Every player starts with 10 cards in his hand. Each player has to place a card on one of the stacks during his turn.
You should ensure that the difference between the played card and the top card of the stack is not larger than 10, otherwise, it means "11 takes" and the player has to take the whole stack into his hand.
This player also gets one bull card, and with it the right to play multiple cards on one stack.

- 100 Blockhead cards
- 10 Bull cards
- Instructions
Object of the Game
The goal of the game is to get rid of all your blockhead cards from your hand.
The blockhead cards are shuffled and each player is dealt 10 cards. Each player sorts the cards in his hand in ascending numbers. The remaining blockhead cards go to the middle of the table to form the draw deck.
The top card of the draw deck is revealed and put beside it. This forms the first Discard stack, which the blockhead cards will be placed on.
The bull cards also form a stack which is put on the other side of the blockhead draw deck, for when they are needed.
The youngest player starts.

Game Play
The game plays clockwise. If its your turn you have to take one of the following actions:
- Play a card from your hand and place it revealed on one of the stacks.
- Take all the cards from one of the stacks into your hand.
I. Playing Cards
There are 3 rules for playing cards:
Rule 1 - Ascending
The played card has to be higher than the top card of a stack.
Rule 2 - Maximum difference is 10
The difference between the played card and the top card of a stack shouldn't be greater than "10". If somebody has only cards, where the difference is higher than 10, he has to take all cards from one stack.
Rule 3 - The row of numbers goes above 100 and continues with 1,2,3 and so on
If the number 96 card is on top of one of the stacks, the numbers 97 to 100 and 1 to 6 can be played there, since the difference is not bigger than 10.
Example: The top card is "98". The played card is "5". The difference is 7 (99, 100, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
II. Taking a stack into your hand
A player takes this action if he doesn't have a matching card for any of the discard stacks, or if he wishes to do so for tactical reasons.
Each time a stack is taken, two cards from the drawing pile are revealed and placed beside the draw deck as new stacks. This means that the number of stacks is continuously rising. See: "Example for a players turn".
Since there is only one stack at the beginning, you can only take that one. Later during the course of the game more and more stacks appear. The player then can choose which one he wants to take.
Remember: When a player is choosing one of the stacks, he is not allowed to see what and how many cards are in there. Besides the top card of each stack, the rest shouldn't be visible.
The cards of the taken stack should be sorted in your hand, so that they are in ascending order. After that its the next players turn.

Important: Anyone who takes a stack with 3 or more cards, gets a bull card, which he places revealed in front of him. A player can have more than one bull card.
When the bull card pile is empty and a player has to take a bull card, he takes one from the player with the most bull cards. If there is more than one player with the most cards, the player can choose between them.
The Bull Cards
The player who owns one bull card can play more than one blockhead card on to one stack.
If more than one card is played, each one has to be inside the "1O-difference" from the existing one at the top of the stack.
Example: The top card is the 33. A player with a bull card can, when its their turn, play all their cards between 34 and 43 in ascending order on this stack.
When you put more than one card on the stack, place them besides the stack where they should go to, so everyone can see that they fit the "10-difference" rule.
Afterwards puts these cards, in ascending order, onto this pile. This means the highest card has to be on top at the end.
A player who has two bull cards is allowed to put multiple cards on two of the stacks. With three you are allowed to put multiple cards on three stacks, etc.
Example for a Players Turn
Remember: The cards are being placed directly on top of each other on the stacks and not fanned out like being shown in this following example.
At the beginning of the game there is the draw deck and the first stack with the 31 as the top card.

The first player may play a card between 32 and 41 on top of the stack. He chooses 36. The 2nd player may play a card between 37 and 46. He plays the 46.

The third player doesn't have a card between 47 and 56. He has to take the whole stack and sort it in his hand. He also takes a bull card and places it in front of him.
After that two cards are drawn and placed revealed beside the draw deck. These are the numbers 23 and 87.

The players in turn play the 88, 92, 98, and 5 all on the stack with the 87. The next player doesn't have a card he could place on either stack without exceeding the " 10-difference", so has to take all the cards from one of the stacks.
He chooses the stack with the 23, which consists of only one card, but he doesn't get a bull card, because for that the stack has to consist of at least three cards.

Two new cards are then revealed, the 19 and 78. The players now have three discard stacks to choose from.

End of the Game
One round ends as soon as one player doesn't have any more cards in his hand. The other players now start counting the ox-heads on their cards they have in their hand. These are minus points.
Example: The shown blockhead card shows three ox-heads, which are added as minus points.

Write down the minus points and start the next round. The player is the one with the most minus points. There are as many rounds as the number of players. (With three players, there are three rounds).
The one who has the least minus points at the end of the last round is the winner.
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