War Hawks #09
Ex: Movement card #1 was played that allowed 2 armies to be moved 3 areas each. Now the active player may move 4 armies 3 areas each.

William Harrison #10
Ex: At least one unit in the army that moves must be blue. Units may be left behind in the original area.

Publication Ban #11
Ex: For this turn only, Rome acts as an American Regulars Muster Area (3.1). Units may not be placed in Albany.

Forced March #12
Ex: Movement card #02 was played that allowed 2 armies to be moved 3 areas each.
One of these armies may now move 5 areas.

Kentucky Militia #09
Ex: For every white Battle Dice hit, the British allies must remove 2 units of their choice.

Hometown Support #10
Ex: If there are not enough white American Militia units in the Unit Force Pool, these units may be pulled from the Fled Units Space.

Captain Aisquith's Sharpshooters #11
Ex: Both American allied players get the advantage of this card in battle during the American Militia player's turn.

Turncoat #12
Ex: This card must be played before the battle begins.

Mackinac Reinforcements #09
Ex: The British Regular units may be placed in an enemy occupied area.

Fife and Drum #10
Ex: Movement card #03 was played that allowed 2 armies to be moved 1 area each.
Both armies may now move 2 areas each.

Napoleon Defeated #11
Ex: These units can only be placed if there are enough red units in the British Regulars Unit Force Pool.

General Brock #12
Ex: All yellow Battle Dice flee results are ignored.

Ambush #09
Ex: The effects of this card occur after movement, but before any battles are resolved.

Billy Green #10
Ex: The battle takes place in a British Homeland area. All British alliance players roll once and apply only the hit results. They then begin the battle by rolling again.

Training #11
Ex: These units must be converted before any movement takes place.

John Brant #09
Ex: These 2 units may be moved after being placed.

Tecumseh #10
Ex: The Native American player chooses one battle before it is resolved. The American players must roll for their units, counting only flee results.

John Norton #11
Ex: The effects of this card may be used before or after the movement card for the turn has been resolved. Areas may be enemy occupied and result in battle.

War Cry #12
Ex: The effects of this card may be used before or after the movement card for the turn has been resolved. Areas may be enemy occupied and can result in battle.
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