Every occupation card has the same layout. Its name is at the top left, its point value at the top right, and its effect at the bottom.
The Slash

Several card effects use a slash (/) in their description. Basically, the slash stands for "either-or", but we would like to illustrate its use with some examples: The Tradesman lets you exchange 1 silverware for either 1 chest or 1 silk.

If a card has multiple elements with slashes (/), these elements relate to each other in their respective order. Here, you can choose whether you want to spend 2, 4, or 6 silver to receive 1, 2, or 3 hides, respectively.

It is important that you only choose at most one of the listed elements. This card provides either 1 bean, 1 grain, or 1 cabbage, depending on whether you have 1, 2, or 3 whaling boats, respectively.
Consequently, if you have 2 whaling boats, you receive grain and no beans. (You could argue that 2 boats also include 1 boat, but this is not the case in this game).
Card Categories
Every occupation card belongs to one of the following categories:
Immediate Cards
You can recognize immediate cards by their yellow background color. These cards have an immediate and one-time only effect that you must carry out when you play them. After that, the effect becomes irrelevant.
Only the point value will matter, namely for scoring. For example, when you play the Dragonslayer, you can immediately exchange 2 snares and 2 spears for 1 treasure chest.
The grey arrow on immediate cards indicates that you cannot do the exchange at any time, but only immediately and at most once. (For instance, you could not exchange 4 snares and 4 spears for 2 treasure chests). You can only do an exchange multiple times if a card explicitly says so, using terms like "multiple times" or "once per .."..
Apart from exchange actions, some cards allow you to take specific actions on the action board or go through specific round phases. The Cattle Breeder lets you go through an additional "Animal Breeding" phase just by yourself.
In other cases, you simply receive goods without having to pay anything.
Anytime Cards
You can recognize anytime cards by their blue background color. These cards have a permanent effect. You can do what is stated on the card at any time (before scoring) and any number of times. The Tanner lets you exchange 1 salt meat for 1 hide at any time.
The yellow arrow on anytime cards indicates that you .MO can do the exchange at any time and any number of times during the course of the game.
There are some anytime cards without a yellow arrow. These bend the rules for you. The Modifier allows you to take ore from your ships back into your supply (which is not normally allowed).
Each Time Cards
You can recognize each time cards by their red background color. These cards have two differently shaded parts. The light red part states when the effect activates (usually in form of a condition), the dark red one explains the action you may then take.
Consequently, you may take the action each time the condition is met. Immediately before each time you use an "Overseas Trading" action space (light red part), you receive 1 oil (dark red part).
Some cards-like the Priest-explicitly state whether the card comes into effect before or after you meet the condition. (The Priest, for instance, gives you the oil before the action, in case you wish to use the oil right away during the Overseas Trading action).
Other cards provide exchange actions or bend the rules for you. The Proficient Hunter lets you roll up to 4 times instead of 3.
Exchange actions on each time cards are represented by a grey arrow (as on immediate cards), because the exchange cannot be done at any time. However, some cards can say "multiple times" or "once per ". to modify that.
Some cards provide two actions. When you play such a card, you can choose which actions you want to take.
If a card shows two immediate actions and you decide to take both, you must carry them out in order. Here you would have to hunt game first, then you could lay a snare.
If you only intend to use cards from deck A for now, you can skip the following section. Only decks B and C contain as soon as cards.
As Soon As Cards
You can recognize as soon as cards by their green background color. Like the each time cards, these cards have two differently shaded parts. The light green part states when the effect activates (usually in form of a condition), the dark green one explains the action you can then take. In this, these cards are no different from each time cards.
The difference is that the effect of an as soon as card activates only once per game-namely when the condition is met for the first time. This could be the moment you play the card or a future point in time.
The Sail Patcher requires 3 large ships. If you already have 3 large ships when playing this card, you can use its effect immediately.
This card explicitly states a future point in time. As soon as you acquire your next knarr, you immediately receive 1 stockfish and 1 silver for each knarr you then have.
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