The professional version of the game is played according to the same basic rules, but with the addition of two new elements: "Recruit buyers" and "House of the lighted windows". It is set up as described under point 8 on the crib sheet.
Recruit Buyers

Before placing a buyer on a space on the board, the player must first pay the amount printed on that space into the kitty.
He is then entitled to take 2 buyer cards from the top-up pile.
House of the Lighted Windows

If a player places a buyer on a vacant space in the house of the lighted windows, he must either:
pay 4 Asari and take the top 3 lighted windows from the stack. He then secretly selects 1 of these and places it behind his screen or
pay 10 Asari and take the top 5 lighted windows from the stack. He then secretly selects 2 of these and places them behind his screen.

The color of the cards has no bearing on the price in either case.
The discarded windows are placed face down at the bottom of the pile in any order.

The color of the chosen lighted window is important. For tower building purposes, the lighted window is counted as normal among the number of sections.
However, it can only be placed on an existing closed window of the same color, and does not increase the height of the tower. Con- sequently, it does not count as a separate tower section, but earns the player 1 prestige point in the normal way.
At each end-of-year evaluation, the players receive 1 pre- stige point for each lighted window they have used, as in the case of gold decorations. If a gold decoration is covered by a lighted window, it is cancelled out.
At the final evaluation, the lighted windows decide the winner in the event of a tie. The player with the most ligh- ted windows in the tower in question is placed higher in the ranking. In the event of a further tie, the points are shared out as usual.
This rule applies to:
the evaluation for each color (whereby only the lighted towers in the relevant tower are counted)
the highest tower overall (whereby only the lighted towers in the relevant tower are counted)
the number of towers (whereby all the player's lighted windows are counted)
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