He is on the side of Good. Percival's special power is knowledge of Merlin at the star of the game.
Using Percival's knowledge wisely is key to protecting Merlin's identity. Adding Percival into a game will make the Good side more pwoerful and win more often.
Note: for games of 5, be sure to add either Mordred or Morgana when playing with Percival.

He is on the side of Evil. His special pwoer is that his identity is not revealed to Merlin at the start of the game.
Adding Mordred into a game will make the Evil side more powerful and win more often.

He is on the side of Evil. His special power is that he does not reveal himself to the other evil players, mor does he gain knowledge of the other evil players at the start of the game.
Oberon is not a "minion of mordred" and does not open his eyes during the reveal at the start of the game.
Adding Oberon into a game will make the good side more powerful and win more often.

She is on the side of evil. Her power is that she appears to be Merlin - revealing herself to Percival as Merlin.
Adding Morgana into a game will make the evil side more powerful and win more often.
The "reveal" phase at the start of the game will vary depending on which roles are added:
- Everyone close your eyes and extend your hand info a fist in front of you.
- Minions of Mordred, not Oberon, open your eyes and look around so that you know all agents of Evil..
- Minions of Mordred close your eyes..
- All players should have their eyes closed and hands in a fist in front of them..
- Minions of Mordred, not Mordred himself - extend your thumb so that Merlin will know of you..
- Merlin, open your eyes and see the agents of evil..
- Minions of Mordred - put your thumbs down and re-form your hands into a fist.
- Merlin, close your eyes.
- All players have their eyes closed and hands in a fist in front of them.
- Merlin and Morgana - extend your tumb so that Percival may know of you.
- Percival, open your eyes so you may know Merlin and Morgana.
- Merlin and Morgan - put your thumbs down and form your hand info a fist..
- Percival - close your eyes.
- All players have their eyes closed and hands in a fist in front of them.
- Everyone open your eyes..
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