- 5 Village Square cards
- 5 Player Aid Cards
- 5 Founders
- 6 Starting Road Villagers
- 30 Basic Villagers: Lumberjacks, Miners and Hayers
- 94 Other villagers
- 2 Market Cards
- First Player Card and End of Draft Phase Card
- 150 Coins
- 24 Event Cards
- Countess Card and Jester Card
- Instructions
1 Find the 6 Starting Road Villagers marked with and place them face-up in a line in the center of the table. This is the Rood.
2 Find the 10 Hayers, 10 Lumberjacks and 10 Miners and place them face-up in separate stacks.
3 Give each player a Founders card and place it with the 2 Gold side facing up. The Founders card forms the start of each Village. …