
- Ocean grid with base
- 4 Peg trays
- 2 Periscopes with visors
- 2 Torpedo launchers
- 10 Large ships
- Red scoring pegs
- White scoring pegs
- Label sheet
- 1 Torpedo tray
- 8 Torpedo marbles
- 10 Small ships
Object of the Game
To be the first naval commander to score 1,000 points by locating enemy ships, then blasting them out of the water with your torpedoes.
In this game, you must first locate an opponent's ship by finding all of its coordinates; then you must sink it by firing torpedoes at it!
Commanders sit opposite each other with the game on a table between them.
The ocean grid: Take the ocean grid and the white plastic base out of the box. Flip the base over and put it back in so that the chute leads to the exit hole. Then flip the ocean grid over and drop it into the box the right way up.
The torpedo tray: Slot the torpedo tray into the position shown in Figure 2, by fitting it into the ocean grid holes. Then slot the 4 peg trays into their holes (two trays on each side of the ocean grid).
The periscopes: Slide a periscope onto each torpedo launcher
The torpedo launchers: Slot a torpedo launcher onto each end of the grid by fitting it into the ocean grid holes. Then clip a visor onto the back of each periscope.
The torpedo marbles: Drop 3 torpedo marbles into each launcher as shown:
The scoring markers: Set each scoring marker on the ocean grid to zero.
The pegs: Fill one of your peg trays with red pegs and the other with white pegs. Your opponent does the same.
The ships: Divide the ships so that each commander has the same fleet of 10.
Step 1: Deploy your Fleet
Secretly position your 5 small ships onto the bottom half of your torpedo launcher. Your opponent does the same. Ships must be positioned horizontally or vertically, never diagonally.

Step 2: Locate Target
On your turn:
Call out a letter/number co-ordinate for example, A3.
Your opponent looks at his/her own fleet on the bottom half of his/her torpedo launcher.
If no ship is there, your opponent says, "OPEN WATER". You then place a white peg in that co-ordinate on the top half of your torpedo launcher.
If a ship is there, your opponent says, "TARGET LOCATED". Your opponent then places a red peg in that co-ordinate on the bottom half of his/her torpedo launcher. You place a red peg in that co-ordinate on the top half of your torpedo launcher.
This ends your turn. Now your opponent takes a turn calling out a co-ordinate.
Use the bottom half of your grid to mark which of your ships have been located. Use only red pegs on this part of your grid.
Use the top half of your grid to mark the co-ordinates of your opponent's ships, and to keep track of which co- ordinates you have called out. Use both red and white pegs on this part of the grid.
When the last co-ordinate of any target has been called out, the commander who owns it must call out "SHIP LOCATED".

Turn Examples
Your Turn
- You call out H10.
- Your opponent checks the bottom half of his grid. None of his fleet is located there.
- Your opponent calls back, "OPEN WATER!"
- You place a white peg at H10 on the top half of your grid.
Your Opponent's Turn
- Your opponent calls out H7.
- You check the bottom half of your grid and see that your battleship is located there.
- You call back, "TARGET LOCATED!"
- Your opponent places a red peg at H7 on the top half of his grid.
- You place a red peg at H7 on the your grid.
Firing Torpedoes
As soon as one commander has located all the co-ordinates of a ship, that commander may fire on the ship!
Follow the steps below when firing on an opponent's ship:
1. Set the Ship on the Ocean
Your opponent places a matching large ship on his side of the ocean grid. Figure 6 on page 4 shows which large and small ships match each other.
Note: There is one row on the ocean grid for every 2 rows on a torpedo launcher. Commanders, when setting a ship on the ocean, use the last co-ordinate called out to work out where to place your ship!

2. Ready, Aim, Fire
Now you attack by doing the following:
Look down into your periscope mirror as shown:
Find the tip of the ship's rod hanging down below the surface of the ocean grid. You won't see the ship itself in the mirror. If you can't see the rod, wiggle the ship as you look in the mirror.
Line up the arrow in the middle of your mirror with the tip of the ship's rod.
Now fire a torpedo by squeezing the red trigger on your torpedo launcher.
A Miss!
If you miss your opponent's ship, take aim again and fire another torpedo. If you miss with all 3 torpedoes, the ship has escaped and cannot be attacked again.
Remove it from the ocean grid and give it back to your opponent. Drop your used torpedoes back into your launcher. It is now your opponent's turn to call out a co-ordinate.
A Hit!
If you hit your opponent's ship, take it and place it next to you. Move your scoring marker forward the correct number of points. The scoring table on the left side of the ocean grid shows you how many points you score.

End of the Game
The winner is the first to reach 1,000 points after both commanders have taken the same number of turns. If no one reaches 1,000 points, the commander with the higher score wins.
Ties: In case of a tie, have a sudden death shoot-out!
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