The tribes of Catan quickly develop into experienced seafarers. One day they reach the islands to the west, the "Four Islands" group. Here too, fertile fields, lush pastures, and productive mines lure the intrepid Catanians.
New settlements are quickly built. But soon the Catanians' curiosity spurs them on: what will they find on the other islands? Since every tribe wants to see all four islands, an exciting race for the few settlement sites begins!
Game Components
For 3 Players
Harbors: You need 9 harbor tokens:
5 special 2:1 (one for each resource) and 4 generic 3:1.
Terrain & Tokens: You need 18 Catan chits and:
Terrain Hexes | Number Tokens | ||
Type | # | Value | # |
Sea | 15 | 2s | 1 |
Desert | 0 | 3s | 2 |
Gold field | 0 | 4s | 2 |
Fields | 4 | 5s | 3 |
Hills | 4 | 6s | 2 |
Mountains | 4 | 8s | 2 |
Pasture | 4 | 9s | 3 |
Forest | 4 | 10s | 2 |
Total: | 35 | 11s | 2 |
12s | 1 | ||
Total: | 20 |
For 4 Players
Harbors: You need 9 harbor tokens:
5 special 2:1 (one for each resource) and 4 generic 3:1.
Terrain & Tokens: You need 24 Catan chits and:
Terrain Hexes | Number Tokens | ||
Type | # | Value | # |
Sea | 12 | 2s | 1 |
Desert | 0 | 3s | 2 |
Gold field | 0 | 4s | 3 |
Fields | 5 | 5s | 3 |
Hills | 4 | 6s | 2 |
Mountains | 4 | 8s | 2 |
Pasture | 5 | 9s | 3 |
Forest | 5 | 10s | 3 |
Total: | 35 | 11s | 3 |
12s | 1 | ||
Total: | 23 |
Set up the game map as shown in the appropriate scenario diagram. Use the 3-player set-up with 3 players. Use the 4-player set-up (with 4 players.

Additional Rules
Set-up Phase
You may place your starting settlements (with roads/ships) on any one island, or two islands, of your choice. You may place both settlements on the same island, or you may place them on two separate islands. Thus, at the beginning of the game you have 1 or 2 "home islands". All other islands are "foreign islands" to you.
Remember: If you build a settlement on the coast, you may place a ship (instead of a road) next to the settlement. You can then go immediately out to sea.
Pirate & Robber
Play this scenario with both the robber and the pirate. The pirate starts on the sea hex marked with a pirate ship. The robber starts on the hex with a "12".
Special Victory Points
If you are able to build a settlement on a foreign island, you will earn special victory points!
When you build your first settlement on a foreign island, you earn TWO special victory points. Take 2 Catan chits and place them underneath the settlement. That settlement is worth 3 victory points! Additional settlements you build on that island do not earn special victory points.
If you build your first settlement on a second foreign island, you again earn TWO special victory points!
If you manage to place a new settlement on a third foreign island, you again earn TWO special victory points!
Note: If you start the scenario with 2 home islands, you will only be able to earn FOUR special victory points. If you start with only 1 home island, you may earn up to SIX special victory points!
It does not matter if another player has already built a settlement on the island, or even if it is that player's home island! Each time you build your first settlement on a new island that was foreign to you, you earn the special victory points.
Example: A player has built his two settlements on the island on the lower left. Now his ships reach the island on the lower right. He builds a settlement on this island and obtains 2 Catan chits, which he places under the settlement. From this settlement he then reaches the island on the upper right, builds his first settlement there, and obtains 2 additional victory points (Catan chits) for it.
End of the Game
The game ends as soon as a player reaches 13 victory points on his turn.
Variable Setup
The contours of the four islands should not be altered. Within these contours, the terrains and number tokens can be redistributed freely. However, you should make sure forest terrains and pasture terrains don't get number tokens that are too unfavorable.

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