Dig Up Cadavers

When placing here, draw 3 cards from the cemetery cadaver deck and choose any number drawn (including 0) to resolve immediately by paying the cost in the
upper left (if any) and gaining expertise (if any) OR materials. After resolving, discard all drawn cards face down to the bottom of the deck.
Cadavers found here offer stage III, stage IV and bone materials and may have a cost of 1 . Any card you choose not to resolve has no effect on you.
Public Square
Buy Cadaver

Cadavers can only be found hereafter an Execution () event.
You must pay 1 franc to place here.
When placing here, take and immediately resolve one of the visible cadaver cards at this location by gaining expertise OR materials. After resolving, discard to the bottom of its deck. Note: Do not replenish the card. It is only replenished during an execution () event.
Cadavers found here offer stage I materials.
Retrieve Cadaver

When placing here, if your Reputation is 7+r take and immediately resolve the top card from the stack at this location.
If your Reputation is 15+, you may pay 1 franc to take and resolve a second card. Resolve by gaining expertise OR materials. After resolving, discard to the bottom of the deck (off the board).
Note: Do not replenish the card(s). (The stack is only replenished during the reset phase).
Cadavers found here offer stage I and stage II materials.
Onyy scientists can be placed here.
When placing here, gain a number of francs according to your Expertise level: 1-6 Expertise = 2 francs, 7-12 Expertise = 3 francs, 13+ Expertise = 4 francs.
Only scientists can be placed here.
When placing here, receive 1 Humanity and gain 2 Reputation.

You must pay 1 franc to place here.
When placing here, draw 2 cards From the morgue cadaver deck and choose any number drawn (including 0) to resolve immediately by paying the cost in the upper left (if any) and gaining expertise OR materials.
After resolving, discard all drawn cards face down to the bottom of the deck.
Cadavers found here offer stage II and stage III materials and may have a cost of 1 . Any card you choose not to resolve has no effect on you.
Advanced Research

Only scientists can be placed here.
When placing here, gain 1 Expertise and choose 1 of the face up research cards to take. Replace the chosen card with a new face up card from the research deck.
When placing here, choose 1 of the face up research cards to take. Replace the chosen card with a new face up card from the research deck. Do not gain Expertise.
When placing here, gain 1 franc and 1 Reputation. If the meeple placed was a scientist, also gain 1 extra Reputation.
Only scientists can be placed here. When placing here, pay up to 3 francs. Gain 1 Reputation for each franc paid.
Retrieve Animal Parts

When placing here, choose 1 of the following:
- Gain 4 stage II Animal (orange) materials
- Gain 3 stage I Animal (orange) materials

When placing here, choose 1 of the face up humanity cards to take. Replace the chosen card with a new face up card from the humanity deck. If the meeple placed was a scientist, also receive 1 Humanity.
Buy or Sell Goods

When placing here, do any number of the following any number of times:
Remove 2 bone materials from your bones space to gain 1 franc.
Remove 3 materials from your preservation space to gain 2 francs.
Pay 2 francs to add 1 uncharged Leyden jar to an empty Leyden jar slot on your lab.
Pay 1 franc to add or replace an ice block on your Lab, solid side up. An ice block allows a player to skip the decompose part of the reset phase for this round and the next.
First Player

When placing here, take the first player creature meeple from the current First Player. You are now First Player. A meeple placed on this space cannot be bumped.
After all players have passed this round, you may take the meeple from this location and place it again on any legal space (bumping when allowed), and resolve its effect.

When placing here, choose 1 of the face up scoundrel cards and immediately pay its cost in the upper left a, then resolve its effect, choosing one of the following options if available:
Increase their expertise by the value shown on the card
bpossibly paying an additional cost, OR -
Increase their humanity by the value shown
c, OR -
Place the materials listed at the bottom of the card
donto the decomposition track (in the appropriate stage) and/or bone space in their laboratory.

Discard the chosen card to the bottom of the scoundrel deck and replace it with a new face up one.
NotE: The scoundrels you hire here have a variety of costs and effects, including gaining stage I or stage III materials..
NotE: Scoundrel cards DO NOT count as cadaver cards.
Dark Alley

Only scientists can be placed here. When placing at this location, gain the listed stage I materials and receive 3 then place 1 police marker on your character card.
If your character card has 2 police markers, you cannot place at this location. You may pay 3 francs at any time to remove all markers from your character card.
Laboratory Board

Only scientists can be placed here. When placing here, gain 1 Expertise.
Give Blood
When placing here, gain 3 stage I blood materials.
Only scientists can be placed here. When placing here, remove up to 3 damage markers from any monster parts.
Charge Leyden Jars

When placing a scientist here, flip up to 3 of your uncharged Leyden jars over to their charged side.
When placing an assistant here, flip up to 2 of your uncharged Leyden jars over to their charged side.
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