- 500 cards with 3000 entries
- Quarter fold circular board
- Spinner arrow
- Sand timer
- 4 Playing pieces
- Rulebook
Object of the Game
To be the first team round to the finish segment. Progress is made by correctly guessing what your team mates are describing.
Unfold the board and put the arrow spinner in the center hole. Players divide into teams of two or more. The more players per team the better.
If for example there are eight players, two teams of four is better than four teams of two. Each team selects one playing piece and puts it on the start segment. By common consent decide which team will start.

Game Play
Describers & Guessers
Each turn, team members are nominated describers and guessers. All players must take their turn at being describers. No matter how big the team, there are never more than two describers.
- Teams of two players have: 1 describer and 1 guesser
- Teams of three players have: 2 describers and 1 guesser
- Teams of four players have: 2 describers and 2 guessers
(Advanced players may wish to have only one describer per turn, whatever the team size. This should be decided at the start of the game).
Playing a Turn
Play begins when the timer is up ended. The describers take a card from the front of the pack and describe the entry corresponding to the segment on which the team's playing piece sits. As the start position is on the object segment each team starts with this category.
When a team member shouts out the correct answer the describers quickly take another card and repeat the process, using the same category.
When the timer runs out, the turn is finished. The describers count the number of cards that were correctly guessed and move their playing piece forward that many segments.
Play passes on to the next team unless you land on a control or spin segment (see below for details). describers must be careful not to break any of the description rules. If they break one of these rules they forfeit the turn.

Description Rules
When describing you must not:
Say what letter the word starts with, or how many letters it has.
Say the word or any derivative e.g. If the word is "post" you may not say "postage" or "postman"; for "swim" you may not say "swimmer" etc.
Use "rhymes with" or "sound like" type clues.
When describing you may:
Gesticulate, act, mime (not mouth the word).
Choose to pass and not play a card - but only once each turn.
Control Segments
When a team lands on a white control segment play does not pass to the next team. Instead the describers who have just been describing take another card and describe the entry marked with a
to everybody playing.
There is no time limit. Play passes to the team that shouts out the right answer first. If the same team wins a second turn, the describers must change. During this turn control entries are used - which vary from card to card. After the CONTROL turn is over, play passes to the next team as if that had been a normal turn.
If two teams shout the answer at the same time, another card is taken and the entry is described.

Spin Segments
If a playing piece lands on a segment that extends into the center of the board (orange or red), the team spins the spinner to try and win bonus places.
If the spinner points to:
A wide green segment you can move your playing piece forward two segments or an opponent's piece back two segments.
A narrow green segment you can move your playing piece forward three segments OR an opponent's piece back three.
If the spinner points to an orange or red segment no bonus is won, however if there is any doubt because the arrow points to a line, spin again. On the next turn the action or random entries are used as appropriate.
You cannot move an opponent's piece further back than the start segment.
Control & Spin Exceptions
CONTROL and SPIN segments only count if landed on as a result of guessing descriptions correctly. If landed on as a result of a spin bonus, no action is taken.
End of the Game
When a team reaches or passes the FINISH segment, the describers on that team must describe a control entry (see below) to everybody playing. To win, their team must be the first to guess it correctly.
If they fail they wait until their next turn to try again. While they are waiting, other teams can move them back with their spin bonus places.
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