- Gameboard
- Die
- 30 Marbles (5 of each of 6 colors)
- Rulebook
Object of the Game
Be first to move all 4 of your marbles around the board from BASE to HOME. You don't have to "aggravate" the other players to win-but it sure helps!
Each player chooses a set of 4 matching colored marbles and places them in the BASE row that matches his or her color. Place extra marbles in box.
Each player rolls the die. The player rolling the highest number goes first. Play passes to the left.

Game Play
On a turn, roll the die once and try to move a marble. Anytime you roll a 6, take an extra turn.
Start a Marble First
Before any marble can be moved around the board it must be moved from the BASE row and entered into the START hole. See Figure 1. You can "start1 a marble on a die roll of 1 or 6 only. Once a marble is in START, it can be moved on your next turn.
![]() Figure 1 |
Moving your Marbles
Once a marble has been "started", it is moved clockwise along the gamepath holes the number shown on your die roll. Count each hole, whether it is empty or occupied by an opponent.
Once you have one or more marbles on the gamepath, when you roll 1 or 6, you have the option of entering a new marble into the START hole or moving a marble on the path the number of holes shown on your die roll. NOTE: When one of your marbles is sitting in the START hole, you cannot move a new marble into that space.
You can jump over or land on an opponent's marble (see "Getting Aggravated" for details).
You cannot jump over or land on your own marbles. If one of your own marbles is keeping you from moving another marble the full count on the die, then you cannot move that "blocked" marble.
Getting Aggravated
If ' an opponent lands on one of your marbles by exact count, your marble is "aggravated" and must immediately return to your BASE row. Your oppo- nent's marble then Occupies the hole given up by you. Marbles can be "aggravated" anywhere on the board except in their BASE or HOME positions.
If your marble has been "aggravated" and returned to BASE, it can be moved back into the START hole on your turn by rolling 1 or 6 as explained previously.
Note: If an opponent's marble is in your START hole when you roll 1 or 6. you can move one of your marbles from your BASE into START Simply "aggravate" your opponent's marble and send it back to its BASE.
Star Hole Shortcut: Whenever a marble lands in a Star hole by exact count, it can be moved clock- wise around the Star holes on your next turn Move the marble the number of holes allowed by your die roll
Exit the Star holes onto the path that leads to your HOME area. Then continue moving down the path by the remaining count on your die roll. See Figure 2. (You can also exit from an earlier Star hole if you wish).
Figure 2: Star Hole Shortcut
Marble is located in Star hole (A). You roll a 5 and move the marble around the Star holes to the path leading to your HOME (B). You then have 2 moves left on your die roll and move your marble down the path to hole (C).
Center Hole Shortcut: The hole in the center of the gameboard is a super shortcut. You can move into the Center hole only by exact count on the die. See Figure 3. (You can move into the Center hole from a Star hole only by rolling a 1).
Once you move into the Center hole, the only way out is to roll a 1 on a future turn.
Exit the Center hole onto the Star hole closest to the path that leads to your HOME area. (You can also exit to any other Star hole if you wish).
Figure 3: Center Hole Shortcut
Marble is located in hole (A). You roll a 3 and move the marble 3 spaces to the Center hole (B). On your next turn, you are lucky enough to roll a 1. You move the marble to the Star hole closest to your home (C).
Shortcuts are optional. They're great because they shorten the time it takes to move around the board. But be careful! Opponents can "aggravate" your marble in the Center or Star holes! Keep this in mind whenever you take a shortcut!
Getting Home Safe
Enter into any of the 4 holes in HOME by exact count. See Figure 4. Remember, you cannot jump over your own marbles, so keep this in mind as you try to move each marble into HOME.
Figure 4: Getting Home Safe
Marble is located in hole (A). You roll a 3 and move your marble 3 spaces into the empty hole in HOME (B).
If your die roll gives you too many moves to get into your HOME area by exact count, you cannot move that marble.
Try to move one of your other marbles instead. If you do not have any other marbles still in play, your turn is over.
End of the Game
Be the first to move all 4 of your marbles into your HOME area to win!
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