are companions that follow the adventurer who controls them. Companions don't have physical or mental traits.
connected: Adjacent tiles are connected if they each contain a door on the adjacent sides.
damage: Losing an attack, as well as many card, tile, and haunt effects, can cause an adventurer to take damage. Damage can be physical or mental. For each point of damage you take, you decrease the appropriate trait or combination of traits by that many spaces on your adventurer card.
physical damage: Might and Speed are physical traits. You divide physical damage as you choose between those two traits.
mental damage: Knowledge and Sanity are mental traits. You divide mental damage as you choose between those two traits.
defense: When you are attacked, you roll a number of dice equal to the trait with which you were attacked. When rolling defense, you cannot use weapons, nor can you use items that grant a benefit "when attacking".
discover: When you move through a door on a tile that doesn't have a tile connected to it, take the next tile from the stack that matches the color of the door you just went through. You must place the tile with a door adjacent to the door you just exited, and attempt to connect any other doors on the tile as much as possible.
You do not need to match colored door frames; they are referenced only when exiting. The adventurer then moves onto the tile and discovers it.
die roll: Many cards, tiles, and haunt rules require you to attempt a die roll of X+ for your adventurer, where "X" is a variable number. (For example, you might have to make a Knowledge roll of 4+).
There's no limit to how many times in a turn you can roll dice, but you can't attempt the same roll more than once per turn. Each die has 0, 1, or 2 dots on it. Roll the stated number of dice and add up all the dots; if the result is equal to or greater than the stated number, the roll succeeds
trait roll: These die rolls are based on one of the adventurer's (or monster's) traits: Might, Speed, Knowledge, or Sanity. Roll as many dice as the character's current total in that trait (not the starting value if that trait has changed).
task roll: Some haunts require you to make a roll to succeed at a particular task (such as searching for clues). You can attempt only one such roll per turn.
door: Doors connect tiles. You can move through a door if it connects to another door on an adjacent tile. Doors are always open.
false feature: Sometimes it's not possible to match two doors on adjacent tiles. When that happens, you instead create a false feature. You can't move through false features.
haunt: An adventurer triggers the haunt scenario on a successful haunt roll. A haunt describes how to win the game and includes new rules, including monsters. During the haunt, adventurers can die.
hero: After the haunt begins, all the adventurers other than the traitor become heroes struggling to survive the perils of the city and the plans of the traitor.
traitor: After the haunt begins, one adventurer becomes a traitor who turns on their former companions. A few of the haunts feature a hidden traitor whose identity is secret from all the other players
haunt roll: Before the haunt begins, you must make a haunt roll at the end of your turn whenever you discover a tile with an omen symbol Roll a number of dice equal to the number of omen cards in play. If the result is 6 or higher, the haunt begins.
haunt revealer: The player whose omen roll triggered the haunt is called the haunt revealer. The haunt revealer looks up the haunt on the Haunt Chart to see who the traitor is.
haunt-specific action: Many haunts require adventurers to take special actions. If available, you can take a haunt-specific action (normally once per turn) in addition to the other actions you can take on your turn.
item: Adventurers can carry and use item cards and many omen cards. Items can also be picked up, dropped, traded, or stolen. See "Use Item and Omen Cards", page 9.
item or quest token: Many haunts put one or more pentagonal item tokens or triangular quest tokens on tiles, which have special rules for their use. Unless the haunt says otherwise, these tokens can be traded, dropped, picked up, or stolen just like item and omen cards.
weapon: The Crossbow, Javelin of Lightening, Necklace of Fireballs, and Ring of the Ram item cards, the Berserker Axe and Book of Spells omen cards, and the Explosive Runes event card are all weapons. You can use a weapon only while making an attack, not while defending. (See "Make an Attack", page 10). You can use only one weapon per attack, but you can carry more than one. Using a weapon during an attack is optional.
level: There are two levels in Betrayal at Baldur's Gate. The city level consists of building and street tiles, and is where you start the game. The catacomb level consists of catacomb tiles.
line of sight: If you can draw a path to an opponent that leads through an uninterrupted straight line of doors, you have line of sight to that opponent. move: Each turn, adventurers and monsters can move through the city. An adventurer can move as many spaces (tiles) as his or her current Speed. Monsters roll a number of dice equal to their Speed and can move as many spaces as the result (minimum of 1). You can take actions (such as using an item or attacking) in the middle of your movement.
opponent: An opponent is a character that wants to stop your movement or interfere with you during a haunt. Monsters and the traitor are opponents of the heroes and NPCs, and vice versa. For each opponent on a tile with them after the haunt starts, an adventurer, monster, or NPC must use 1 extra space of movement to leave that tile. sewer grate: Some street tiles have sewer grates on them. A character on that tile can move to the Catacomb Landing from that tile for 1 space of movement. Sewer grates are one-way movement options. You cannot travel from the Catacomb Landing tile to a street tile with a sewer grate. You need to use stairs to exit the catacombs.
stack: Game cards and tiles are separated by the color of their backs, shuffled, and placed face down in stacks that players draw from.
stairs: Some building and catacomb tiles have stairs that lead to other tiles. You can use the stairs only if the destination tile is in play. For example, the Kitchen has stairs that lead to the Kitchen Basement and vice versa.
steal: If you attack an opponent on your tile and would inflict 2 or more points of damage, you can steal a stealable item or omen from that opponent instead of inflicting the damage. See "Special Attacks", page 11.
stunned: Unless a haunt says otherwise, monsters usually aren't killed when defeated. If a monster would take any damage, it is instead stunned and misses its next turn. Stunned monsters can't slow an opponent's movement.
symbol: All cards have a symbol printed on them. A raven silhouette represents an omen, a bull's head " f' represents an item, and a spiral represents an event. Some tiles have symbols printed on them that match card symbols. The first adventurer to enter such a tile must stop moving there and draw the corresponding card.
tile: Betrayal at Baldur's Gate consists of a number of tiles that you discover and move through. Each tile counts as 1 space of movement. Building tiles (such as the Elfso ng Tavern or the Mansion), street tiles (such as the Fountain or Haunted Alley), and catacomb tiles (such as Assassin's Run or Vacated Shop) all count as tiles.
Each tile is separated into a stack sorted by the color of its back: building, street, or catacomb.
Some tiles include rules text that is triggered whenever an adventurer enters, leaves, or takes a special action on those tiles. Many tiles also have symbols that match card symbols. Only the first adventurer to discover the tile is affected by the symbol.
barrier tile: A barrier tile has two parts and can stop you from moving to the other side of the tile. Assassin's Run is an example.
token: Tokens are cardboard pieces that represent special items or features.
adventurer tokens are double-sided and have images that match the portraits of each adventurer. They are used to track once-per- game powers and tile effects.
item tokens are pentagonal, and many are also numbered.
monster tokens come in five colors and are numbered for easy tracking. Special monsters are large circular tokens with the monster's name printed on them.
NPC tokens are teardrop-shaped and used in some haunts to track NPCs (nonplayer characters) that the heroes typically have to protect. All rules related to NPC tokens are listed in haunts that feature them. NPC tokens are not monsters.
quest tokens are triangular and normally represent a goal of a haunt.
square tokens are used to represent a variety of effects, such as adventurer powers, event and item card effects, haunt-specific items, and obstacles.
trait: Each adventurer has four traits, shown as lines of numbers on the adventurer card: Might, Speed, Knowledge, and Sanity. Each trait has a starting value, which is green, and a maximum value, the highest possible number for that adventurer. See "Traits", page 5.
physical traits: Might and Speed are physical traits.
mental traits: Knowledge and Sanity are mental traits.
turn: Before the haunt starts, each player takes a turn in order, starting with the player whose player aid card has the lowest number and going to the left from there. During a turn, you can move, discover tiles, use items, use your adventurer power, and attempt die rolls. After the haunt starts, you can also make an attack once per turn.
After the haunt starts, the first turn starts with the player to the traitor's left and goes to the left from there. Each of the heroes takes a hero turn. After each hero has taken a turn, the traitor takes his or her traitor turn. After the traitor's turn, any monsters controlled by the traitor get a monster turn.
use: All adventurers can use items (and many omens), as well as some monsters. Using an item means making any attack or die roll with it or taking any other action in which the item is involved in any way. You can use an item once at any point during your turn.
within X tiles: When counting to see if something is within a number of tiles, only count routes through connected doors.
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