A rich expansion for BANG! It's Gold Rush time! A cascade of gold nuggets will be the reward for the quickest gunslinger! Now you can gain new and extraordinary equipment to help you during a gunfight.
But watch out for the ghastly shadow-gunslingers... they have only one single aim: to blow you away! Can you gallop your way to the richest creek?

- 24 equipment cards;
- 8 character cards;
- 1 "Shadow-Renagade" role card
- 30 gold nuggets;
- Instructions
Equipment Cards
At the beginning of the game, shuffle the equipment cards in a separate pile, and place it a bit distant from the playing deck. Draw the first three equipment cards and place them face up in a row.
Place the gold nuggets in a small heap in the middle of the table. You start the game with no equipment and no gold nuggets in your possession.
The game follows all of the rules from the normal BANG!, with the following changes:
Each time you cause another player to lose a life point by any means (by playing a BANG!, Indians!, Duel, etc)., take one gold nugget from the heap (if the heap runs out, use any suitable substitute).
If you cause more than one player to lose a life point with a single card, take one gold nugget for each wound you caused. Keep your gold nuggets in front of you, where everybody can see them.
Example: In a game with fi ve players, Sid plays a Gatling (a BANG! to each of the other players).
Paul plays a Missed!, Pedro, Rose, and Suzy each take a hit. Since Sid forced 3 players to lose a life point, he takes 3 nuggets from the heap.
During phase 2 of your turn, you now have three new possible actions:
1. Buy One or More Equipment Cards:

You can purchase any of the face-up equipment cards. Each card shows the number of nuggets you must spend to purchase that card (return them to the heap).
If you buy a brown-bordered card, apply its effect immediately and then discard it (to the bottom of the equipment deck, face-up). If you buy a black-bordered card, keep it face up in front of you.
Example: Sam pays 2 gold nuggets to take a Pardner. He uses it to copy the effect of a Cat Balou card, then discards it.
Then he pays 2 more gold nuggets to take the Horseshoe. This he keeps face up in front of him, and he can use it when he has to "draw!"
2. Force another player to discard equipment cards:

You can force another player to discard an equipment card that he has face up in front of him by paying its normal cost plus one gold nugget.
The owner of the equipment cannot prevent this action. The card goes to the bottom of the equipment deck, face up.
Example: Willy spends 3 gold nuggets to force Sam to discard his Horseshoe (2-the cost of the Horseshoe-plus 1 gold nugget).
Then he spends 4 more gold nuggets to force Kit to discard his Lucky Charm (the Lucky Charm's cost of 3 plus 1).
3. Play one or more beer cards for gold nuggets:

You can play a Beer card from your hand to take one gold nugget from the heap. You can play any number of Beer cards in this way on your turn.
Obviously, in this case you do not get to regain a life point! You cannot play other cards with similar effects (such as Saloon) to get gold nuggets.
Example: Duke has 2 Beer cards in hand. He plays one to regain 1 life point, then plays the other to take 1 gold nugget from the heap.
There is no limit to the number of equipment cards you can buy or discard during your turn, and you can have any type of black-bordered equipment cards in front of you.
But remember: you cannot have two cards with the same name face up in front of you-this rule applies to equipment cards just like blue-bordered cards. When an equipment card is purchased, it is immediately replaced with a new card from the equipment deck.
Gold nuggets spent (to buy or discard equipment) always return to the heap.
Equipment cards cannot be the target of Panic! or Cat Balou cards, or other cards from any expansion that have a similar effect, including all character special abilities. The only way to discard an equipment card is to pay its cost plus one gold nugget.
If you are eliminated from the game, all of your equipment cards are discarded. All discarded equipment cards are always placed face up at the bottom of the equipment deck.
Character abilities such as Vulture Sam cannot be used to collect equipment cards. If a face-up equipment card is revealed (when drawing equipment), re-shuffle the entire pile and create a new draw deck.
Game Variant: Shadow-gunslingers
With this game variant you're never really out of the game!
You may also use this game variant without Gold Rush, but keep in mind that the characters provided in this expansion are specifically balanced for play with shadow-gunslingers.
If you reach zero life points and are eliminated, you are only out of the game temporarily. All the rules for the elimination of a player still apply: you discard all of your cards in hand and in play (including all equipment), reveal your role card and check the victory conditions.
If you were an Outlaw, for instance, the player who eliminated you draws the 3 card reward, etc. But, you keep all of your gold nuggets if you have any.
During each of your following turns (that is, each time it would have been your turn if you were still in the game) you temporarily re-enter the game as a "shadow-gunslinger"- a "shadow-Deputy", "shadow-Outlaw", or "shadow-Renegade", respectively.
As a shadow-gunslinger, you have zero life points. You draw 2 cards, play your turn as normal, and then leave the game again. During your turn, you play as if you were still alive, with all your abilities.
But, you cannot gain or lose life points (you ignore the effects of any cards of this type). At the end of your turn, you exit the game again, and must discard all of your cards in hand and in play (including any equipment cards you bought that turn).
Important: Shadow-gunslingers are not considered to be "playing characters" who are eliminated: so any effects caused by a characters' elimination do not apply to them.
For example, Vulture Sam does not get your discarded cards. When it is not your turn, you are out of the game for all purposes.
Your abilities do not work, and you are not counted when determining distances between players, or for the effects of General Store, Dynamite, or any other cards.
You keep your gold nuggets from turn to turn and can gather more when you are a shadow-gunslinger. During your turn, you may spend your nuggets to buy or discard equipment.
Note, however, that any black-bordered equipment cards you purchase are discarded at the end of your turn, just like your other cards.
The Shadow-renegade

There is a special rule that applies to the shadow-Renegade: On his turn, he sides with the weakest team.
Count the number of other face up roles (i.e., those of other eliminated players plus the Sheriff, but not his own): the shadow-Renegade sides with the team that has the most face up role cards.
In case of a tie, he sides with the Outlaws.
As soon as the Renegade is eliminated and becomes a shadow-Renegade, he takes the special "shadow-Renegade" role card and keeps it face up in front of him.
At the beginning of each of your turns, once you have determined which side you are on, turn your role card to the appropriate side (shadow- Deputy or shadow-Outlaw).
From now on, you win together with the team you currently belong to. Your role stays the same until the beginning of your next turn, even if the situation has changed. A shadow-Renegade never returns to his original Renegade role. The shadow-Renegade card is never included when determining which side he joins at the start of his turn.
Example: Bart the Renegade is the only player eliminated so far. The only other face-up role card is the Sheriff, so the new shadow-Renegade plays for the Law (as a shadow-Deputy).
Soon after, an Outlaw is eliminated. At the start of Bart's next turn, he becomes a shadow-Outlaw (there is now a tie for face up lawman and outlaw cards, so he plays for the Outlaws).
If a Deputy is eliminated next, Bart again joins the Law (the face-up role cards would be: Sheriff, Deputy, and Outlaw, so 2-1 lawmen). And so on...
You must always pass the Dynamite clockwise to the next player still in the game (ignore shadow-gunslingers).
When you are eliminated as a shadow gunslinger, your equipment is discarded (and Vulture Sam does not take them).
At the end of your turn as a shadow-gunslinger, any cards you discard are not taken by Vulture Sam. Similarly, if you play with the BANG! Dodge City expansion, Greg Digger's and Herb Hunter's abilities also do not activate.
Equipment Cards
Boots: Does not apply to the last life point you lose.
Bottle: Even though this card has the same effect, it is not considered a Panic!, a Beer, or a BANG!. The BANG! you can shoot with this card does not count towards your one BANG! per turn limit.
Calumet: This equipment has no effect during Duels.
Gold Pan: To keep track of the cards you draw using the Gold Pan, put the gold nuggets you pay on the Gold Pan card, then return them to the heap at the end of your turn.
Horseshoe: All "draw!" cards are discarded afterwards.
Lucky Charm: Does not apply to the last life point you lose. Always take the gold nugget from the heap, not from the player who wounded you!
Pardner: Even though this card has the same effect, it is not considered a General Store, a Duel, or a Cat Balou.
Rhum: Example: You "draw!"
so you regain 3 life points. All "draw!" cards are discarded afterwards.
Rucksack: May be used out of turn, if you are losing your last life point.
Wanted: The 2 cards and the gold nugget are in addition to any other effect (e.g. if you eliminate an outlaw, you get 3 + 2 = 5 cards and 1 gold nugget-if the Sheriff kills a Wanted deputy, he draws before discarding his entire hand, but keeps his nuggets).
Don Bell: At the end of his extra turn, he does not "draw!" for an extra turn again.
Dutch Will: He must discard one of the two cards he has just drawn (his choice) during phase 1 of his turn.
Jacky Murieta: He may shoot more than one extra BANG! provided he can pay the gold nuggets. He does not need to play any cards to use this ability.
Josh McCloud: This ability can be used only during his turn. If he draws a black-bordered equipment card he already has, he must discard it.
Madam Yto: It doesn't matter whether the Beer was played to regain a life point or to take a gold nugget. It doesn't matter who played the Beer, even Madam Yto's Beer cards count. This ability does not work if someone uses any other similar card such as Whisky or Bottle as a Beer.
Pretty Luzena: She may buy more than one equipment card per turn, but only one has its cost reduced by 1 gold nugget. If she uses her ability on an equipment card with cost 1, she takes it for free.
Raddie Snake: To keep track of the cards you draw using this ability, put the gold nuggets you pay on your character card, then return them to the heap at the end of your turn.
Simeon Picos: Always take the gold nugget from the heap, not from the player who wounded you!
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