This section explains a few additional rules not previously explained.
Escaping the Facility
To have a chance at winning the game, operatives must escape the facility before the proximity dial reaches "99". The most common way for an operative to escape the facility is to play his "Retreat" card while he is in the entry room.
An operative also automatically escapes the facility if he is in the entry room and is forced to move backward by a game effect. Some rooms list Interface functions that allow players to escape the facility.
After an operative escapes the facility, he cannot re-enter the facility and does not participate further in the game until final scoring.
Wounded Operatives
Some card effects can wound operatives. When an operative becomes wounded, the player flips his operative card to its wounded side.
Wounded operatives ignore further wounds, but remain wounded until an item or room card effect instructs the player to flip his operative card to its healthy side.
While wounded, after a player resolves either his "Advance" or "Retreat" card during the Resolution Phase of a round, his operative becomes delayed.
Delayed Operatives
An operative can become delayed by various effects in the game. When an operative becomes delayed, he tips his operative marker on its side.
During the Selection Phase, a delayed operative cannot select his "Advance" or "Retreat" action card. At the end of the Selection Phase, the operative returns his operative marker upright to indicate that he is no longer delayed.
Special Cards

Tlie "Blackmail File", "Prototype", and "Sludge" cards represent special elements that operatives can find in the facility. Certain rooms list functions that either allow players to take one of these cards or place the card on a room.
Cards with Multiple Effects
Many item cards such as "Data Code Breaker" allow an operative to play and resolve additional action or item cards. An operative must resolve each effect in the order listed on the card, if able.
However, if an operative cannot resolve one of the effects, he may still resolve other effects on the card.
For example, "Data Code Breaker" reads: "Destroy 1 tech lock in your current room.
Then play your 'Interface' card". If there is no tech lock to destroy when this card is resolved, the operative can still play and resolve his "Interface" card.
Open and Hidden Information
A player's action and item cards form liis hand of cards, which is kept hidden from other players. A player's collected DF tokens are also kept hidden from other players, but he may look at his own collected DF tokens at any time. All players may look at NPC cards at any time, even if they are facedown.
The DF tokens in the server pool and on room cards are always kept facedown and players cannot look at the values on those tokens. If one or more tokens are returned to the server pool for any reason, shuffle all of the tokens in the server pool.
Playing with Two Players
In a two-player game, each player controls two operatives. During setup, apply tlie following changes:
Deal two operative cards to each player.
Distribute one of each action card to each operative (not player). Do not distribute the "Extract" action cards unless playing with the "Data File Extraction" advanced rule.
Deal four item cards to each operative (not player).
Note: Players must keep each operative's hand of cards and collection of DF tokens separate. Items and DF tokens cannot be traded between operatives.
During the Selection Phase, each player selects one card from each of his operative's hand of cards and places it facedown in the corresponding operative's play area.
During the Resolution Phase, beginning with the first player, each player flips and resolves both of his selected cards, one at a time. The player chooses the order in which he resolves his two cards.
When the game ends, each operative (excluding those eliminated) flips his collected DF tokens faceup. Each player combines the total values of DF tokens that his escaped operatives collected over the course of the game.
The player with the most zettabytes of data wins the game.
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