- 3 Bacchanalia Cards
- 80 Maenad Cards
- 36 Action Cards
- 1 Satyr Kidnap Scoring Reference Card
- Rules Sheet
Take the 3 Bacchanalia Cards from the deck and place them face-up on one side of the table.
Place the Satyr Kidnap Scoring Reference Card where all players can see it.
Shuffle the Maenad Cards and place 5 of them, randomly and unseen, into the box and out of the game.
Deal one card to each player, sight unseen to the other players. This forms the player's opening hand.
Deal the remaining 70 Maenad Cards face-up to the left of the Bacchanalia Cards, creating 5 long columns of 14 partially overlapping cards in each column (see the Setup illustration). This now means that the "topmost" card (it overlaps all other cards), is actually at the bottom of each column.
Shuffle the deck of 36 Action Cards, then deal 3 cards to each player. Form a pile with the remaining cards face-down on the table.

Game Play
Throughout the game, players move Maenad Cards in three different ways:
Maenad Cards may be sent to one of three Bacchanalias using an Action Card; the number of Maenads of each color in the Bacchanalia determines the value of each color at the end of the game.
Maenad Cards may be taken into the player's hand. The player who holds the most cards in a color scores the value of that color at the end of the game.
Maenad Cards may be kidnapped using an Action Card picturing a Satyr. Maenad Cards allow players to score extra victory points at the end of the game, as indicated on the Satyr Kidnap Scoring Reference Card.
On his turn, a player may do one of the following:
draw an Action Card from the deck; OR
use an Action Card from his hand to send Maenads to the Bacchanalias; OR
use an Action Card from his hand with a Satyr pictured on it (a Satyr Action Card), to kidnap one or more Maenads.
If the player draws an Action Card from the deck, he simply adds it to his hand and his turn is over.
If the player chooses to send Maenads to a Bacchanalia, he selects the topmost (i.e.the card which is located at the bottom of the column but which is the topmost overlapping card) two or three Maenad Cards (depending on the number of numbers pictured on the Action Card) from ONE of the 5 columns and, using the numbers indicated on his Action Card (1,2,3), sends them to the appropriate Bacchanalia (1 or 2 or 3) indicated on the Action Card in the order that they appeared in the column.
Example: A player selects the Action Card 3-1-2. Choosing only one column-the middle one-he sends the topmost card (orange) to Bacchanalia 3, because 3 is the top number on the card.
The second maenad (pink) goes to Bacchanalia 1 and the third one (green) goes to Bacchanalia 2.
If the player intends to use a Satyr Action Card to kidnap one or more Maenads, he takes the topmost card of each column that bears the Satyr symbol and ignores the other numbers on the Action Card.
These kidnapped cards are then piled in front of the player (face down) and, at the end of the game, players score points for each Maenad kidnapped, according to the Satyr Kidnap Scoring Reference Card. For example,4 kidnapped Maenads at the end of the game would score 6 points.
Important: At the time of the kidnapping, players may choose one of the would-be kidnapped Maenad Cards and keep it in their hand instead of placing it in their kidnap pile.
Example: You play a 3-2 Satyr Action Card. You can decide to use the card normally, choosing a column and sending the topmost card to Bacchanalia 3 and the next one to Bacchanalia 2.
Or, since 2 out of 5 of the topmost Maenad Cards show the Satyr symbol, (see Setup) you may want to use the card to kidnap the orange and yellow Maenad cards and add them to your kidnap pile (optionally keeping one of them in your hand).

Bacchus Symbol Maenad Cards
Some Maenad Cards bear a Bacchus symbol. When such a card is the topmost card in a column (see Setup - topmost blue Maenad card in far left column),you may move it to the topmost position of another column before playing an Action Card on your turn.
You may move as many Bacchus symbol Maenad Cards as there are in the topmost position on their columns, but any Bacchus symbol Maenad Cards that are revealed when the topmost card is moved must remain in place.

End of the Game
When 4 out of 5 columns have no more Maenad Cards left in them, the game is over and all players reveal the Maenad Cards in their hands.
The player with the most Maenad Cards of any one color wins all of the points for that color in each Bacchanalia.
That is, a player receives one point per Maenad Card of that color in Bacchanalia 1, two points per Maenad Card of that color in Bacchanalia 2, and three points per Maenad Card of that color in Bacchanalia 3.
Important: In the case of a tie, all tying players score the whole value of the color. They sum up all the points they receive and add the value of their kidnapped Maenads, according to the Satyr Kidnap Scoring Reference Card.
The player with the largest total points is the winner-the most clever and the naughtiest Satyr!
Scoring Example:
- Yellow value: 3x1 + 4x2 + 2x3 = 17
- Blue value: 3x1 + 1x2 + 2x3 = 11
- Green value: 4x1 + 5x3 = 19
- Pink value: 1x1 + 3x2 + 1x3 = 10
- Orange value: 2x1 + 3x2 + 4x3 = 20
Anna wins the yellow cards-she has the most yellow cards-so she scores 17 points. She kidnapped 5 Maenads (her "house"), which are worth 8 points. Her total, therefore, is 17 + 8 = 25 points.
Bruno has the most blue cards so his score is 11 points. He kidnapped 3 Maenads, for 4 points. Bruno's total is 11 + 4 = 15 points.
Carlo has the most pink cards, and the same number of orange cards as Dario. He kidnapped no Maenads, so his total is 10 + 20 = 30 points.
Dario has the most green cards and the same number of orange cards as Carlo. He kidnapped 2 Maenads, so his total is 19 + 10 + 2 = 31 points. Dario has the most points and is the winning Satyr!

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