Mister X tries to escape his would-be capturers in London by taxi, bus and underground. You have to be a particularly clever detective to be able to catch him.
Mister X tries to stay one step ahead of the detectives and keep them guessing at his whereabouts right up until the end of the game, while the detectives try to pick up his trail and track him down.
- 1 game board
- 6 playing pieces
- 29 start cards
- 57 x taxi tickets
- 45 x bus tickets
- 23 x underground tickets
- 5 x black tickets
- 3 double-move tickets
- 5 ticket boards for the detectives
- 1 travel log with paper insert for Mister X
- 1 visor for Mister X
- 2 rings for the Bobbies
First decide who will play the role of Mister X. …