The game contains the following:

- 22 wooden cubes, 4 cities and 16 inns in each of the players' colors
- 4 sets of buildings. Most buildings occur 4 times, except for the Storage (16), Fountain (16), Cart Shop (16) and Fishery (12)
- 4 player aids
- 12 (small) city maps
- one famine level board
- one famine level marker (a plain wooden cube)
- 16 map tiles
- 16 exploration counters
- hexagonal grass markers
- pollution counters
- 48 goods counters of each of the 10 types (grain, olives, wine, sheep, fish, dye, pearls, gold, stones and wood)
- Rulebook
Game Elements
There are a number of concepts that are useful to introduce before starting the rules proper:
Tthe countryside is the main game board, made out of large hexagonal tiles. The size of the map depends on the num- ber of players (2 large tiles per player). All players play on the same countryside board. It contains four types of areas: forest, sea, mountain, and grass. Players can build countryside buildings (woodcutters, mines, farms, fishermen, inns) as well as cities in the countryside.
Each player can have 1-4 cities. A city is placed on the countryside map (it's 7 hexes big and has the players' color). With each city comes a city map. The city map belongs exclusively to the player who built the city. Only that player can build there. City maps can be filled with city buildings, of which there are a lot. Unless otherwise indicated, each city building can be built only once by each player. Each player is limited to 1 large (7x7) and 3 small (6x6) cities.
Men are represented by wooden cubes. Each player has his own color. Most field and city buildings require a man to operate. In countryside buildings, the man stays until the land is depleted. Men can be placed in city buildings during the city phase each turn, and become available again at the start of the next turn. Most buildings have no effect whatsoever if they are not manned.
Countryside buildings produce goods, of which there are 3 types: food (olives, sheep, grain, fish), luxuries (wine, pearls, dye, gold) and building materials (wood and stone).
by building a cathedral, a player can choose a patron saint. Each saint gives special abilities. In addition, the choice of saint determines your victory condition. Each player may choose one patron saint. Multiple players may choose the same saint.
Generally, each countryside area can be used only once (forests are an exception). Once used, they become polluted (depleted). Because of this, the amount of usable space decreases further and further as the game progresses, making it more and more difficult for players to win the game.
The famine level indicator shows the current needs of the civilized society in terms of food. If you do not have enough food (in the famine phase), graves will appear in your city.
Exploration markers are placed on the map before the game starts. They can be turned over by players during the exploration phase. This allows them to get farm goods they might not have yet.
Zone Of Control
The zone of control of a player is any area that player can reach from his cities. In general, this is the area with- in 2 steps of one of his cities, excluding water or areas that can only be reached over water. To this may be added areas that can be reached from inns; water next to cities or inns if the player has a manned harbor figure 2.; and areas within 3 steps of cities or inns, if the player has a manned stables.
By building countryside and city buildings, and manning them, players can produce goods, which, in turn, can be used to build more buildings. Eventually, this should enable you to achieve your victory conditions and win.
Game Play
The game plays in phases. Normally, players can move simultaneously. If the order of play is important, it can be checked on the order of play chart.

Fig. 1: Example city.
The player has built two cart shops and manned them. He has also built a market, which cannot be used at the moment as it is not manned. The store, consisting of three storage tiles, is manned by a single person and can store up to 6 goods.
The two faculties are connected by a university and can thus be manned by one person. The houses, graves, and cathedral do not need to be manned.

Fig. 2: Example zone of control.
All of the areas marked "A" are within the city's zone of control: they are within 2 hexes of the city. The area marked "B*" is not in the zone of control, as it can only be reached over water. If the player has a manned harbor, all the areas marked "B" (and "B*") are included in his zone of control.
If the player builds an inn on the indicated place, the areas marked "C" (or "C" and "D" if he has a manned harbor) are added to his zone of control.

Fig. 3: Example countryside building.
The player wants to build a woodcutter using a man from his cart shop. He may do so for instance on field "A*", which would yield a woodcutter of size 6, occupying all the areas marked "A" and "A*".
Another alternative would be to build it on field "B*", which would yield a woodcutter of size 3 occupy o the areas marked "B" and "B*". Can you find places to build woodcutters of size 2 or 4?

Fig. 4: Mountain range
The highlighted area constitutes one mountain range - it will produce either stone or gold during this game, but not both.
Building a city - or any other countryside building - across the mountain range does not change this.

Fig. 5: Fisheries
Fisheries must be built on at least 1 hex within the zone of control (the second hex may be outside the zone of control). Both hexes it is built on must be adjacent to unpolluted water, so fisheries A, B and C can be built by the player (assuming he has a manned harbor), but fishery D can not.
Fishery A will function for 3 turns, polluting the areas marked "a". Fishery B will function for 2 turns, polluting the areas marked "b".

Fig. 6: Cities Cities must be built within a players zone of control, but may not be adjacent to other cities.
So "A" is allowed, but "B" and "C" are. not,

Fig. 7: Woodcutter Player A already built a woodcutter on the left. This uses the areas marked "A". Player B's woodcutter therefore will be only 3 big.
To indicate which area belongs to which player, place the goods as close to the man as possible. In practice, these situations do not occur very often.

Fig. 8: Manned Stables.
The Lyon player has manned his stables and therefore has a zone of control extending 3 steps. The Otter player has been encircled by the inns of the Lyon player: the Lyon player can reach ever}- hex the Otter player can reach.
If the Lyon player has San Giorgio as patron saint, he has fulfilled his victory condition.
Take 2 map tiles per player and place them in one of the configurations shown in figure 9, depending on the number of players. Take the exploration counters and sort out 1 of each type (olive, sheep, wine, grain) per player. The rest of the exploration markers will not be used. Shuffle the markers, face down. Place a face down marker on each of the exploration hexes marked on the map tiles.
Each player chooses a color and gets the men, the cities, and the inns of that color. In addition, each player gets a player aid, a set of city buildings, and 6 wood. Every player puts the player aid containing the large city map in front of them. The other maps are placed aside for now. Each player puts the houses on the 'Cost of Housing' chart of his player aid and puts one man on top of each house.
Take one man of each player. Randomly draw men to determine the starting order of play. Place the first man drawn on field 1 on the order track, the second on field 2, etc. Put the famine level indicator on the field marked 0.
Players may then choose their starting position. This happens in REVERSE order, so the player whose man is last on the turn order track chooses first. The starting city must be built so that it is FULLY on one of the starting map tiles indicated in figure 9. Each starting map tile can contain just one starting city. You may not start on any of the other map tiles.
The starting city (and only the starting city) may be built over any type of area, even sea. If the city is built over an exploration marker, the marker is put aside unseen.
When all players have chosen their starting position and placed their cities, the game starts.

Fig. 9: Setup.
Lay out the map by randomly picking two map tiles per player, and placing them in the appropriate configuration shown above. Every player then places his starting city on a different "comer" map tile, as indicated in the figure.
Game Play: Step By Step
The game is played in phases. Each game turn consists of 10 phases, which will be described in this section. Within each phase, all players get to play. Most of the time, players play simultaneously. However, if a player feels that he would rather wait for another, he can demand that play occurs sequentially. In this case, use the order of play as indicated on the turn order indicator.
Some buildings can give players special abilities during particular phases. These special abilities are described in the relevant phases. Note that almost all buildings give their special ability only if they are manned, that is, if there is a man on the building. Exceptions are indicated below.
Phase 1: All Rise
Take men off city buildings. All players take any men that are on city buildings off the buildings and put them next to the city map. These men can be used again in phase 2.
Men in country remain there. Men on country buildings remain where they are. They will remain in the country until their work iuns out.

Phase 2: City Building
In this phase, all players may place new buildings in their cities, and they decide where to employ their men. This is the phase in which the most strategic decisions have to be made; consequently, it is usually also the most lengthy phase.
This phase is secret
Each player puts a screen (not included) in front of his city or cities so that other players cannot see what he does. If it is relevant, make sure that the buildings you might want to build are at hand.
If needed, players may agree to put goods used to build on top of the newly built buildings, so that they can check each other's actions at the end of the phase and remove the goods then (this takes up a lot of time and it is more convenient to trust each other's honesty).
Players choose order of actions freely
Players may choose freely in which order they perform these actions. They may first man some buildings, then build some other, then man buildings again, as they please.
Manning Buildings
To use a building, it must be manned in this phase. Most buildings do not function unless they are manned. Players may man a building at any time during this phase by put- ting a man on it. Buildings that are not manned at the end of this phase will not function for a full round! Only one man can be placed on any building. Once a man is placed on a building, he cannot be removed again until the next All Rise phase.
A building will start functioning as soon as it is manned. Cathedrals, Breweries, Fountains and Granaries function without a man and cannot be manned. Houses and graves cannot be manned. Men that are not on buildings at the end of the turn are kept next to the city map. Although they will not work this round, they may be used to man buildings in the next City Building phase.
You may build any building by paying the required goods, taking the building, and putting it on any of your city maps. It does not matter which city a building is in-it functions as if it is present in all of the player's cities. However, the building should still fit inside the city - it is not allowed to have (part of) a building outside the city. Also, buildings cannot be built on top of each other.
Most buildings may be built only once by each player
Each player may build any of the buildings listed on the player aid. Most buildings can be built only once per player. Exceptions are Stores, Cart Shops, Fountains, and Houses. A Cathedral can be rebuilt only if it has been razed (by the Faculty of Theology). Other buildings can never be rebuilt, not even if the original building has been incapacitated by graves.
Limited Buildings
Some buildings are limited. There are a few buildings that can be built multiple times by players. The total number of these build- ings is limited. Should they ever run out, no more are available. These buildings are: Cart Shops (16), Fountains (16) and Stores (16).
Used Goods are discarded
Goods used for building are discarded. Each building has the cost to build it listed on the player aid. Most buildings cost 1 wood or 1 stone. Fountains and Hospitals cost 1 luxury good (wine, gold, pearls or dye). Stables cost 2 different luxury goods. Houses have a special cost (see below). Goods used for building are discarded.

Houses have variable costs. A House can be built just like any other building. However, the cost of building a house varies. On the 'Cost of Housing' chart, one can see the cost of each house. Players are free to build these houses in any order they prefer, although they will generally start with the cheapest ones and work their way up.
The first four houses are free. After that, they will cost food and possibly luxury goods. A '2D food + 3D lux' house costs two different food goods plus three different luxury goods (e.g. grain, fish, gold, dye and a pearl) to build. When a player builds a new house, he immediately gets an extra man. This man is placed next to the city map and can be used immediately to man a building.
Store can be built at any size for 1 wood. A player can build store of any size for the cost of 1 wood. However, the store must be rec- tangular in shape, and it must be built up of size-two blocks. It can be 1x2, 2x2, 1x4, 2x3, 1x6, 2x4, 1x8, 3x4, 2x6, etc. The resulting structure counts as one building, and thus needs only one man to operate. It cannot be extended later to a bigger size.
If a player builds a cathedral, he must immediately choose his patron saint. Multiple players may choose the same saint. He may immediately use the benefits his patron saint bestows upon him. At the end of the phase, the choice must be made public by indicating it with a wooden cube on the 'Patron Saint' chart.
San Nicolo

San Nicolo (and Santa Maria) may build two houses for the price of one. If a player has chosen San Nicolo (or Santa Maria) as patron saint, he may choose to get one free house when building houses.
He does this by building two houses and paying for only one. He has to pay for the house with the higher number on the 'Housing Cost' chart.
Faculty Of Philosophy
f a player has built a Faculty of Philosophy, he may man this building. This allows him to ignore the fact that normally one needs different types of food or luxury goods for building whose cost is indicated by "D", like the Stables or houses. For example, he could then build the Stables using two pearls, although it would normally cost two different luxury goods.
Faculty Of Theology
Faculty of Theology may raze cathedral. If a player has built and manned the Faculty of Theology, he can raze his cathedral (if he has no cathedral yet, the Faculty of Theology is not very useful). This is done by taking the cathedral from the city map, leaving empty space behind. At the end of the City Building phase, this is made public by removing the wooden cube from the 'Patron Saint' chart.
The player is now free to build a new cathedral, pos- sibly for another saint. A cathedral dedicated to Santa Maria can- not be razed. If a cathedral contains graves it cannot be razed. A player can only raze his cathedral once per turn.
Hospital clears five graves. If a player has built a Hospital, he may man this building. This allows him to remove five graves. This space can immediately be used for other buildings. If the graves were on top' of a building, that building can be manned again (provided there are no more graves left on the building).
Market may trade. If a player has a Market, he may man this building in order to trade. He may trade with other players or with the game. When trading with other players, it is sufficient for one of the two trading players to have a (manned) market.
Any deals must be announced publicly. Players may trade any amount of goods among each other; they may also exchange promises, but these are non-binding. Buildings, either in the city or in the country, cannot be traded. When trading with the board, you may discard two goods (these need not be identical) to get any one good in return.
University transforms faculties into one building. A University may be built as a separate building (although this is almost use- less) or directly adjacent to one or more faculties. The University, together with the faculties that border on the University (even if some faculties are added later), are considered to be one building and thus need only one man to operate.
Thus, a University that is connected Lo the Faculty of Theology and the Faculty of Philosophy will provide the benefits of all of these buildings if it is manned-the faculties do not need to be manned separately. It is not possible to use a faculty twice by manning both the University and the faculty.
If a player builds a Fountain, the Famine level is decreased by 1. The Famine Level cannot drop below 0. Fountains cannot be manned. Their effect on the Famine Level occurs only when they are built. Each fountains also decreases the amount of pollution your civilization produces by 1.
City structures are forever. Buildings cannot be taken off the city once built, except for Cathedrals (see Faculty of Theology above) and Graves (see Hospital above).
Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara (and Santa Maria) may rearrange. A player who has chosen Santa Barbara as his patron saint may rearrange buildings in his or her cities during this phase.
Santa Barbara may take graves off a building when rearranging to put them on free spaces, but may not place graves on a building. In particular, it is not allowed to shift graves from one building to another.
Phase 3: Order Of Play
This phase is very short, but crucial. It deter- mines the order of play that will be in force until the next Order of Play phase.
Order (cart Shop + Explorer).
Each player counts the total number of men they have on Cart Shops and Explorers. Whoever has the lowest number will move first, fol- lowed by the second lowest number, etc. The new order should be marked on the order track.
Last turn's order resolves ties.
More often than not, multiple players will have the same number of men on these buildings. If this is the case, the tied players keep the same relative order they had in the last phase.
Example. Bianca has two men on carts and no explorer; Ragnar has two men on carts, and one on an explorer; Henriette has three men on carts. Their respective numbers are thus: Bianca 2; Ragnar 3; Henriette 3. Bianca moves first. Ragnar and Henriette keep the same relative order as last turn. Last turns order was Henriette/Bianca/Ragnar. This turns order becomes Bianca/Henriette/Ragnar.
Phase 4: Countryside Building
n phase 4, players build buildings in the countryside. These buildings can be built only within the zone of control and require certain city buildings to be manned. This is the second rather involved phase. It will normally be played sequentially, with players waiting on each other. Use the order of play as deter- mined in phase 3.
Order of Actions
Order of actions can be chosen freely. In this phase, players may build inns, cities, and other countryside buildings. They can freely choose in which order to do this. For example, it is perfect- ly legal to build an inn (extending the zone of control), then a city, and then a woodcutter using the expanded zone of control.
For each manned Cart Shop, a player may build one countryside building (inn, farm, fisherman, mine, woodcutter) or city within his zone of control by paying the required goods (as listed on the player aid).
Building must be placed within zone of control (2 steps). A player can only build within their zone of control. This normally is 2 steps from any city or inn. These steps may be over any type of terrain except sea. A sea hex is never within a zone of control unless the player has a manned harbor.
Inns can be used even if not connected to a City. Inns add to a player's zone of control even if they cannot be reached from a city (e.g., if the player built them previously using a Harbor but has not manned his Harbor this turn).
Harbors add water and coast to zone of control. If a player has a manned Harbor, any water that is directly adjacent to his cities and/or inns is added to his zone of control. Water in this sense means any number of connected sea hexes. Along with this water all its coastal hexes are also added lo his zone of control, that is, all hexes directly adjacent to sea hexes which make up the water area.
Stables increases zone of control by 1 step. If a player has a manned Stables, his zone of control increases by one step. That is, he may now take three steps from his city and inns.
The Stables has no effect on water movement: the Harbor still func- tions only for water that is directly adjacent to a city or inn, and it adds only the coastal hexes that are directly adjacent to the water, but no land hexes that are further away.
Zone of Control
Zone of control is not city-specific. Cart Shops located in one of the cities can operate out of any of the other cities and even inns of the same player, even if the two cities are not in each other's zone of control.
Cart Shop
Cart Shop builds all countryside buildings. To build a countryside building, you must have a manned Cart Shop. Each new country- side building you want to build (including inns and cities) requires a separate manned Cart Shop-so with 3 manned Cart Shops you can build a maximum of 3 countryside buildings.
If the countryside building requires a man (Farms, Woodcutters, Fisheries, Mines), the man from the Cart Shop is used. If not (Cities, Inns), the man from the Cart Shop is placed next to the city map to indicate it has built something. It can be used again next turn.
Although Farms, Fisheries and Mines can be built so as to produce different things, each building will always produce only one type of goods.
Woodcutters are built on a hex of unpolluted forest within the zone of control. Woodcutters cost one wood to build; this good is discarded. Place a (hexagonal) grass marker on that hex, a wood counter on top of that, and the man from the Cart Shop on top of both.
Then, put grass markers covered by Wood counters on all unpolluted forest hexes directly adjacent to the original one. Some of these may be outside the player's zone of control; this does not matter. The woodcutter will produce one wood each turn (in the Harvest phase) for as long as there is any wood present. Thus, a woodcutter of size 3 will produce for 3 turns, a woodcutter of size 7 for 7 turns, etc. (See figure 3).
Farms are built on a hex of unpolluted grass within the zone of control. Either original grass or grass created by woodcut- ters will do. When building a Farm, players must choose which type of Farm they want: Olives, Grain, Wine, or Sheep.

The cost of building a Farm is one good of the type of Farm the player wants to build (so 1 Olive for an Olive Farm, 1 Grain for a Grain farm, etc). This good is called a seed. The seed is dis- carded to build a Farm. Then, place a 'pollution' counter on the hex, a good of the appropriate type on top of that, and the man from the Cart Shop on top of both.
Put pollution markers, covered by the appropriate farm goods, on all unpolluted grass directly adjacent to the original one.
Faculty Of Biology
Faculty of Biology gives one free seed. If a player has a manned Faculty of Biology, he may build one Farm for free, that is, with- out discarding a seed. He may build any type of Farm, even those types of which he does not own a seed.
Mines are built in much the same way as farms. Mines must be built on mountain hexes instead of grass. Building a mine costs 1 wood, which is discarded. Mines produce either stone or gold. The first player to build a mine in a mountain range may choose freely which mine good (gold or stone) to produce in a mine.
Subsequent mines in the same mountain range must produce the same type. A mountain range is any number of connect- ed mountain hexes (see figure 4). If someone builds a city that visually cuts a mountain range in two, both areas remain part of the same mountain range and thus must contain the same types of mines.

Fisheries can be built on a shore, that is on a hex directly adjacent to an unpolluted sea hex (see figure 5). A fishery is two hexes large; both hexes must be adjacent to at least one unpolluted sea hex, but only one of them has to be inside the zone of control of the player building the fishery. The fishery itself can be built on unpolluted or polluted hexes, or on one polluted and one unpolluted hex, but both land hexes have to be adjacent to at least one unpolluted sea hex.
Building a fishery costs one wood, which is discarded. The player building the fishery can freely choose whether to produce dye, pearls or fish. Put a pollution marker plus one of whatever type of good is being produced on each of the unpolluted sea hexes bordering the two fishery hexes. The total number of fisheries that can be built is limited (12). If they run out, you have to wait until one becomes available again.
Breweries allow building Inns. If a player has a Brewery, he may use Cart Shops to build Inns. The Brewery need not be manned for this. An Inn costs one food to build. The food is discarded. Inns may be built on any free land hex within the player's zone of control (this hex may be polluted). An Inn does not need a man- put the man used to build it next to the city map.
The Inn assumes the player's color, and can thus only be used by the player who built it. Building an Inn immediately extends the zone of control - the newly opened up area may be used for further countryside building immediately. There is no limit to the number of Inns a player may build.
Cart Shops
Cart Shops can build cities. A manned Cart Shop can also be used to build a new city (see figure 6). A city must be built completely on land (no sea). Some or all of the land may be polluted (discard the pollution markers in this case). A city may not be built directly adjacent to another city. At least one of the new cities' hexes has to be within the zone of control of the player building it.
Building a city costs 1 food, 1 -wood, 1 stone and two different luxury goods (these need not be different if the player has a manned Faculty of Philosophy). Building a. new7 city has a number of consequences.
First, the player building the city gets an extra (6x6) city map, which he can use to build new city buildings. Secondly, the player can immediately use his new city's zone of control for further countryside building. Thirdly, the play- er will from now on suffer a higher pollution rate (as will be explained under Phase 9: Pollution). Players are limited to a maximum of four cities each.
No Building Over Existing Buildings
A new building (including a new city) may never be built over an existing building. Inns, Fisheries and Cities may not be placed over hexes containing goods and/or men. However, hexes that have been emptied of their goods and contain only pollution can be used freely.
Exploration Markers
Exploration markers can be built over. You can freely build over exploration markers. Remove any marker that is built over with- out looking at it.
If a new building is built adjacent to an existing building of the same type (see figure 7), the goods belonging to the old building are placed close to that building's man. They belong to the old building. The new building will not produce these goods-and the land beneath them cannot be used by the new building.
Faculty Of Alchemy
Faculty of Alchemy may clean land. If a player has a manned Faculty of Alchemy, he may clean one stretch of land. The center of this stretch must be a polluted hex in the player's zone of control. That hex, and all directly adjacent hexes (land or sea) that are polluted, are instantly cleaned.
Discard the pollution markers.. The Faculty of Alchemy can do this only once per turn. Note that if Forest is turned to Grass, then polluted, it cannot be restored to forest-the Faculty of Alchemy will take away the pollution, but will not grow any trees, so grass markers remain where they were! The cleaned land may directly be used for building on again.
Phase 5: Store Goods
A store may store one good per square. If the player has one or more manned stores, he may store goods there. Each square in a store may store one good- so each storage tile can store two goods.
San Christofori

San Christofori (and Santa Maria) may store any amount of goods. If a player has dedicated his Cathedral to San Christofori or Santa Maria, he may store any amount of goods there.
The Cathedral does not need to be manned.
Phase 6: Harvest
All players harvest goods. Men that have finished their work return home. Empty fisheries are removed from the board and are available again.
Countryside Buildings
Countryside buildings produce 1 good per building. Each country- side building produces one good. This is taken from one of the hexes surrounding the man on the building and put in the Harvest box on the player aid. If there are no more goods in the adjacent hexes, take the good under the man, and return both the good and the man to the Harvest box.
Forced Labor
Forced Labor produces 3 goods, discards first. If a player has a manned Forced Labor building, he must take three goods from each producer. The first good taken is discarded; the second and third are put in the Harvest box.
If a producer has two goods left, one is discarded, and one is harvested. If it has only one good, this good is discarded. Any producers left with no goods return their man to the Harvest box. Forced Labor operates on all of a player's producers if it is manned.
Order Of Harvest
Goods can be harvested in any order, except the last one. Players may decide in which order to harvest the goods in a particular countryside building. However, the good lying under the man must be harvested last.
San Giorgio

San Giorgio (and Santa Maria) get fish for cathedrals. For each Cathedral built this turn, a player who dedicated his cathedral to San Giorgio gets one fish. This includes his own Cathedral-so if one other player built a Cathedral in the same turn, he gets two fish that turn, one for each Cathedral built.
This bonus is given only once per Cathedral-so unless the Faculty of Theology is used, he will get a maximum of one fish per player, including himself. The same applies to players who have chosen Santa Maria as their patron saint.
Phase 7: Explore
This short phase should always be played sequentially.
Explorer Explores
This may raise the Famine Level. If a player has a manned Explorer, he may turn over one exploration counter in his zone of control. He reveals the counter and gets one good of the type indicated in his Harvest box.
The counter is discarded. If the counter showed food, the Famine Level is raised by one. Otherwise (if Wine is discovered), it remains as it was. An explorer can explore only once per turn.
Phase 8: Famine
Each player may get graves, depending on the Famine Level and that player's food and buildings. Graves can never be removed in this phase.
Number of graves.
Each player gets a number of graves equal to the current Famine Level.
Food reduces famine. For each food a player has (whether in his Harvest Box, Store and/or Cathedral), the number of graves he gets is reduced by one. Note that although having food reduces famine, the food is never discarded in this phase.
Granary diminishes famine by three. If a player has a granary, the number of graves he receives is reduced by three. The granary does not have to be manned.
Graves are put in empty city spaces. Each player who gets one or more graves puts them on empty city spaces. These city spaces cannot be used anymore to put a city building on.
If there are no more empty city spaces available, graves will have to be put on a building. Each building can receive graves up to a maximum of one per square (so a Cart Shop can have at most three graves). However, graves may not be put on top of houses.
As soon as there is a grave on a building, it can no longer function. If the building was manned, the man is put next to the city map. It is not allowed to place graves on buildings if there are still empty city spaces left. If a player can not place a grave, he loses the game and quits (this rarely happens).
Famine Level
Famine Level increases by one per turn. After settling the famine, increase the Famine Level by one step.
Phase 9: Pollution
Each player pollutes an area in his zone of control. This phase may be played simultaneously in the first few turns of the game,, but should be played sequentially if zones overlap.
Three Pollution Per City
Each player gets three pollution per city in his zone of control. Each city generates three pollution. This pollution has to be placed on unpolluted, unoccupied hexes in the player's zone of control. It is allowed to place one city's pollution in another city's zone of control.
Sea hexes may be polluted only if they are with- in the player's zone of control (a manned Harbor is needed). Inns and Harbors may be used to pollute as far away from your cities as possible.
Dump prevents pollution by others within zone of control. If a play- er has a manned Dump, no other player may put any pollution in that player's zone of control.
Fountains and Dump decrease own pollution. Each Fountain (which need not be manned) decreases pollution by one. A manned Dump decreases it by four. So a player with three cities, gets 3x3 = 9 pollution per turn. Having one Fountain and a manned Dump decreases this by 1 and 4 respectively, so he will only get 4 pollution each turn.

Unplaceable pollution leads to graves. If a player does not have enough empty hexes to pollute, he must put graves in his cities (as described above) equal to the number of pollution counters he cannot place. See phase 8 for more details on graves.
For example: Bas has 2 cities and must place 6 pollution counters. However, he can only place 3 as there are no empty spaces. He thus is forced to build 3 graves. He can divide these freely among his two cities.
End of the Game
(Phase 10: Check Victory)
All players check if they have won the game. This phase always occurs simultaneously.
Patron saint determines victory condition.
A player can only win the game if he has a chosen a patron saint by building a Cathedral. A Cathedral need not be manned. Each patron saint has different victory conditions.
Multiple players may choose the same patron saint, but each player is limited to one Cathedral.
San Nicolo wins at 20 people.
A player who has San Nicolo as his patron saint wins if he has 20 people, irrespective of their location (city and/or countryside).
Santa Barbara wins if all buildings are completed.
A player who has Santa Barbara as his patron saint wins the game if he has built each city building at least once. Santa Barbara need not build any graves to win.
San Christofori wins if he has 3 of each food and luxury.
A player who has San Christofori as his patron saint wins if he has at least three of each food and each luxury good.
San Giorgio wins by enclosing another player.
A player who has San Giorgio as his patron saint wins if he has enclosed the entire zone of control of another player within his own zone of control. That is, if he can reach every hex which the other player can reach (figure 8). He need not be able to reach the hexes which contain the inns and cities ol the other player, just the hexes that can be reached from these inns and cities.
Santa Maria wins if she completes two of these victory conditions.
A player who has Santa Maria as his patron saint wins if he completes two of the above victory conditions. He may fulfill any two of them, and may decide at the last instance which two to fulfill.
Largest Unpolluted Area Resolves Ties.
If two or more players fulfill their victory condition(s) in the same turn, all players count the number of unpolluted hexes in their zone of control. Whoever has the most unpolluted hexes wins the game. Note that it can be beneficial to have a manned Harbor and Stables to increase the size of your unpolluted area.
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